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The Hubba Run


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I'm beginning my third run of Awakening soon (though I'm not finished with my Hard mode run quite yet), and I've got an idea for an amusing gag. That's right, I will be trying the Hubba Run. My Avatar will be the delightfully charming Old Hubba in his younger days as Hubba. As such, I must focus on the lovely ladies in my army. I will be killing off or not using every male character, leaving me only female soldiers for combat (other than Hubba, of course). Also, Hubba will be marrying Aversa, so the only children available for me to recruit will be Civilian!Lucina and Aversa!Morgan.

My question is, what do you think will be a good strategy for this run? I'll be playing on Normal to keep things relaxing, but there are still some logistics to work out. I plan to level grind minimally, if at all, so what class should Hubba (as my only male) be? I was thinking Berserker, since I find it funny and because a roster of women would be slightly lacking in the heavy-hitter area. But are there any other classes you guys would recommend, or additional rules you think I should follow to make this run as Hubba-licious as possible? Also, which ladies would you recommend I use? So far I'm fairly confident I'll be using:






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Well, Hubba appears to be wearing sage clothes, maybe do that?

as for best stat/worst...Luck+/HP-?

Hm, I never noticed his sage clothes. I guess that pretty much seals it... unfortunately

And yeah, I was definitely going to make Luck +. I was thinking resistance -, due to his gullibility, but HP could work as well.

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I think Chrom will be an exception to the run, considering you're forced to use him in every chapter. Or how are you going to bench him? Toss him to the side / use as pair-up partner?

Add Olivia! And Maribelle? Lol.

Edited by Cordelia
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I think Chrom will be an exception to the run, considering you're forced to use him in every chapter. Or how are you going to bench him? Toss him to the side / use as pair-up partner?

Add Olivia! And Maribelle? Lol.

I plan to keep Chrom away from all enemies and allies. No Pair Up, no Dual Actions, and no fighting.

And yes, I bet Olivia will be a godsend, since I imagine my units will be one-rounding less frequently and will need healing more (since women usually have higher Spd/Skl and less Str/Def). Good call.

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