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Yay Awakening playlog time


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Par 23 (Priam): 5/295

Not easy stuff. Not at all. 50 powerful units all moving straight for you in a wide open area is not the most clever map design.

Dropped the last of my stat boosters and massively Tonic'd everyone up (it's the last time to use most of them), though most units didn't really end up using them since Morgan and Tiki did 85% of the fighting. Since I had plenty of room, I brought along all the Spotpass units I'd just recruited as well as some Pair Up partners for them. Morgan also got two Arms Scrolls so he could use a Spear.

So on the first turn after stacking rallies I used Rescue to get Morgan in range of some enemies to get things started right away. Otherwise we just moved.

Second turn was a bit more crucial. Tiki took the top right corner of the middle area, perfect positioning to remove all Counter Warriors on that side of the map. Anna needed to join in at least once for every kill, and she did. Priam also got started at this time, and he was surprisingly non-threatening. Morgan stayed in the same area off to the left, picking off a few more enemies and killing Generals.

By the start of the third turn the enemy forces were almost halfway gone. I knew Morgan couldn't handle the coming enemies considering the Sages, so I start pulling back and playing it safe. By turn 5 there were 8 enemies left and I was easily able to use who I had to kill them all.

Aversa was quite useful with powerful Dark magic and Galeforce. She got rid of a General that would have annoyed Tiki and otherwise took out problem enemies that were getting too close to my main group. Stacking Rallies every turn and staying safe was only useful because of Olivia and having 4 units with Rescue (Lissa, Libra, Gangrel, Emmeryn). So basically, Morgan and Tiki took the brunt of attacks, but it was still quite the team effort.

Unit        Class        Lv    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Weapon            Support        Skills
Fox        Grandmaster    8    69    37    44    31    38    33    26    25    A Sword, A Tome        S Chrom        Veteran, Ignis, Rally Spectrum, Slow Burn, Lifetaker
Chrom        Paladin        9    71    39    4    36    34    37    37    14    A Sword, A Lance    S Fox        Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Rightful King, Defender
Frederick    General        5    49    24    4    23    16    12    24    11    A Lance, A Axe        S Sumia        Discipline, Outdoor Fighter, Luna, Dual Guard+, Rally Defense
Lissa        Valkyrie    2    51    13    33    22    29    34    11    26    A Staff, C Tome        S Libra        Dual Support+, Healtouch, Res +2, Demoiselle, Rally Res
Sumia        Falcon Knight    3    73    30    15    37    43    30    17    36    A Lance, D Staff    S Fred        Spd +2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire
Panne        Wyvern Lord    1    73    40    4    35    35    20    35    11    A Axe, D Lance        S Gaius        Even Rhythm, Str +2, Tantivy, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker
Gaius        Assassin    18    57    37    5    39    35    16    24    12    A Sword, A Bow        S Panne        Locktouch, Move +1, Lethality, Pass
Libra        War Monk    3    56    24    26    26    27    25    17    26    A Axe, A Staff        S Lissa        Healtouch, Miracle, Rally Luck, Renewal
Anna        Trickster    5    55    24    31    39    32    45    18    18    A Sword, C Staff    A Tiki        Move +1, Locktouch, Lucky Seven, Acrobat
Lucina        Great Lord    14    80    41    21    41    45    47    36    28    A Sword, A Lance    A Morgan    Veteran, Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Rightful King
Morgan        Great Knight    11    80    49    24    33    39    33    38    22    A Sword, A Axe, B Lance    A Lucina    Axebreaker, Rightful King, Rally Spectrum, Armsthrift, Sol
Tiki        Manakete    22    80    40    34    35    36    47    41    42    Dragonstone        A Anna        Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane

Endgame: 2/297

Easy stuff compared to some previous maps. Just move on the first turn, kill the Warrior with someone, Rescue closer if needed, and attack with a Brave user in front and Falchion user supporting. Morgan/Lucina started, getting Grima down to about 42 HP, then Fox/Chrom finished the job.

Stats: Lol

Lunatic starts punishingly difficult, then gets easier and easier, then gets really hard again but easier again as you do more maps, and then Walhart's and Priam's maps will almost definitely be quite difficult unless you used grinding. While dodge-tanking is quite reliable against unpromoted enemies, promoted enemies have Hit rates too high and good durability and self-healing become extremely important for surviving multiple enemies per turn. Also, there's some lazy map design; lots of open spaces. Some maps that would be annoying, like Ch 14 and 19, can at least be quick-cleared by just killing the boss.

