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Pairing Suggestions

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Well, I guess that settles it.

BTW, I haven't been following the thread too closely, but are you going to pair the children?

Yup. But Ithink pairing the kids is the harder challenge than the parents.

So far I have:


Kjelle/? - If Morgan was Chrom's son then I'm going to pair her with him. Otherwise I still dunno.


Severa/? - Brady for the lols but her A support with Laurent is just too good to be passed up. Or I could take Inigo because it's the best choice for her at the moment.

Noire/? - Inigo or Laurent for the lols. For seriousness it's Yarne or Brady.

Nah/? - Morgan or Yarne.

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Yup. But Ithink pairing the kids is the harder challenge than the parents.

So far I have:



I agree that pairing the kids is harder than the parents, because with the parents at least you can look at what classes/modifiers/skills you want to pass down. For the kids though, there's none of that (unless you marry a 2nd gen character, of course).

I was gonna pair Lucina and Gerome my first run, but I found their S support rather ...underwhelming. I ended up with Severa x Gerome; they seemed perfect for each other. I'm probably not gonna do that again though, because I don't need another nexus of cynicism and negativity. YMMV, though.

It shouldn't really matter either way, so don't worry about it too much.

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Pairing the kids really just comes down to personal preference, whether by support conversations or what kind of class partnerships you like (though I imagine any of them would work since the kids are so over powered anyways).

Here's what I did with my second gen and why:

Owain x Lucina - Great chemistry and funny supports, which is all that matters to me, whether they are cousins or not. Plus, his ending with her is the only one that matches up with her single ending.

Inigo x Severa - The womanizer and the tsundere - a match made in heaven for me. Hilarious supports, and IMO brings out Severa's true character.

Brady x Kjelle - I find it inspiring that the not so athletic guy went above and beyond in Kjelle's training from hell to try and impress her.

Gerome x Cynthia - They were childhood friends with clashing personalities that seemed to bring them together. And I find it so sweet that she helped him get over his fear of heights so that he could fly.

Yarne x Nah - The bunny who protects the dragon; I would love to see their bunny/dragon/human babies!

Laurent x Noire - Like you said, the lols are a big factor (sadist and masochist makes for an interesting pair), but they also compliment each other well; he calms her split personality (or at least appreciates it/deals with it), and she seems to center him and his OCD.

So, yeah, these are all subjective and stuff; but if it helps, then great.

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Yarne x Nah - The bunny who protects the dragon; I would love to see their bunny/dragon/human babies!


I am reminded of the Donkey-Dragons from the end of Shrek 2. I'm not sure if I'm horrified or intrigued...

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Pairing the kids really just comes down to personal preference, whether by support conversations or what kind of class partnerships you like (though I imagine any of them would work since the kids are so over powered anyways).

Here's what I did with my second gen and why:

Owain x Lucina - Great chemistry and funny supports, which is all that matters to me, whether they are cousins or not. Plus, his ending with her is the only one that matches up with her single ending.

Inigo x Severa - The womanizer and the tsundere - a match made in heaven for me. Hilarious supports, and IMO brings out Severa's true character.

Brady x Kjelle - I find it inspiring that the not so athletic guy went above and beyond in Kjelle's training from hell to try and impress her.

Gerome x Cynthia - They were childhood friends with clashing personalities that seemed to bring them together. And I find it so sweet that she helped him get over his fear of heights so that he could fly.

Yarne x Nah - The bunny who protects the dragon; I would love to see their bunny/dragon/human babies!

Laurent x Noire - Like you said, the lols are a big factor (sadist and masochist makes for an interesting pair), but they also compliment each other well; he calms her split personality (or at least appreciates it/deals with it), and she seems to center him and his OCD.

So, yeah, these are all subjective and stuff; but if it helps, then great.

Poor Morgan. I can't leave him forever alone, you see?

Lucina/Owain...Pointy Demonspaker is great, but incest I want to marry her with someone else.

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For children pairings, I like these ones:

Cynthia/Inigo, it's sweet how Cynthia encourages Inigo, despite her own feelings for him. Inigo doesn't carelessly flirt with her, which I think is the dumbest part of his personality. So, I really like Cynthia/Inigo.

Lucina/Owain or Lucina/Morgan: I think both of these pairings suit Lucina quite well. The former is heartwarming, and the latter is quite funny and sweet.

Yarne/Nah: Imagine their adorable bunny/dragon/human babies. x3 The idea is too cute to pass up.

Kjelle/Gerome: This is the only support where I think Gerome doesn't act like an ass by always claiming "I fly solo so gtfo". I know he has his reasons, but it's still rather annoying... I didn't find Gerome OR Kjelle annoying in these supports, which is amazing, since I also find Kjelle unbareable sometimes with her stupid gung-ho feminenazi-ness. They decide to become strong to protect each other, and I actually started liking these two because of it.

Laurent/Noire: Because it's hilarious and whacky, and masochist!Laurent is so unexpected, yet rather funny!

Severa/Brady: Two cynical and grumpy people who act that way to hide their inner insecurites and sensitive nature respectively. It's a match made in heaven, imo. Brady puts up with her brattiness, and Severa (in the S support) admits she didn't care about the club, she just wanted to be with Brady. Real "daw" factor for me.

These are just my suggestions. 8U

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I am reminded of the Donkey-Dragons from the end of Shrek 2. I'm not sure if I'm horrified or intrigued...

Well, that seemed to be portrayed in the literal sense. I would imagine that Yarne and Nah's children would either have the ability to transform into a Taguel, a Manakete, both (which would be totally cool and broken), or none at all (owing to their half human blood). In any case, it is intriguing...

Poor Morgan. I can't leave him forever alone, you see?

