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Spicing Up Your Grinding


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I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who does this enough to where I'd HAVE to make my levelsupport grinding more interesting. On Normal mode that is.

Level grinding comes pretty naturally to me, I do it in almost every game I play, even when I don't need to. And Awakening gives me extra incentive to do so with its support conversations. What can I say? I gotta support 'em all! [/cue Pokemon theme music]

So while I've been cracking Risen skulls, I thought of some really interesting ways to support/level grind and wondered if anyone else had little grinding quirks they use to spice things up.

Alright, here goes.

Family Fun Time (At The Arena!)

  • When: You really should do this after chapter 13 once you have some of the children.
  • Where: Anywhere, really, but I prefer Arena Ferox.
  • Who: Family units only. This means husband, wife, child(ren), so you'll have about 1-3 groups, depending on the map. If you have any leftover spots, leave them open.

The Exalt's Family Tree

  • When: After chapter 13. You also need Paralogue 5, and depending on who Chrom married, Paralogue 1 (Morgan), 6 (Inigo), 7 (Brady), 8 (Kjelle), or 9 (Cynthia) at the least. For an extra bit of family fun, Paralogue 20 is a must-have.
  • Where: The Mila Tree. There's a reason for the exclusiveness, just watch~
  • Who: Chrom, his wife (Sumia, Sully, Maribelle, Olivia or Fem!Avatar), Lucina, his second child (Cynthia, Kjelle, Brady, Inigo or Morgan), Lissa, her husband, and Owain. For even more family fun, throw in the children's significant others. To add the cherry to the cake, bring along Emmeryn. Leave open any leftover spots, then kick back and watch one of gaming's most badass families go to town. Very satisfying. Even better if you can complete chapter 16 with this lineup. [/squee]

Bromance At The Beach/Sisterhood of the Travelling Sands

  • When: Any time. Well, maybe after chapter 8, when you actually have a beach-like area.
  • Where: Border Sands, Port Ferox, Valm Harbor - any chapter with sand and water, really. For the icing on the bromantic cake, Summer of Bonds. :D
  • Who: Leave your ladies at home for this one. Males only! You may want to check the support log ahead of time so you know who to pair for maximum support get. The alternate version of this, of course, is females only.

Star Pegasus 64

  • When: You can start after chapter 7, but for maximum people I recommend waiting until after chapter 12.
  • Where: Anywhere. Although you may wanna avoid maps with a lot of bowmen/mages. Border Sands and the Midmire are perfect for this.
  • Who: Flying units only. So that's your Pegasus Knights, Falcon Knights, Dark Fliers, Griffon Riders, Wyvern Riders and Wyvern Lords. You CAN bring them a companion if you have enough space, but you can ONLY use that companion to dispatch a bowman/mage. Once they're done, switch back. For added challenge, don't.

It's Getting Hot In Here

  • When: The first applicable stage is in chapter 1, so any time after that, really.
  • Where: Fire/lava based stages. Good examples are West of Ylisstol and Demon's Ingle, but you can use desert stages as well.
  • Who: Tome-users only (that's Mages, Dark Mages, Sorcerers, Dark Knights, Sages, Valkyries, Dark Fliers, Tacticians and Grandmasters) and all tome-users must be equipped with a tome in the Fire family. Adding more fuel to the fire, basically. ^_^

Holy Hell

  • When: You're going to want to wait until after chapter 9 at the very, very least. For maximum members, paralogue 7.
  • Where: The Mila Shrine Ruins, The Mila Tree, The Dragon's Table, Divine Dragon Grounds, Sage's Hamlet. All perfect locations.
  • Who: Come all ye men and women of the cloth. This means: clerics, war clerics, priests, war monks, sages, troubadours and valkyries. I'm not going to say no to an expansion to all staff wielders, although having a trickster at a shrine is interesting to say the least. :)

That's actually a lot. Wow. I think I need to play the actual story some more instead, ha!

So tell me, Emblemers, how do you make your grinding more interesting? And if you want, try some of these out and tell me what you think.