Units breakdown:

Fox/Avatar - Battles: 330. Victories: 288
Extremely useful in combat for the first half or so of the game, dropped off a bit after that due to non-perfect durability and no enemy phase self-healing. However, was always still useful for Rally Spectrum, even if nothing else. As far as the full run is concerned, the likely MVP.

Chrom - Battles: 168. Victories: 124
Makes a great Pair Up partner, but otherwise tends to be rather unspectacular on his own. He could still generally be switched to in a bad moment, though, and later on his concrete durability really skyrocketed, making him occasionally better in the lead position when taking hits is important.

Frederick - Battles 207, Victories 117
I tried to use him full game as a combatant, but it just doesn't work. His experience gain simply won't let him keep up in Lunatic, so he was relegated to support bot by the halfway point. Still, he's practically necessary for the first few maps. Can't fault him too much.

Lissa - Battles: 37. Victories: 24
I didn't mention it a lot in the log, but healing is actually very important in Lunatic, particularly at Ch 17 and beyond when enemies are all promoted and start getting impossible forges and +Hit skills. So yeah, that was awesome from her. I also made lots of use of Rescue, and not all mentioned in the log. Sometimes it was just to, well, rescue someone from harm.

Sumia - Battles: 126. Victories: 98
Hm...Cordelia really would have been better. Sumia could rarely take more than a single hit before looking death in the eye and eventually relied on Brave Lance and Dual Guards to kill and live. Still, flight with staves was quite useful at times, and Rally Speed was very important at other times, so at least having someone in her class on my team was helpful.

Panne - Battles: 144. Victories: 102
Panne is...better in hard mode, where she can become a dodge tank that happens to have good offense and durability otherwise. She was able to take small groups of enemies at times and was rather useful when she did, such as in Gangrel's map, but mostly she was on clean-up duty.

Gaius - Battles: 73. Victories: 52
Kinda the same as Panne, but I don't know what happened to his Speed. The most use I got out of him was a Pair Up partner with Bows for helping take out flying enemies with Panne. Not awful, but not really a recommendable choice.

Libra - Battles: 141. Victories: 29
The absurdly high battles is because of grinding support by waiting for dual guards. Otherwise, see Lissa. His combat is also kind of useful for, like, his first two or three maps.

Anna - Battles: 73. Victories: 45
Staves, Locktouch, and Swords with high Spd/Mag with Lucky Seven on top is actually a surprisingly good combo until her low-for-level bases start to kick in, but by then Tiki was around to take the reigns. Anna really is kind of an all-purpose unit that fits into just about any team.

Lucina - Battles: 114. Victories: 90
Well, she's awesome. What else is there? She also makes a great Pair Up partner. I'm actually kind of surprised at her relatively low Battle/Victory count. I guess Morgan took the lead more than I realized.

Morgan - Battles: 182. Victories: 139
An extra Rally Spectrum, auto-Veteran and Rightful King, re-classed for Armsthrift, and eventually Sol and Axebreaker. This was one damn tough unit. Morgan, male or female, is always a top unit when used. You really can't go wrong with the offspring of the Avatar. So much tanking.

Tiki - Battles: 225. Victories: 179
The next candidate for MVP of the run. I literally don't know how I'd have gotten past some maps, like Par 23, without her. Great durability and amazing offense at 1-2 range. She's basically an easy button and challenge runs should probably ban her. Anna seemed to be a pretty good Pair Up partner as the Speed boost often got Tiki doubling (and Tiki, as a result, almost always doubled) and neither one has much else for support options. An amazing unit.

Other units used:
Olivia - Mostly useful at the beginning of the maps during crucial first turns, but helped a good number of strategies nonetheless. For perspective, she reached level 23 by the end.
Cynthia/Basilio - Rally Bots. Both were quite useful for Speed to double and Strength to kill.
Gangrel/Emmeryn - Extra staves for a map. Both did some healing and Rescuing.
Aversa - Flying Galeforce power. It was actually very useful, and she's probably the best of the Spotpass recruitments.

Thanks for watching.

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Would anyone be interested in me logging any of the DLC maps, specifically The Future Past maps? I'm grinding out some of the parents to help kids like Noire survive a turn on Future Past 1, but the main team is all still the same and I plan to play the maps that way.

As for others, I'll only bother doing anything that's actually reasonably difficult, so no Golden Pack or Champions of Yore, etc.

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