Lucina/Owain...Pointy Demonspaker is great, but incest I want to marry her with someone else.

I was originally planning to marry off my Morgan (he's a prince;you'd think he would get someone), but I didn't feel that he meshed with the other children like they did with each other and sadly he was the odd one out. I'm sure he'll find love someday elsewhere. The same applied to my female Morgan because I kept my same pairings across my files.

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Well, that seemed to be portrayed in the literal sense. I would imagine that Yarne and Nah's children would either have the ability to transform into a Taguel, a Manakete, both (which would be totally cool and broken), or none at all (owing to their half human blood). In any case, it is intriguing...

Well, yes, of course. I was joking. Mostly.

...and wow, Taguel and Manakete? That would be broken, even if not at the same time - they balance each other perfectly.

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For children pairings, I like these ones:

Cynthia/Inigo, it's sweet how Cynthia encourages Inigo, despite her own feelings for him. Inigo doesn't carelessly flirt with her, which I think is the dumbest part of his personality. So, I really like Cynthia/Inigo.

Lucina/Owain or Lucina/Morgan: I think both of these pairings suit Lucina quite well. The former is heartwarming, and the latter is quite funny and sweet.

Yarne/Nah: Imagine their adorable bunny/dragon/human babies. x3 The idea is too cute to pass up.

Kjelle/Gerome: This is the only support where I think Gerome doesn't act like an ass by always claiming "I fly solo so gtfo". I know he has his reasons, but it's still rather annoying... I didn't find Gerome OR Kjelle annoying in these supports, which is amazing, since I also find Kjelle unbareable sometimes with her stupid gung-ho feminenazi-ness. They decide to become strong to protect each other, and I actually started liking these two because of it.

Laurent/Noire: Because it's hilarious and whacky, and masochist!Laurent is so unexpected, yet rather funny!

Severa/Brady: Two cynical and grumpy people who act that way to hide their inner insecurites and sensitive nature respectively. It's a match made in heaven, imo. Brady puts up with her brattiness, and Severa (in the S support) admits she didn't care about the club, she just wanted to be with Brady. Real "daw" factor for me.

These are just my suggestions. 8U

I forgot about Kjelle/Gerome. They make a pretty good pair too besides Lucina/Gerome, and I could pair Morgan with Lucina if Gerome paired with Kjelle.

But I found Morgan with Nah pretty nice too, considering Morgan's *potential* father(Libra) and the S support is pretty nice too(but I'm also torn with Yarne because I wonder what kids they'll have and their support is pretty good too).

I wish I could left Severa alone but my Morgan is male so I have no choice

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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Seconding whoever said that Lucina x Gerome's S was...lacking. Honestly, I found their entire support really disappointing! Like others, presumably, I also supported them because of the whole childhood friends thing, and because Lucina is one of the few characters Gerome isn't a total jerk to, but it was all pretty bland and generic. Doesn't help that Gerome's ending is also really boring, and Lucina deserved better than that, I would think!

Here are three of my favorite Second Gen pairings!

Owain x Cynthia - They're both obsessed with being heroic, so it's a match made in heaven! It's pretty funny too, especially when Owain kills her off in his little story. Quite ironic that Cynthia didn't like his dark and edgy take on heroics, because she was Henry's daughter and a Dark Flier in my file!

Severa x Brady - These two are pretty hilarious together, since they basically bond over their mutual hatred of people. You can always expect good things when you pair two of the jerkiest characters in any given work, and these two certainly didn't disappoint!

Yarne x Lucina - I don't imagine this is a very popular choice for Lucina, especially with Nah usually being the more popular option for Yarne, but personally I thought their support was beyond adorable! I actually built them up to A in my first file, but decided to go with Gerome for Lucina instead. Big mistake! It's incredibly cute how Lucina vows to protect Yarne, and thus allowing him to grow and cast his fears aside as he realizes he loves Lucina and wants to protect her as well. D'aaaw!

Edited by Timid Taguel
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Nah/? - Morgan or Yarne.

I prefer Nah/Morgan because get a room. (No, seriously, Naga says to Nah and Morgan to get a room.) Well, it's that, and the fact that I wasn't that fond of the taguels thanks to them playing too much like laguz.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I prefer Nah/Morgan because get a room. (No, seriously, Naga says to Nah and Morgan to get a room.) Well, it's that, and the fact that I wasn't that fond of the taguels thanks to them playing too much like laguz.

Wait, when does Naga say that? I'm confused...

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Wait, when does Naga say that? I'm confused...

Nah and Morgan's S support. (Well, Nah was praying to Naga, and she said that was Naga's message.)

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Nah and Morgan's S support. (Well, Nah was praying to Naga, and she said that was Naga's message.)

Ah, OK.

In that case, that's hilarious. :D:

Edited by Euklyd
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Maribelle(Galeforce)xHenry(Axefaire/Lifetaker) -> depends on what class Brady will be




Tharja(Vengeance)xGregor(Wrath) -> fixed for VVW Noire



Children Pairings







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For your undecided children, Severa/Brady, Noire/Laurent, and Nah/Yarne get my recommendation again. :'D

What she said, except I'd go for Severa/Inigo (though I'm sure you already knew that).

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Again, I wish I could left Severa alone but Morgan isn't a female and I prefer Male Morgan

Severa/Inigo and Nah/Yarne were settled. Noire is stuck between Brady or Laurent.

I didn't want one of them to be alone

Also, what skill to pass from Virion to Severa?

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Who do you plan to use more between Laurent and Brady?

And what will be Severa's final class?

Also, are you planning to use a streetpass team? Some skills are better for ingame and some for streetpass, so you might want to plan that in advance.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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