<3, Vashi~!

Edited by Vashiane
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I actually trusted my one friend who had never played an FE before to help grind some of my relationships with my MU after I got Limit Breaker. I just placed her in Sorcerer class with Armsthrift and other fun skills, put her husbando in pair up, and told my friend to have at it while I watched. It was funny to see her reaction when I got Lethality once, and she accidentally bumped pause when the screen went red. She freaked out so bad, thinking she broke my 3DS.

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I actually trusted my one friend who had never played an FE before to help grind some of my relationships with my MU after I got Limit Breaker. I just placed her in Sorcerer class with Armsthrift and other fun skills, put her husbando in pair up, and told my friend to have at it while I watched. It was funny to see her reaction when I got Lethality once, and she accidentally bumped pause when the screen went red. She freaked out so bad, thinking she broke my 3DS.

Aww, really? I'll admit, the first time I saw Lethality I panicked too, so it's okay. ^_^

Ooh, Sorcerer. I love that class so much. My Fem!Avatar's a Sorcerer too, with Slow Burn, Lifetaker, Vengeance, Veteran and Hex. All she has to do is open any tome and watch everything die happily.

I'm currently running her through a Sorcerer-only grinding at the Arena with Tharja and Henry.

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This is cool, I'll definitely try a couple, maybe post some of my own ideas if I get the chance if that's alright.

The second one reminds me of my streetpass team, called Ylissean Royalty. It's of Chrom and His wife (FeMU), along with Lucina, Morgan, Lissa, Lon'qu (Lissa's husband), Owain, and Emmeryn.

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This is cool, I'll definitely try a couple, maybe post some of my own ideas if I get the chance if that's alright.

The second one reminds me of my streetpass team, called Ylissean Royalty. It's of Chrom and His wife (FeMU), along with Lucina, Morgan, Lissa, Lon'qu (Lissa's husband), Owain, and Emmeryn.

Aww, cute. ^_^

... Crap. Forgot about Emmeryn. I feel god-awful, let me add her too.

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I love doing the family tree thing, especially when it comes to Chrom's because it is so huge. Its actually what my streetpass team is; Chrom, Female Avatar, Lucina, Male Morgan, Lissa, Lon'qu (her husband), Owain (bonus points for being S ranked with Lucina), 'Summoned' Male Avatar (who is my FeAvatar's brother), Tiki (his wife), and 'Summoned' Female Avatar (who is designed to look like female Tiki!Morgan). Sadly, Emmeryn doesn't fit onto the team but I sometimes switch her out with my pseudo-female morgan. I like how my team has both Chrom's family tree and both of my Avatar's family tree combined. :D

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I can't say I do any of that, but I do usually go with the one I'm grinding + their waifu/husbando. Like Chrom/Avatar (F). Or that second option, exalt's family, like Morgan/Lucina as siblings soloing an entire map. All on Normal mode though. ; )

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I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who does this enough to where I'd HAVE to make my levelsupport grinding more interesting. On Normal mode that is.

Level grinding comes pretty naturally to me, I do it in almost every game I play, even when I don't need to. And Awakening gives me extra incentive to do so with its support conversations. What can I say? I gotta support 'em all! [/cue Pokemon theme music]

So while I've been cracking Risen skulls, I thought of some really interesting ways to support/level grind and wondered if anyone else had little grinding quirks they use to spice things up.

Alright, here goes.

Family Fun Time (At The Arena!)

  • When: You really should do this after chapter 13 once you have some of the children.
  • Where: Anywhere, really, but I prefer Arena Ferox.
  • Who: Family units only. This means husband, wife, child(ren), so you'll have about 1-3 groups, depending on the map. If you have any leftover spots, leave them open.

