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Changing AI in FE4

Guy Starwind

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Am I able to change the AI in FE4. For example lets say I don't want Aeron (however, you spell his name) to follow Altenna. I want him and his men to attack the enemies on their own. Am I able to do that or something similar?

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FE4 AI is unusual. In the army unit editor, each enemy is assigned a home castle and a squad. Each squad has its own AI settings, so you're able to change enemy AI by putting them in a different squad.

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The same would apply to ally units, apart from the fact they normally only have one squad, meaning there's nothing really to swap their AI to.

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as far as I know enemy AI is determined through event stuff (especially in areone's case there) and isn't easily changed, I believe one of the bytes in the army data determines their actions but it seems like it's variable per chapter?

one of the bytes does seem like it makes units either attack until dead (01), stay put (02), attack villages (03) stay put until in range (04)

but I'm only looking at chapter 1 on this, some other chapters (like 5) seem to do things differently, but 01 and 02 seem to be the same throughout

Edited by Lorena
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So, each one of these numbers determines what they'll do? I might fart around with it a little more and see if I can't make something happen. Thanks.

remember I only gave values for that particular byte

and it's not too difficult to test out really, you'll need to restart the chapter every time to test though (AI is loaded only when spawned)

also in case you didn't know I recommend using the map editor to edit enemy unit placement and misc things like AI and such, very thorough and better than nightmare

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