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How is it that Old Hubba has a Einherjar of Tiki?

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Probably something that was overlooked. Aren't the Spotpass Wireless characters Einherjar too? Because Tiki's one of the characters for the FE11 team.

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I don't think there's any reason they'd have to be dead for whoever makes Einherjar cards to make one of them.

We really don't know much about their origins or how they work.

I'd like to see them explained a bit more in FE14.

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Hubba sacrificed Tiki to get Nagi and then had Elice use the Aum staff to bring Tiki back to life.

So she was a past warrior, she just lives again.

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It always bothered me that there was an Einherjar of Tiki, even though she's alive. I'm just going to assume some Einherjar don't need to have their original selves dead in order to be made.

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I just replayed Champions of Yore 1. Hubba never mentions anything about the people on the cards being dead, only that the cards contain a record of the characters on them. That seems like a strong indication that einherjar don't necessarily need to be dead.

Edited by Charlie
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I just replayed Champions of Yore 1. Hubba never mentions anything about the people on the cards being dead, only that the cards contain a record of the characters on them. That seems like a strong indication that einherjar don't necessarily need to be dead.

So since that is true then that mean you can make an Einherjar of anybody?! Someone can have an entire army of lifeless soldiers?!

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So since that is true then that mean you can make an Einherjar of anybody?! Someone can have an entire army of lifeless soldiers?!

I suppose...

Why would they need to be dead? It isn't like he uses their still living corpse to make the card, right?

It's not exactly unreasonable to assume they would have to be dead given they were named after the einherjar from Norse mythology.

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I suppose...

It's not exactly unreasonable to assume they would have to be dead given they were named after the einherjar from Norse mythology.

That is true, and it is believeable when facing them in the DLC, being they can talk and hold (an interperation like the Old Hubba said) of the card's personality. Not really when fighting on your side though. I always see them as like Trophys from SSB, a replica of an old hero that only has a interperation of the person it's base on. (A.K.A. in the end a different being from the original.)

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Einherjar in this world are comparable to a 'snapshot' of a character during a given moment in their life. For instance, Professor Marth is from when slew Medeus the first time, whereas King Marth is from the era after he reunited Archanea. Likewise, Normal Ike is from when he saved the world, whereas DLC Ike is from when he lost his arm in a manufacturing accident.

I suppose you can think of it as the cards existing outside of time and instead capturing the spirit of a character at one point rather than the end of their life.

Alternatively, because a wizard did it.

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I like to think of it something like this...

Why is there not an Einherjar of Kris? (Beyond the obvious gameplay explanation?) Because he (or she) was effectively forgotten by history.

The Einherjar are not literally the spirits of the dead. Rather, they are more snapshots of characters at a specific point in time, in a way manifestations of them as they appear in the most prominent stories (this also explains while all characters appear at the ages we as players are familiar with them at, and why, for instance, Arvis appears as he does circa the Battle of Belhalla and not at a later point in the game).

Thus, Tiki shows up as an Einherjar because her contribution to Marth's cause has already passed into legend. She has, in effect, outlived the Einherjar "incubation period", if you will. Her continued survival is irrelevant.

This also leads to an interesting theory, that perhaps the Outrealms as a whole are effectively a dream-world shaped by the shared myths and legends of humanity. It would certainly explain why many of the battles take place on such historic fields.

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I personally just thought that her Einherjar was created during one of her multiple-year sleeps. After all, wasn't it implied she slept ~1000 years at one point or another? An Einherjar card was probably just created so that she wouldn't be forgotten by history while she slept. Meanwhile, Xane vanishes from history books and Bantu met Nowi at some point.

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The Einherjar cards are mere plot excuses for why DLC/Spotpass exist, and I never got it. Didn't the Japanese use another method to justify why they (including Tiki) exist?

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The Einherjar cards are mere plot excuses for why DLC/Spotpass exist, and I never got it. Didn't the Japanese use another method to justify why they (including Tiki) exist?

Not really a "different method", per say. It's really the same thing.

"Spirit Talisman".

If you want to translate it literally, it's "Hero Spirit Magical Charm". They're not cards, but an artifact representing the "essence" of the hero.

Basically, you could argue that it's something that Tiki carried with her. Maybe a bracelet... even the decoration she had on her head.

Again, it's just fanservice.

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I find myself agreeing with Lhyonnaes. That seems to be the easiest way to think about it, without resorting to the boring old 'oh it's just non-canon fan-service, it doesn't matter' explanation.

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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You can simply think the Einherjar as a collectable fan service card game of any hero regardless whether they're still alive somehow or deceased (which people already mentioned in a different way).

Other than that, Tiki is somewhat like immortal and out-lived the past heroes. It's just pretty obvious that the Einherjar were created during somewhere in her time in the story.

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I find myself agreeing with Lhyonnaes. That seems to be the easiest way to think about it, without resorting to the boring old 'oh it's just non-canon fan-service, it doesn't matter' explanation.

Same here, more or less.

They don't really contradict anything, so why would someone be so eager to declare them non-canon?

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I find myself agreeing with Lhyonnaes. That seems to be the easiest way to think about it, without resorting to the boring old 'oh it's just non-canon fan-service, it doesn't matter' explanation.

I will have to join those agreeing. Especially because I never really liked the explanation that there was any specific person "creating" cards, and this gives me an out. Also, if someone was creating these cards, why haven't they conquered the world by now? :P:

Now, it does not explain why the Arvis contained in his card (that you meet in LB2) is such a nice guy when Chrom says that Arvis was "the villain in every Jugdrali saga" he's ever heard - if history remembers him as such a scummy guy, why is his Einherjar so "pleasant"? If the Einherjar really are

...manifestations of them as they appear in the most prominent stories...

then surely Arvis would appear and act as he is remembered, right? Also, the Avatar seems to believe that the Einherjar reflect "reality" instead of "history."

It's a mystery, I guess...it would be cool if, for some DLC in FE14, the nature/origins of the Einherjar were elaborated on.

Edited by Euklyd
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