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Serge's Pairing Polls Part III: Cordelia!



111 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose the best pairing for Cordelia.

    • Cordelia X Vaike
    • Cordelia X Frederick
    • Cordelia X Lon'qu
    • Cordelia X Virion
    • Cordelia X Gaius
    • Cordelia X Henry
    • Cordelia X Libra
    • Cordelia X Male Avatar
    • Cordelia X Stahl
    • Cordelia X Donnel
    • Cordelia X Kellam
    • Cordelia X Ricken
    • Cordelia X Gregor
  2. 2. Do you like Cordelia X Chrom?

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Someone "dear to him" can definitely still just be a close friend. And consider Lucina's support conversations with a non-married Femvatar...

Yeah, but that's not the only line I meant. If it was, I wouldn't think anything of it. As for Lucina's support, that's one reason I said Female Avatar has no hinted feelings if she doesn't marry Chrom.

Edited by Anacybele
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Lucina has a suggestive line or two as well. She said "someone dear to him" killed Chrom in her future. Sumia is pushed mainly in the first half, but then the attention goes to the Avatar. I realize the Avatar has a major role in the story and all, but she doesn't have any suggestive lines due to the male Avatar's existence. But Chrom does. And I think the only reason that Female Avatar isn't high on Chrom's marriage priority list is because again, the male Avatar.

Also, SilverLightning, I meant in the game. Why would I ever mean the forum? That's stupid. As you say, I'm just as vocal about FrederickxFemale Avatar. And yes, we're both fans of an Avatar pairing, but not the same one. I'm sorry. But hey, we do both ship IkexElincia, don't we? Of course we can be friends. Haha.

Eh, I dunno, in my experience that might just be reading a little too far into it. Which, you know, I would love to do, seeing as I'm a fan and all, but looking at it in an unbiased manner I don't see why they can't be really close friends. But that's just me. :P

And as long as you respect it, that's all that matters to me. I'm sure you'd retaliate if I took a shot at Freddy. Which I'd never do, cause he is cool (even if he is a little ungrateful on the trust scale in the beginning of the game) and I like the AvatarxFred convos. Respect the headcanons; that is my motto! And now I'm done derailing threads and being uncool.

And yes, that is how Priam eventually came down the line. In my world.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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If anything IMO Freddy reaction to Avatar in the beggining of the game is pretty damn realistic, especially for someone who "loved" Chrom more than himself.

Not to mention one of his confession outright talked about his devotion(or i prefer "love") to Chrom and its relation with his love life

this is on topic because this one comes from Cordelia convo.

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Eh, I dunno, in my experience that might just be reading a little too far into it. Which, you know, I would love to do, seeing as I'm a fan and all, but looking at it in an unbiased manner I don't see why they can't be really close friends. But that's just me. :P

Yes, I agree here! Yet people say Chrom and Female Avatar make the story better. That's another reason I thought the pairing was kind of shoved in our faces in the game.

I also got a bit annoyed because this reminded me of my long past debates on IkexElincia vs GeoffreyxElincia. GeoffreyxElincia fans tended to use Elincia's saying that Geoffrey is dear to her and as evidence that she has feelings for him, but I never agreed with that either because of exactly what Interceptor said. Why can't they just be really close friends/sibling figures as well? Their pairing is just as optional as ChromxFemale Avatar.

And as long you respect it, that's all that matters to me. I'm sure you'd retaliate if I took a shot at Freddy. Which I'd never do, cause he is cool (even if he is a little ungrateful on the trust scale in the beginning of the game) and I like the AvatarxFred convos. Respect the headcanons; that is my motto! And now I'm done derailing threads and being uncool.

Oh, it's not that I hate the pairing, it's that I've grown so fond of FrederickxFemale Avatar that I don't want her to marry anyone else...lol. And Frederick's distrust in the beginning is one reason I find the pairing awesome. And in the B support, Avatar mumbles in the end that he was rude. This shows that between the beginning of the game and their S support, their relationship grew and developed a lot, possibly more than any other Avatar pairing. They went from distrust/dislike to friendship to love, marriage, and a child.

This is getting pretty off topic though, so I'll get back on topic. I think the reason Cordelia's unrequited love for Chrom is hated is because her Chrom-related dialogue in the barracks and level-ups don't change after she's married. But that isn't her fault, it was IS being lazy. So I don't blame her for it. I think she's a cool girl and I can relate to her a lot.

