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Something I Noticed


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So something I noticed, right? When you kill risen, their bodies dissappear. But their Horses, Griffons, Pegasi, and Wyverns do not dissolve(or whatever you call it). I'm not sure what kind of living creature would consent to be ridden by an undead corpse soldier. Your thoughts on this?

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I never noticed.

Maybe only the original Risen have this, or maybe it's because the other risen look like humans so they can't dissolve (or whatever) for a reason I don't know about?

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Horses seem pretty happy to have people ride them, I don't see why a slightly smelly undead dude would be much different.


They don't think. Or they were forced to be ridden on until they can be freeeeee.
Edited by Cordelia
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At this point, I just don't think about it. The only way way it would make sense in my head is if the mount was demonic as well, which they clearly aren't, so I just ignore it.

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The horses are still alive, they probably stole them from some mercenaries and knights.

Or maybe the knights and mercenaries got killed, rose from the dead and are riding their own horses...

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My theory is that the mounts just think that it's still their old rider on them, since the Risen actually do seem to have been living people at some point, and the freaky masks/hoods we see on Risen Chiefs/Revenant/Entombed is to hide that they took a sword to the face or something.

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Riders and their mounts share a symbiotic relationship. Upon mounting for the first time, a rider will secrete an acidic substance that fuses them to their mount. After a time, nervous connections form between the two, and eventually they reach the point where they can be considered a single organism.

It is at this point where some light DNA exchanging occurs. While not to a large degree, the rider will begin to take on some light characteristics of their mount. Wyvern riders' skin will harden slightly, making them weak to weaponry designed to kill dragons, for example. Riders will also gain a slight ability to understand the thoughts of their mounts. Research is still being performed on this phenomena, but some believe that neural connections are formed after extensive contact. (It's also worth noting that the mysterious magical artifacts referred to as "Seals" also affect a mount when used by its rider, sometimes drastically changing its appearance or even its species.)

When under attack, the rider/mount hybrid creature will share pain throughout both bodies. It is common for newly fused rider/mounts, when suffering severe blows in combat, to be separated forcefully. When this occurs, the shock to their systems will immediately kill both the rider and his mount.

Edited by Rawr
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................ Wow. Someone sure has some crazy imagination to think up of that. So that pretty much agrees with

Or maybe the knights and mercenaries got killed, rose from the dead and are riding their own horses...

and what Cookies said to elaborate.

Edited by Cordelia
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Riders and their mounts share a symbiotic relationship. Upon mounting for the first time, a rider will secrete an acidic substance that fuses them to their mount. After a time, nervous connections form between the two, and eventually they reach the point where they can be considered a single organism.

It is at this point where some light DNA exchanging occurs. While not to a large degree, the rider will begin to take on some light characteristics of their mount. Wyvern riders' skin will harden slightly, making them weak to weaponry designed to kill dragons, for example. Riders will also gain a slight ability to understand the thoughts of their mounts. Research is still being performed on this phenomena, but some believe that neural connections are formed after extensive contact. (It's also worth noting that the mysterious magical artifacts referred to as "Seals" also affect a mount when used by its rider, sometimes drastically changing its appearance or even its species.)

When under attack, the rider/mount hybrid creature will share pain throughout both bodies. It is common for newly fused rider/mounts, when suffering severe blows in combat, to be separated forcefully. When this occurs, the shock to their systems will immediately kill both the rider and his mount.


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Riders and their mounts share a symbiotic relationship. Upon mounting for the first time, a rider will secrete an acidic substance that fuses them to their mount. After a time, nervous connections form between the two, and eventually they reach the point where they can be considered a single organism.

It is at this point where some light DNA exchanging occurs. While not to a large degree, the rider will begin to take on some light characteristics of their mount. Wyvern riders' skin will harden slightly, making them weak to weaponry designed to kill dragons, for example. Riders will also gain a slight ability to understand the thoughts of their mounts. Research is still being performed on this phenomena, but some believe that neural connections are formed after extensive contact. (It's also worth noting that the mysterious magical artifacts referred to as "Seals" also affect a mount when used by its rider, sometimes drastically changing its appearance or even its species.)

When under attack, the rider/mount hybrid creature will share pain throughout both bodies. It is common for newly fused rider/mounts, when suffering severe blows in combat, to be separated forcefully. When this occurs, the shock to their systems will immediately kill both the rider and his mount.

What. The. Heck?

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