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Can someone in UK help me preorder XL bundle with bonus?


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I finally decide that I also want this one! (already owned US 3ds bundle)

I tried to order but unfortunately game.co.uk won't ship to Thailand (no Thailand to select in country option)

I can pay via paypal.

Please, someone


Thank you.

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I'll send money of the product cost + tax + shipping + whatever(management fee) to that person via paypal (or other method?)

Someone preorder the game to his/her address in UK (or other?)

then send the product to my address in Thailand.

(When I ordered US bundle I have a Thai friend in US who's also a gamer so it's not hard to buy.

I have a Thai friend in London too but she seems confused and I'm afraid she can't order for me in time of preorder bonus so I try to ask in this forum too.)

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I could try it, maybe... Let me think about it X D

Would you be willing to send me the money in advance? Or at least approximately half of it?

Also, the bonus you're referring to is the EU artbook, right?

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Would you be willing to send me the money in advance? Or at least approximately half of it?

Also, the bonus you're referring to is the EU artbook, right?

- of course. I'll send the full price of the bundle first.

then maybe the shipping fee+whatever additional cost later (because we don't know the exact amount yet XD)

- Yes I mean the EU artbook

(tempted to buy the cartridge for the wallet too but no, now I'm broke XD )

Did you already preorder both? or just cartridge?

Reading negative comments about game.co.uk here https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=603573716339109&id=177351715627980&set=a.191818374181314.49190.177351715627980&_mn_=5&p=30&refid=13

make me a bit worried but whatever because I have no other choice :P

On the second thought

maybe you don't need to send the product to Thailand (if it's too much bothered) send it to my friend in London instead. (but if my friend won't comeback to Thailand in the near future... hmmm)

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Did you already preorder both? or just cartridge?

I've preordered the bundle and the game for myself : P

- of course. I'll send the full price of the bundle first.

then maybe the shipping fee+whatever additional cost later (because we don't know the exact amount yet XD)

- Yes I mean the EU artbook

(tempted to buy the cartridge for the wallet too but no, now I'm broke XD )

Okay, that sounds fair.

Would you want me (or somebody) to preorder it online or at a store?

As you mentioned, there might be issues with the delivery if you buy it online, but I think you should be safe with Game, since it's big in the UK.

However, buying it from a store has its own issues too. Some of the staff are terrible. Worse still, I've been told that the price of the bundle won't be known until the day before or something ridiculous and it might not be the same as the online price. What a joke... But I don't like receiving consoles via delivery, so I've no choice : (

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Would you want me (or somebody) to preorder it online or at a store?

Oohh I forgot that you can preorder at store too.

Whatever method that easier for you (in this case, at store right? because you also preordered it)

PM me your Paypal if you decide to help me. My wallet is ready to be empty (...or not lol)

Thank you so much.

I've been told that the price of the bundle won't be known until the day before or something ridiculous

That's nonsense. Maybe they want to adjust the price according to demand-supply. hmmmm

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Alright, that's all I needed to know (for now). Thanks ^^

TBH, I'm still trying to decide if I can help or not. We are talking a significant sum of money here and I'm wondering if I can hold responsibility.

Oh yeah, I should also mention that I won't be able to go to town until Wednesday at the earliest. I hope that's not too late.

That's nonsense. Maybe they want to adjust the price according to demand-supply. hmmmm

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking : (

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Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to help.

I just found out I'll be rather busy for the rest of this week.

Apologies if I got your hopes up ^^;;;

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Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to help.

I just found out I'll be rather busy for the rest of this week.

Apologies if I got your hopes up ^^;;;

Or is it possible for you to order online?

Thank you.

My last hope is to nag my Thai friend in London to help me. (but it's so hard/slow to contact her)

Let's see if I can change the destiny lol

edit: oh my oh my.. game.co.uk removed preorder bonus from the web. Maybe it's already out of stock ;_;

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