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New 3DS Nintendo Direct on April 17th at 7AM PST


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So, Nintendo said on Facebook that they're doing their next Direct on the 17th. Thank god I work the evening shift that day, I'll be able to see it!

It'll be about the 3DS, so I'm hoping for Zelda as well as Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. We need a brand new Zelda on it badly! PLEASE SHOW ZELDA. Oh, they could also show another DLC trailer for Awakening, I suppose, but since they've already started releasing the second series, I doubt it.

Also, since the 3DS has been getting a lot of attention lately, I really hope Nintendo gives us a buttload of Wii U stuff at E3.

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A Rhythm Heaven game would be nice...

Yeah, not happening...

Anyway, those two games, are among the games I anticipate the most: Zelda and Pokemon X/Y.

They'll probably give more attention to Animal Crossing, though, especially since it's coming out earlier than the 6-months-away X/Y and the yet unannounced new Zelda 3DS game.

Oh! And Mario & Luigi: Dream Team should be there, too. *That* is one game I wait for eagerly.

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Yes, but we've known that a 3DS Zelda has been in production for ages. As for X and Y, we don't have much information on them yet. They've revealed a few Pokemon, but only one trailer.

Also, Zelda and Pokemon seem to be bigger blockbusters than Animal Crossing.

I also just remembered that I also have a job orientation on the 17th. Damn it, I hope it isn't right during the Direct! DX

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, it *has* been in production for ages... And looking at it that way, I guess it would be nice if they finally announced it~

And Pokemon, being one of Nintendo's main franchises... doesn't it sort of get special treatment? Like, it got it's own Nintendo Direct... So I assumed maybe they'd keep it out... but I dunno.

B-but, even though LoZ and Pokemon are bigger than Animal Crossing, AC is still pretty big... not that I care much. XP (I'm not planning on getting the game... limited budgets suck. X3)

Also, you're not the only one who won't be able to watch it live~

I can't either. Mostly because of terrible Internet connection... :(

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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Pokemon is actually made by GameFreak which is a company that pretty much works for Nintendo. It's not made by the main Nintendo guys themselves. But still, it does tend to get special treatment, you're right.

But I can still hope. lol

As for AC, I see. I never played it and was never interested in it, so I wasn't sure how popular it was. And that sucks. D:

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I suspect that this Nintendo Direct is probably an announcement for at least a couple things.

1. What to expect at E3 (hopefully this means games like Zelda 3D, Monster Hunter 4, Smash Bros 3D, etc.)

2. Details on games that just recently got localizations confirmed, such as Shin Megami Tensei IV, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team.

3. Details on games still in development, like Pokemon X/Y, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 5, and Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate.

Hopefully at least SOME OF THESE come to pass.

Edited by Karaszure
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Cool cool, Wednesday. Since it's about the 3DS, I'm expecting 3DS games information. Lul. Iunno, I'm thinking we might hear about some XY information and Animal Crossing.
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I'm almost positive X and Y will be shown off, and my biggest hope is that we see whether or not Sylveon is a new type or not. Zelda would be great too, although I'd rather look forward to the Wii U Zelda title, I understand some things have to wait. Can't freaking wait until E3 though.

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1. What to expect at E3

I suspect the 3DS Nintendo Directs are happening so quickly and frequently so E3 can be all about WiiU.

In any case, Bravely Default and an European SMTIV localization, pretty please.

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I presume that they'll talk about the new Mewtwo form in Pokemon XY, and we'll probably see more of Animal Crossing New Leaf. I would be ecstatic if they announced Bravely Default but SE doesn't seem to be interested in bringing it over at all. They might also throw in some trailers for Donkey Kong Country Returns, since they haven't really shown the port work off and yet it comes out relatively soon.

I hope we do get a look at a new Zelda but they might hold it off for E3.

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I don't really think there'd be anything Pokemon related, since Pokemon reveals sort of have their own schedule separate from Nintendo Directs. Then again, it is supposedly a big year for Pokemon from what they said a while ago so they could be breaking out of the tradition of separating Pokemon from Nintendo Directs.

As for a Zelda reveal, I guess it's likely. I'm guessing it'll be about New Leaf and upcoming 3rd party titles.

I suspect the 3DS Nintendo Directs are happening so quickly and frequently so E3 can be all about WiiU.

In any case, Bravely Default and an European SMTIV localization, pretty please.

Square has already confirmed the Bravely Default localization a while ago. :D

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I don't really think there'd be anything Pokemon related, since Pokemon reveals sort of have their own schedule separate from Nintendo Directs. Then again, it is supposedly a big year for Pokemon from what they said a while ago so they could be breaking out of the tradition of separating Pokemon from Nintendo Directs.

As for a Zelda reveal, I guess it's likely. I'm guessing it'll be about New Leaf and upcoming 3rd party titles.

Square has already confirmed the Bravely Default localization a while ago. :D

@Bravely Default: REALLY? Oh man oh man oh man :O

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They don't usually cover third-party games in Nintendo Direct, but I'm still hoping for a proper announcement for Ace Attorney 5, Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney and Bravely Default... ;; Or maybe even Monster Hunter 4 but that's even more unlikely orz

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That's a misleading article. Sure, it SAYS that Bravely Default will come to the west, but it's not entirely confirmed. I also remember seeing a few tweets from the devs that they're working hard to try and localize it, but they're having no success. Hopefully this new Nintendo Direct gives us info on it, because I want to be able to play it, too. x_x

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Most of the big ones:

Zelda Link to the Past re-imagining.

Bravely Default confirmed for 2014 NA and 2013 Europe.

Mario Party.

Yoshi's Island 3.

(All for the 3DS)

Re-imagining? I think it's more of a sequel. Takes place in the same game-world, but has different dungeons and a new story.

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Re-imagining? I think it's more of a sequel. Takes place in the same game-world, but has different dungeons and a new story.

Oh yeah, that's possible too.

I was watching the EU Direct, so I dunno if the NA Direct described it differently. All I know is that they were super vague about what the game was.

Actually, the EU site has it listed as "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo 3DS)" in the schedule. Which still could mean anything.

Edited by VincentASM
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Most of the big ones:

Zelda Link to the Past re-imagining.

Bravely Default confirmed for 2014 NA and 2013 Europe.

Mario Party.

Yoshi's Island 3.

(All for the 3DS)


Anyway, I'm a bit disappointed, actually.

I wanted a Majora's Mask remake... :(

And I've never even heard about Bravely Default before. X3

And Mario Party's not an anticipated game of mine.

And Yoshi's Island is... okay.

Anything else???

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There was more news, but mostly for already announced games. Eg. Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros.

There's also SMTIV being localised; I haven't been following that game, so I dunno if that's news.

You could also check the big gaming sites for more info (I was just watching for FE news and a possible Bravely Default localisation) ^^

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