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Yes, I agree here! Yet people say Chrom and Female Avatar make the story better. That's another reason I thought the pairing was kind of shoved in our faces in the game.

I also got a bit annoyed because this reminded me of my long past debates on IkexElincia vs GeoffreyxElincia. GeoffreyxElincia fans tended to use Elincia's saying that Geoffrey is dear to her and as evidence that she has feelings for him, but I never agreed with that either because of exactly what Interceptor said. Why can't they just be really close friends/sibling figures as well? Their pairing is just as optional as ChromxFemale Avatar.

Oh, it's not that I hate the pairing, it's that I've grown so fond of FrederickxFemale Avatar that I don't want her to marry anyone else...lol. And Frederick's distrust in the beginning is one reason I find the pairing awesome. And in the B support, Avatar mumbles in the end that he was rude. This shows that between the beginning of the game and their S support, their relationship grew and developed a lot, possibly more than any other Avatar pairing. They went from distrust/dislike to friendship to love, marriage, and a child.

This is getting pretty off topic though, so I'll get back on topic. I think the reason Cordelia's unrequited love for Chrom is hated is because her Chrom-related dialogue in the barracks and level-ups don't change after she's married. But that isn't her fault, it was IS being lazy. So I don't blame her for it. I think she's a cool girl and I can relate to her a lot.

I use the fact that IkeXElincia is an addition in NoA translation to say its not canon. Come at me Bro

Also the game outright mocked the idea that Freddy's confession are pretty unromantic. Silly game, Frederick is a God who gives his Veteran power to the Avatar. That some hardcore proof of love right thar

Anyway the reason why Cordelia is hated is because people exxagerate stuff. And it just happen that her unrecruited love to Chrom is a huge part of her characterization, and is thus more distinct and more stand out, which led the way into a lot of haters. She manage to become pretty popular in her own rights, so.... yeah.

Personally? Cordelia has cheap introduction which make me want to throw up, and some of her convo are outright terrible(in particular, Henry S convo), but outside that shes fine

Athough because Sheeda is more Badass than Catria and Palla, so im biased to hate Cordelia.

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Yes, I agree here! Yet people say Chrom and Female Avatar make the story better. That's another reason I thought the pairing was kind of shoved in our faces in the game.

I also got a bit annoyed because this reminded me of my long past debates on IkexElincia vs GeoffreyxElincia. GeoffreyxElincia fans tended to use Elincia's saying that Geoffrey is dear to her and as evidence that she has feelings for him, but I never agreed with that either because of exactly what Interceptor said. Why can't they just be really close friends/sibling figures as well? Their pairing is just as optional as ChromxFemale Avatar.

Oh, it's not that I hate the pairing, it's that I've grown so fond of FrederickxFemale Avatar that I don't want her to marry anyone else...lol. And Frederick's distrust in the beginning is one reason I find the pairing awesome. And in the B support, Avatar mumbles in the end that he was rude. This shows that between the beginning of the game and their S support, their relationship grew and developed a lot, possibly more than any other Avatar pairing. They went from distrust/dislike to friendship to love, marriage, and a child.

This is getting pretty off topic though, so I'll get back on topic. I think the reason Cordelia's unrequited love for Chrom is hated is because her Chrom-related dialogue in the barracks and level-ups don't change after she's married. But that isn't her fault, it was IS being lazy. So I don't blame her for it. I think she's a cool girl and I can relate to her a lot.

Well, I do think it makes the story better; which is MY opinion, not necessarily true for everyone. And while I would love to express why I really like ChromxF Avatar and what makes it great (beyond just the support convos, which I admit could have been better developed but are most certainly not trash), I'll refrain since we have been going off topic.

As for Fred, I do understand why he felt the Avatar was untrustworthy; it makes sense. The only thing that annoyed me was even after becoming a Shepherd and pulling victories left and right, he STILL snarks about the Avatar being not trustworthy at least into Ferox. Which perhaps means he is suspicious by nature, but it just feels like a "Dude, Where's My Respect?" moment to me. Oh well, he gets mega cool after so all's good! :)

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Its like.... the game want us to sympathize with the girl, except the dialogue are just..... not well made

MAYBE its because Fiora does the same back in FE7, which make her intro feels like a cheap, reused scene that we have seen before, but seriously instead of feeling sad or something, her introduction is more like "WTFJUSTHAPPENEDANDWHOTHEHELLISTHATGIRL" kind of scene.

