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Is Priam Canon?

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^ I dunno, I think they're all canonically alive at the end considering they can all produce a child (Morgan). If they were Risen or strictly there for fanservice I don't think they would be presented as being fertile. Plus they can all actually die after showing up again. Walhart was probably talking about being dead metaphorically.

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As far as the Spotpass characters go, only two of them are canon: Yen'fay and Priam

Yen'fay is from an alternate future, so he's explained well enough and could be canon.

Priam didn't even show up during the story beforehand, so he needs no explanation, and thus is canon.

Gangrel, Walhart, and Aversa were all killed clearly, so how they explained their returns is not as plausible. Then we have Emmeryn, who fell from a really high cliff, so there's a very slim chance she actually survived. Some fans speculated that Walhart was actually a Risen, and Aversa may have escaped after being defeated, but fan speculation is just that: speculation.

Just my two cents that no one will comment on.

High cliffs are survivable (it bothers me that people even bringing this up while playing a game that has dragons and magic) , Walhart is clearly a risen.... Gangrel survival is only weird one.

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Come to think of it one thing I want to know is what did Ike or Priam do to the Ragnell. In Priam's art it looks like it's been thoroughly beat up and is all cracked and dented and put on a different hilt, no wonder it's thrown instead of firing Shock Waves.

One thing I never understood is why Ragnell is assumed to be Ike's (and therefore Priam's). Ragnell was never actually Ike's property; it was lent to him by Sanaki and therefore is Begnion's national treasure. He even returned it after PoR and only used it again for RD, after which presumably he should have returned it before he ran off. It just always bugged me that he supposedly passed it down to Priam when it was never his to pass down. :/

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One thing I never understood is why Ragnell is assumed to be Ike's (and therefore Priam's). Ragnell was never actually Ike's property; it was lent to him by Sanaki and therefore is Begnion's national treasure. He even returned it after PoR and only used it again for RD, after which presumably he should have returned it before he ran off. It just always bugged me that he supposedly passed it down to Priam when it was never his to pass down. :/

Ike killed the maker of the blade herself, he certainly deserve something for his work....

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^ I dunno, I think they're all canonically alive at the end considering they can all produce a child (Morgan). If they were Risen or strictly there for fanservice I don't think they would be presented as being fertile. Plus they can all actually die after showing up again. Walhart was probably talking about being dead metaphorically.

Well, let's not forget that one of the goals in this game was to make EVERY playable Awakening character a possible marriage partner for MU, which includes the Spotpass characters. This is probably the entire reason behind that.

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Gangrel, Walhart, and Aversa were all killed clearly, so how they explained their returns is not as plausible. Then we have Emmeryn, who fell from a really high cliff, so there's a very slim chance she actually survived. Some fans speculated that Walhart was actually a Risen, and Aversa may have escaped after being defeated, but fan speculation is just that: speculation.

Just my two cents that no one will comment on.

There's a lot more speculation in that post than there is in someone saying that Aversa or Gangrel could have escaped.

Basilio was also "clearly killed". And he's still around. But I guess him showing up later must be non-canon, then.

Personally, I'm of the belief that all 6 of the Spotpass paralogue characters are canon, and that Walhart is definitely not a Risen. He doesn't look or act like a Risen.

That said, I am hoping that Priam shows up in another FE game in the future. He just screams sequel.

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Or as a response to the whole 'Ike is gay' thing...

Why would IS need to address that? They were the ones who sort of implied it by not giving Ike any endings with female characters in the first place.

Not to raise one of those dumb "is this pairing canon" debates, but yeah, IS gave us plenty of reasons to think that Ike was either gay or asexual, so...

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Why would IS need to address that? They were the ones who sort of implied it by not giving Ike any endings with female characters in the first place.

Not to raise one of those dumb "is this pairing canon" debates, but yeah, IS gave us plenty of reasons to think that Ike was either gay or asexual, so...

Maybe they did it unintentionally and they wanted to fix the motion...

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Why would IS need to address that? They were the ones who sort of implied it by not giving Ike any endings with female characters in the first place.

Not to raise one of those dumb "is this pairing canon" debates, but yeah, IS gave us plenty of reasons to think that Ike was either gay or asexual, so...

Hm? I always thought they were just close comrades or something, but whatever. I have a feeling that delving too for into this is a bad Idea, so I'm movin on.

Anyone ever think that when a character chucks Ragnell it looks really doofy? I do. This FE is supposed to be all cool and aesthetically pleasing. Was throwing it the best they could come up with? Just sayin'.

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I accept the survival of Gangrel, Walhart, and Aversa. Having a units HP drop to 0 doesn't mean they've been killed in battle. Characters like Camus and Oliver have cheated death before, so I see no reason to object their survival. Really, what it comes down to is if the developers want to use the characters, and clearly in this case they did.

As for Priam, I agree that he is also cannon. That said however, I think he's only a fanservice character, not a hint for an upcoming game.

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I accept the survival of Gangrel, Walhart, and Aversa. Having a units HP drop to 0 doesn't mean they've been killed in battle. Characters like Camus and Oliver have cheated death before, so I see no reason to object their survival. Really, what it comes down to is if the developers want to use the characters, and clearly in this case they did.

As for Priam, I agree that he is also cannon. That said however, I think he's only a fanservice character, not a hint for an upcoming game.

You know, I'm going to take back what I said. It does make sense for most of these Spotpass characters to have survived in some fashion. As this guy said, 0 HP doesn't mean death in some cases, so I now feel what I said was a waste of breath.

The only thing I can really use as a counter-argument is the fact that the Spotpass characters lack any supports apart from the MU, and if they are the father/mother, Morgan. This makes them seem more like they're not really there. They could have atleast had supports amongst themselves to make them feel more "visible".

But you know, I'm rambling again, so might as well disregard me.

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Priam for FExSMT's main character?

Regardless, I could see him popping up in more games, and him being a main lord of FE14 wouldn't surprise me at all. Maybe he'll be the Hector of FE14, and set up that way so us westerners can have our Ike descendent, while in Japanese they can focus on the other lord more.

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Could Priam be a descendant of Mist?

It all makes sense now, Soren did Mist and everyone thought that Soren's bromance with Ike made him gay....quick check Paris's back and see if he has a brand

It actually seems possible, but knowing IS I doubt it is.

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