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Some questions before I start on Friday :)


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Hi everybody,

I know there is question thread but I have more than one and they are somewhat complex so I hope its okay starting a new one. I havent read all of it either.

And as you might noticed I'm from europe and english is not my mother tongue but I hope everything is understandable. :)

1. How many Units can I deploy per Chapter? or: Do I have to play dlc/spotpass maps for bonding do get all children/characters leveld I like(which are most or them this time^^)?

In the past there alway were more Units I liked then I could use which made me concetrate on the ones I like the most like mages and swordwielding classes, while other fell behind like axe users or armored units. But this time there is even more focus on the chraraterisation like with the marriage system.

2. Are all pairings viable(at least stat wise) in hardmode and above?

Thats kinda difficult for me in any RPG because I always prefer options that are more in tune with the lore or the way I like to see characters and sometime dismiss improvmend of my units, for instance in Xenoblade Chronicle I keept armor that was worse just because It looked much better.

In this game for instance I read that for a viable Owain(<3) the ideal father would be Vaike. Say something if you want to know more of my preferred pairings and if they work.

[i will start normal/classic anyway to test things out, playthoughs after that will be at least hard/classic]

3.In a straightforward playtrough did you get enough money to buy enough seals and spotpass character you like?

In past games I never had a problem with money that but this time there is a lot more to do with it. Is the gold dlc episode necessary for lunatic or if I want to get all(at leats all main chars)spotpass characters in any difficulty?

Well I guess that that for the start, maybe there will be some more question come to me in the next few days.

Thanks for anwsering in advance!

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1. How many Units can I deploy per Chapter? or: Do I have to play dlc/spotpass maps for bonding do get all children/characters leveld I like(which are most or them this time^^)?

I could be mistaken, but I remember 15-16 being the most you can bring to single map. If you want to level everyone, then yes, you are going to have to use battles outside of the main story.

2. Are all pairings viable(at least stat wise) in hardmode and above?

Thats kinda difficult for me in any RPG because I always prefer options that are more in tune with the lore or the way I like to see characters and sometime dismiss improvmend of my units, for instance in Xenoblade Chronicle I keept armor that was worse just because It looked much better.

In this game for instance I read that for a viable Owain(<3) the ideal father would be Vaike. Say something if you want to know more of my preferred pairings and if they work.

That really depends. I don't know where you heard that Vaike is the ideal father for Owain, but it doesn't make that big of a difference who the father is. How strong the kids are is completely dependant on how strong the parents are. For example, you could pair Lissa with Vaike and still get a really bad Owain if you didn't bother leveling Vaike and Lissa. Likewise you could pair her with someone else and get a really powerful Owain if you leveled both parents a lot.

3.In a straightforward playtrough did you get enough money to buy enough seals and spotpass character you like?

In past games I never had a problem with money that but this time there is a lot more to do with it. Is the gold dlc episode necessary for lunatic or if I want to get all(at leats all main chars)spotpass characters in any difficulty?

I would say no. You get enough money to get by with only what you need, but if you want to level all characters, you're probably going to have to rely on DLC to get the cash you need.

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As for the money question, you do get quite a bit of bullions to sell for $$$$$. As for pairings, I'd say that you can still get away with most of anything on hard mode, but that's not the case on psychiatric ward mode. And indeed, if you wanted to get all the children, you'd have to fight battles outside of the main story.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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In The Radiant Hero you can bring Chrom +29 units to the map

That is far from the second highest amount of units to deploy, which I believe is 20. The final chapter lets you deploy Chrom, Avatar, + 13 units. I'd say plan for 15 units.

The parents influence a kid's starting stats and caps. The starting stats reflect the parents' current stats and the cap modifiers are set for each pairing. Any pairing should be fine on Hard.

I didn't buy many weapons and I had enough money to buy all the seals when I needed them. I find the game provides you with plenty of decent weapons for the lower difficulties. You can't buy Master Seals until after ch12 and Second Seals until after ch16.

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In The Radiant Hero you can bring Chrom +29 units to the map

That's just one map, and it isn't even part of the main story. 15 is about what you have normally.

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