The Exalt's Family Tree

  • When: After chapter 13. You also need Paralogue 5, and depending on who Chrom married, Paralogue 1 (Morgan), 6 (Inigo), 7 (Brady), 8 (Kjelle), or 9 (Cynthia) at the least. For an extra bit of family fun, Paralogue 20 is a must-have.
  • Where: The Mila Tree. There's a reason for the exclusiveness, just watch~
  • Who: Chrom, his wife (Sumia, Sully, Maribelle, Olivia or Fem!Avatar), Lucina, his second child (Cynthia, Kjelle, Brady, Inigo or Morgan), Lissa, her husband, and Owain. For even more family fun, throw in the children's significant others. To add the cherry to the cake, bring along Emmeryn. Leave open any leftover spots, then kick back and watch one of gaming's most badass families go to town. Very satisfying. Even better if you can complete chapter 16 with this lineup. [/squee]

Bromance At The Beach/Sisterhood of the Travelling Sands

  • When: Any time. Well, maybe after chapter 8, when you actually have a beach-like area.
  • Where: Border Sands, Port Ferox, Valm Harbor - any chapter with sand and water, really. For the icing on the bromantic cake, Summer of Bonds. :D
  • Who: Leave your ladies at home for this one. Males only! You may want to check the support log ahead of time so you know who to pair for maximum support get. The alternate version of this, of course, is females only.

Star Pegasus 64

  • When: You can start after chapter 7, but for maximum people I recommend waiting until after chapter 12.
  • Where: Anywhere. Although you may wanna avoid maps with a lot of bowmen/mages. Border Sands and the Midmire are perfect for this.
  • Who: Flying units only. So that's your Pegasus Knights, Falcon Knights, Dark Fliers, Griffon Riders, Wyvern Riders and Wyvern Lords. You CAN bring them a companion if you have enough space, but you can ONLY use that companion to dispatch a bowman/mage. Once they're done, switch back. For added challenge, don't.

It's Getting Hot In Here

  • When: The first applicable stage is in chapter 1, so any time after that, really.
  • Where: Fire/lava based stages. Good examples are West of Ylisstol and Demon's Ingle, but you can use desert stages as well.
  • Who: Tome-users only (that's Mages, Dark Mages, Sorcerers, Dark Knights, Sages, Valkyries, Dark Fliers, Tacticians and Grandmasters) and all tome-users must be equipped with a tome in the Fire family. Adding more fuel to the fire, basically. ^_^

Holy Hell

  • When: You're going to want to wait until after chapter 9 at the very, very least. For maximum members, paralogue 7.
  • Where: The Mila Shrine Ruins, The Mila Tree, The Dragon's Table, Divine Dragon Grounds, Sage's Hamlet. All perfect locations.
  • Who: Come all ye men and women of the cloth. This means: clerics, war clerics, priests, war monks, sages, troubadours and valkyries. I'm not going to say no to an expansion to all staff wielders, although having a trickster at a shrine is interesting to say the least. :)

That's actually a lot. Wow. I think I need to play the actual story some more instead, ha!

So tell me, Emblemers, how do you make your grinding more interesting? And if you want, try some of these out and tell me what you think.

<3, Vashi~!

Interesting, I shall try this later on my 2nd planned playthrough, especially the Holy Hell and the Star Pegasus 64(because that playthrough will be consists of War Monks and Pegasi, also this is the planned playthrough for my StreetPass teams).

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Just ran Star Pegasus 64 on The Dragon's Table (Approach) Map.

I had FalconKnight!Sumia, DarkFlier!Lissa, PegasusKnight!Severa, PegasusKnight!Cynthia, WyvernLord!Cherche and WyvernRider!Gerome.

It was pretty sweet. Lissa and Sumia went left, Cherche and Gerome went right, and Severa and Cynthia headed straight down the middle for the boss. Cynthia got the boss kill, items were had and Severa and Cynthia got their B support. :) Thank God for Sumia and those Boots I gave her, otherwise I would have lost Cherche to a surprise bowknight. That's what I get for not looking at the damn map beforehand, stupid.

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StarPeg64 sounds like my entire first playthrough. Almost every couple had a flier, and I'd just highlight every bow/rexcalibur/beastslayer and go to town. ♥

Might have to use my second File to make a 'Wings of Justice' themed spotpass team.

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