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I use the fact that IkeXElincia is an addition in NoA translation to say its not canon. Come at me Bro

Uh, the pairing doesn't have an ending in EITHER version of the game. :/

Also the game outright mocked the idea that Freddy's confession are pretty unromantic. Silly game, Frederick is a God who gives his Veteran power to the Avatar. That some hardcore proof of love right thar

I thought his confession to the Avatar was charming and romantic. "My heart is yours, milady. I vow to defend you as knight and husband until death should part us." I was so charmed, I squealed. Frederick is basically saying "my love for you is so strong that it will last forever. I'm your knight in shining armor." :wub: Also, another thing I love about the pairing: Frederick is the only character that gives the Avatar a kiss. He kisses her hand! Besides, Freddy's character is all serious and sophisticated and stuff. He's not just gonna go "Oh, I love you so much, Avatar!" lol

Also, I thought Cordelia's intro was neat. :/

Edited by Anacybele
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Its like.... the game want us to sympathize with the girl, except the dialogue are just..... not well made

MAYBE its because Fiora does the same back in FE7, which make her intro feels like a cheap, reused scene that we have seen before, but seriously instead of feeling sad or something, her introduction is more like "WTFJUSTHAPPENEDANDWHOTHEHELLISTHATGIRL" kind of scene.

How can you not feel anything during Cordelia's intro? That chapter was jam-packed with emotions! It was sadder than a dead kitten. Not only Cordelia's part, but the effect it had on the story going forward from that point.

Are you a human being? :angry:

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Like i said, blame the dialog

Personally, I hated how the whole team pretty much ignored the part where she talked about it

Maybe blame the fact that it happened right before Emm's sacrifice, or the fact that she did not appear or even alluded before that chapter

Point is, the structure of the story brings A LOT of effect to some events. This is a good example of that moment.

Uh, the pairing doesn't have an ending in EITHER version of the game. :/

What im saying is IkeXElincia outright did not exist in Japanese version of PoR.

Its a funny joke to mess with shippers because its funny and i say so.

Also my post basically suggest that i suported that pairing. Except Im a MarcusXTiki and FrederickXCordelia shipper. Tough luck.

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Like i said, blame the dialog

Personally, I hated how the whole team pretty much ignored the part where she talked about it

Maybe blame the fact that it happened right before Emm's sacrifice, or the fact that she did not appear or even alluded before that chapter

Point is, the structure of the story brings A LOT of effect to some events. This is a good example of that moment.

Uh, the pairing doesn't have an ending in EITHER version of the game. :/

What im saying is IkeXElincia outright did not exist in Japanese version of PoR.

Its a funny joke to mess with shippers because its funny and i say so.

Also my post basically suggest that i suported that pairing. Except Im a MarcusXTiki and FrederickXCordelia shipper. Tough luck.

Oh fine. lol

Each to his own, I guess. But Cordelia would be who I'd pair Frederick with if I played a male Avatar. Don't know if that'll ever happen though. xP

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I'm actually a little surprised that this poll hasn't taken a nose dive compared with the other ones I've seen (hope I didn't speak too soon...)

I think it's because this poll had no incest/yuri options, but it's also because there aren't many arguements about these stuff in the Awakening forums.

Current results:

Stahl X Cordelia is at the top right now!

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Oh, it's not that I hate the pairing, it's that I've grown so fond of FrederickxFemale Avatar that I don't want her to marry anyone else...lol. And Frederick's distrust in the beginning is one reason I find the pairing awesome. And in the B support, Avatar mumbles in the end that he was rude. This shows that between the beginning of the game and their S support, their relationship grew and developed a lot, possibly more than any other Avatar pairing. They went from distrust/dislike to friendship to love, marriage, and a child.

Well, Frederick's distrust didn't seem as strong in the beginning in the Japanese version. I don't know how it goes in the supports or later in the storyline in the Japanese version though, but yeah. Or at least it wasn't as sarcastic. Or at least that's how I viewed it as.

But that's all about female Avatar and this thread is on Cordelia. I voted Stahl mostly because I thought the supports were cute. Though I got her with Gaius in my main file, I still liked Stahl's better. But after reading this thread, Cordelia/Vaike does seem cute too.... still. I think after Stahl, I might vote for Lon'qu. Only that I find Lon'qu/Nowi to be really cute sooo... but that's something that doesn't belong here.

Edited by Cordelia
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