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Flying units have the worst death.

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It's even worse when its a Pegasus Knight and they croak "Why...?"

But I have to agree, I think the mount should land on them. It would explain why arrows are such a bad thing, since it's the mount that's vulnerable to them, not necessarily the rider.

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They fall off their mount and head first to the ground.


It's even worse when its a Pegasus Knight and they croak "Why...?"

Really? I have to say that I like this, as it means that I can savour every enemy Pegasus Knight death even more than I previously could. :evil:

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Well, at least its an epic slow motion face plant...

Am I a horrible person if the first thing I thought when reading this was "Oh, so it's completely in-character for Sumia"?

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Speaking of flyers, why the fuck do they, when being attacked, willingly fly low so grounded units can attack them? It's like they all have a death wish.

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Really? I have to say that I like this, as it means that I can saviour every enemy Pegasus Knight death even more than I previously could. :evil:

So you can saviour their death? You mean you want to save the poor dying pegasus knights?! How noble of you.

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Am I a horrible person if the first thing I thought when reading this was "Oh, so it's completely in-character for Sumia"?

Nope! Though now that you mentioned it, that totally would be.... but I'll never kill any of the main army units. Or any allies. Except DLC allies or just NPCs because they have a LOW percentage of stealing my exp.

It'd be kinda odd to see a mount falling on the rider. Granted it might be more realistic because it's the mount weak to the fliers, but... still.... Those pegasus, pegasi? must be heavy as hell.

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Nope! Though now that you mentioned it, that totally would be.... but I'll never kill any of the main army units. Or any allies. Except DLC allies or just NPCs because they have a LOW percentage of stealing my exp.

It'd be kinda odd to see a mount falling on the rider. Granted it might be more realistic because it's the mount weak to the fliers, but... still.... Those pegasus, pegasi? must be heavy as hell.

Thus the 'death.'

I think it needs to be done to show that, "realistically" the mount landing on them, or the fall itself from the air is probably what kills the fliers / makes them vulnerable to arrows. Or else you could just kill the mount and then essentially have a dismounted Soldier.

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Am I a horrible person if the first thing I thought when reading this was "Oh, so it's completely in-character for Sumia"?

No, you're not. If all mounted units did the faceplant thing, I wouldn't be so offended by it. Since it's limited to Sumia-class, I think it's in there just for her.

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I'll admit I cringe every time I kill a flying unit. D8; That landing looks way too painful, and I can only hope to god they're dead before they land.

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Am I a horrible person if the first thing I thought when reading this was "Oh, so it's completely in-character for Sumia"?

Not for me. I was going to say, "Oh hey, that wouldn't be anything new for Sumia."

Let me guess, I'm getting shot for this, aren't I?

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Speaking of flyers, why the fuck do they, when being attacked, willingly fly low so grounded units can attack them? It's like they all have a death wish.

Well, if they ride too high it'll be out of reach and they couldn't target their enemies well.

Sure, they could do the most practical way by going down->attack->avoid, but since the pegasus always go up and down so that their attacks could be out-of-reach, I guess it'll weigh the pegasus out and possibly give the rider motion sickness because they rise and fall too often.

Plus, the weapons have a limited range of attack.

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