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Cherry Blossoms


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Those who live in and around D.C. know that there's a big National Cherry Blossom festival in the city each year. Very often, they can't time up the events for the actual blooming very well, and I find this all very amusing, living a short trip out of the city.

Luckily, I don't have to brave the beltway to see good blossoms. I'm lucky enough to have a bunch of *very* nice trees in my neighborhood, and I've taken pictures of them the past two years to send to my sister who's moved out of the area. I just got done taking these a few days ago, and I figured I'd share the album / video from the car here.

Photobucket album

(Currently uploading)


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Those who live in and around D.C. know that there's a big National Cherry Blossom festival in the city each year. Very often, they can't time up the events for the actual blooming very well, and I find this all very amusing, living a short trip out of the city.

Luckily, I don't have to brave the beltway to see good blossoms. I'm lucky enough to have a bunch of *very* nice trees in my neighborhood, and I've taken pictures of them the past two years to send to my sister who's moved out of the area. I just got done taking these a few days ago, and I figured I'd share the album / video from the car here.


Nice stuff, Rockville isn't quite so lucky. If you don't mind me asking, about what county are you in?

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What?! There's a sakura-thingy festival in D.C.???


Man, my family lived in Ellicott City (for a year; Columbia for a year, and Catonsville for a bit... -_-') for - let's see... - like, 6 years, but I never went to this festival... Saw the Smithstonian museums often, though.

Maybe when I get back... maybe...

But yeah, I hear it's the blossoming season.

I'd personally rather see the blossoms in Japan or Korea, but eh, I'm not going there during that season, so yeah.

Oh well. :(

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On a note of apology, this was supposed to be posted in FFtF, but I had two browser windows open. Doesn't excuse me from not noticing the *second* picture thread in FFtF, but whatever.

I'm Montgomery County.

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Hmmmm I have two baby cherry blossoms in my yard~

They aren't quite to full bloom yet, so perhaps if I were to share some pictures of them, I should wait till they have fully bloomed~

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awww the thunderstorms we've been getting have been ruining my cherry blossoms ;~; Don't think I could get a good picture of them this year

But one of them is at least blooming a little so I can still try to catch the scent at least~

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