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Awakening HM LTC Playthrough


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You didn't try carrying Frederick to the boss with Stahl on turn 2?

I did, problem is my Avatar doesnt ORKO anything so the neccesary Avatar Sully ferrying wouldnt work.

[spoiler=Chapter 3]

Chapter 3: Warrior Realm

Chrom and Marcia B Support.

First, I start by making sure Sully's inventory has at least 3 items.

Reorder some units and start.

I have Fred pair into Sully. Chrom pairs into Marcia. Marcia moves forward,

switches to Chrom and he speaks to Kellam. Then he switches back to Marcia and ends turn.

Kellam goes right and trades his javelin and Vulnerary to Sully, making her

inventory be full. Vaike pairs into Stahl and he full moves left.

Sully also full moves and attacks the Door Key Archer with Javelin, Fred chose

to finish off the archer, but my strat doesnt rely on that. Sully sends the key to convoy.

If the Archer hadnt been finished there, Avatar wouldve killed in EP anyway.

Anyway, in EP, the Soldiers go for Iron Sword stahl. The archer goes for Avatar and gets

ORKO'd to a chrom dual strike. In PP2, Sumia kills a soldier after Kellam paired with her.

Avatar moves and retrieves the door key from the convoy, trading it to Stahl. Then she switches to Chrom and transfers herself to Stahl, giving Vaike to Chrom. Stahl moves, switches to Marcia, who trades the door key (why did I trade it to stahl in the first place if she was gonna be the one to use it? LOL) and uses it to open the door. Sully full moves through the door and lands 1 down 1 right of the armor. The remaining soldier is taken care of by Miriel.

In EP, Avatar is attacked by the armor instead of sully just as planned. Sully is attacked by a merc and an archer. In Player Phase, Stahl finishes the armor off and Sully full moves right and switches to Fred, who ORKOs the boss with Silver Lance.

3 turns

MVP Frederick and Sully

Unit		Class		Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons
Chrom		Lord		1.35	20	7	1	8	8	5	7	1	Sword E
Marcia		Tactician	7.62	25	7	8	9	12	4	8	6	Sword E Tome D
Lissa		Cleric		1.60	17	1	5	4	4	8	3	4	Staff E
Frederick	Great Knight	2.62	29	14	3	12	11	6	15	3	Sword D Lance A Axe D
Sully		Cavalier	4.00	22	7	1	9	9	7	7	3	Sword E Lance D
Vaike		Fighter		3.00	base
Stahl		Cavalier	3.70	23	9	0	8	7	6	8	1	Sword D Lance E
Miriel		Mage		1.37	base
Sumia		Peg.Knight	1.37	base
Kellam		Knight		5.00	base

Edited by CordeliaxFrederick
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Chapter 4: Two Falchions

FrederickxSully C

Bought 3 Str Tonics and 3 Def Tonics.

Forged 1 MT on the javelin.

Units deployed:

Chrom Marcia Frederick

Sumia Sully Stahl

Applied a Str and Def Tonic to Frederick.

Basically, I had Fred pair into Sully and she goes up, switches to him and he

equips the Silver Lance. Only being in range of "Marth". Sumia+Stahl and Marcia+

Chrom get in range of fighters at the bottom. In EP, Marth takes 27 out of 31 hp

from frederick. The mages move in erratic ways and one of the fighers gets killed

by Sumia, because Stahl proc'd a Dual Strike. Avatar attacks the mage from 2 range,

hoping to score a Chrom dual strike and she does, that mage was in such a position that

if I attacked him from 1 range, he would make a hand axe dude move towards whoever attacked at 1 range.

Its weird, ive never seen the mages move so much down :/. Usually they follow Fred.

Anyway, Stahl finishes off the other remaining fighter and gets a good level. Fred

finishes off "Marth" with the javelin forge, by doing so, he puts himself in range of all the

remaining enemies. Sully gives him just enough str to ORKO even the armors in EP and he gets hp skl spd.

2 turns

MVP Frederick and Sully

Unit		Class		Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons
Chrom		Lord		1.40	20	7	1	8	8	5	7	1	Sword E
Marcia		Tactician	8.22	26	8	9	9	13	5	9	6	Sword E Tome D
Frederick	Great Knight	3.41	30	14	3	13	12	6	15	3	Sword D Lance A Axe D
Sully		Cavalier	4.00	22	7	1	9	9	7	7	3	Sword E Lance D
Stahl		Cavalier	4.18	24	10	0	9	7	6	9	1	Sword D Lance E
Sumia		Peg.Knight	1.80	base

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Chapter 5: The Exalt and the King

Bought more str and def tonics.

Applied one of each on Fred and one of each on Sully.

This one was complicated.

I had Marcia attack a barbarian in the north and Chrom dual striked.

Fred paired into Sumia and Sumia flew him up to the left of the Dark Mage and

he killed him with the javelin forge. Ricken now attacked the Myrmidon.

Kellam pairs into Sully and she KOs the Myrmidon. Stahl pairs into Lon'qu. Miriel just

sits there doing nothing. Maribelle sat in range of a Wyvern. In EP, stuff dies to Fred and Lon'qu

and the Wyverns all move down because of Maribelle standing in range of the closest wyvern.

Next turn, I have Maribelle pair into Ricken. Sully finishes off a myrmidon that

survived Fred because he didnt double him. Now Fred goes left then up and KOs the boss with Silver Lance,

sending it to the convoy and autoequipping Iron Lance. Avatar attacks the Wyvern that hurt

Maribelle but Chrom doesnt dual strike. So Ricken used Elwind to finish him off, staying away from the

myrmidon and barbarian that rushed on Maribelle's side. Miriel attacks the remaining Dark Mage

near Lon'qu and Stahl uses Bronze Lance to finish him off and get some Lance rank.

In EP, Avatar gets attacked by the barbarian and yet again Chrom doesnt dual strike...

Fred kills a barbarian and weakens a myrmidon, who is now on the fort, blocking it.

Ricken gets attacked by a wyvern and elwinds him. Sully gets attacked by 2 wyverns and

she takes the attacks just fine thanks to Kellam. Next turn, I have Ricken finish off a wyvern.

But, now he would be in range of the hand axe reinforcement so I have Fred stand

2 tiles left of him and I have him Javelin the remaining wyvern that was weakened by Sully.

Avatar now attacks a myrmidon, chrom dual strikes and hes down to 6 hp. Stahl blocks the

fort near the beginning of the map. In EP, the Dark Mage, the weakened Myrmidon and the Hand

axe reinforcement die to Frederick. The other 2 enemies die to Marcia.

3 turns

MVP Frederick and Sumia

Unit		Class		Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapons
Chrom		Lord		1.55	20	7	1	8	8	5	7	1	Sword E
Marcia		Tactician	9.75	27	9	9	10	13	5	9	6	Sword E Tome D
Frederick	Great Knight	4.56	31	14	3	13	12	7	16	3	Sword D Lance A Axe D
Sully		Cavalier	5.28	23	8	1	10	9	8	8	3	Sword E Lance C
Stahl		Cavalier	4.51	24	10	0	9	7	6	9	1	Sword D Lance E
Sumia		Peg.Knight	1.86	base
Lon'qu		Myrmidon	4.66	20	6	1	12	13	7	7	2	Sword C
Miriel		Mage		1.48	base
Kellam		Knight		5.00	base
Ricken		Mage		4.08	21	3	8	7	5	11	6	3	Tome D
Maribelle	Troubadour	3.00	base

Edited by CordeliaxFrederick
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No comments, no interest for me to continue either since I got bored. Mods please lock this.

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