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Maribelle(Galeforce)xHenry(Axefaire/Lifetaker) -> depends on what class Brady will be




Tharja(Vengeance)xGregor(Wrath) -> fixed for VVW Noire



Children Pairings







Hmmmm.... I... actually have a compelete lack of comments, other than that I'm personally not fond of Vantage/Vengeance/Wrath and think the latter two in particular are next to useless - 20 crit doesn't really justify staying below half health in my book. I suppose that means you're good to go.

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For Severa, since I'm assuming you will be using Sol, I won't recommend Lifetaker, though its there. You could go the deliverer route, but for most combat situations/streetpass its not as useful. IMO, its a toss up between whether you want Quick/Slow burn for hit and avoid which can be useful or extra breaker skills to really expand your assets; its important to note that through both Virion and Cordelia, she has access to all of the breaker skills so if you want to experiment with those go for it. All of those can be useful, but there is not really a single skill that stands out to be passed down.

My recomendation for Laurent still stands, but I guess how I make them work is that I sometimes use Kellam!Laurent as a somewhat tanky sage in both defense (he has pavise and good def from his dad) and resistance to protect my sniper Henry!Noire; they work as my self appointed flyer and magic extermination duo with Laurents wind magic, Noire's arrows, and the fact that they both have tomebreaker.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Hmmmm.... I... actually have a compelete lack of comments, other than that I'm personally not fond of Vantage/Vengeance/Wrath and think the latter two in particular are next to useless - 20 crit doesn't really justify staying below half health in my book. I suppose that means you're good to go.

Vantage-Vengeance-Wrath is really gimmicky, IMO. It's hilarious (and deadly) when it works (especially in Streetpass), but I would never want to use it as a strategy. Certainly agree it doesn't justify going below half health when you're looking to win a battle, instead of have a laugh.

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Well, so Lancebreaker or Deliverer it is.

I'm creating the movesets for the kids and the FeMU(excluding DLC):

Owain - Sol, Galeforce, Counter, Vantage(?), Swordfaire

Inigo - Sol, Rightful King, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Vantage(?)

Brady - Axefaire/Tomefaire, Galeforce, Lifetaker/Renewal, Luna, Aegis(?)

Kjelle - Galeforce, Sol, Aegis, Pavise, Armsthrift

Cynthia - Aegis, Pavise, Galeforce, Luna, Renewal

Severa - Sol, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Vantage, Lancebreaker/Deliverer(?)

Gerome - Aegis, Renewal, Luna, Counter, Dual Support+(?)

Morgan - Ignis, Renewal/Lifetaker, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Axefaire

Yarne - Lancebreaker, Counter, Vantage, Astra, Wrath(?)

Laurent - Tomefaire, Aegis, Luna, Lifetaker/Renewal, Counter(?)

Noire - Vantage, Vengeance, Wrath, Armsthrift, Pass(?)

Nah - Galeforce, Swordbreaker, Sol, Lifetaker, Wyrmsbane(?)

FeMU(Hero, +Str/-Def) - Aegis, Pavise, Sol, Armsthrift, Galeforce OR Luna, Lifetaker, Armsthrift, Galeforce, Vantage/Swordfaire(?)

The (?) ones are replaced with Limit Breaker if using DLC.

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Vantage-Vengeance-Wrath is really gimmicky, IMO. It's hilarious (and deadly) when it works (especially in Streetpass), but I would never want to use it as a strategy. Certainly agree it doesn't justify going below half health when you're looking to win a battle, instead of have a laugh.

It's quite baller when you're planning to one-shot the final DLC boss. But you won't use Vantage (waste of a damage skill slot) or Vengeance (Luna is better) against that target.

This is something I think people really overlook about Cynthia in general. Regardless of father, Sumia gives her Tomefaire and Luna. That's... pretty impressive, actually. Tomefaire/Luna/Galeforce makes an excellent support Dark Flier core regardless of dad, and then the dad can pass things she might like down. Henry gives more support options, Chrom provides Bowbreaker and a very balanced spread of stats, Gaius gives Vantage and Sol, and Fred... well I guess if you really want a physical Cynthia...

Edited by Renall
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It's quite baller when you're planning to one-shot the final DLC boss. But you won't use Vantage (waste of a damage skill slot) or Vengeance (Luna is better) against that target.

This is something I think people really overlook about Cynthia in general. Regardless of father, Sumia gives her Tomefaire and Luna. That's... pretty impressive, actually. Tomefaire/Luna/Galeforce makes an excellent support Dark Flier core regardless of dad, and then the dad can pass things she might like down. Henry gives more support options, Chrom provides Bowbreaker and a very balanced spread of stats, Gaius gives Vantage and Sol, and Fred... well I guess if you really want a physical Cynthia...

Fred gives Aegis+Pavise combo to Cynthia. And Chrom/Sumia is kinda meh to Lucina, I prefer FeMU or Olivia(because I want physical-oriented Lucina).

And although Cynthia is a pretty good Dark Flier but I want to make her Falcon Knight. Sumia will be the only Dark Flier

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It's quite baller when you're planning to one-shot the final DLC boss. But you won't use Vantage (waste of a damage skill slot) or Vengeance (Luna is better) against that target.

This is something I think people really overlook about Cynthia in general. Regardless of father, Sumia gives her Tomefaire and Luna. That's... pretty impressive, actually. Tomefaire/Luna/Galeforce makes an excellent support Dark Flier core regardless of dad, and then the dad can pass things she might like down. Henry gives more support options, Chrom provides Bowbreaker and a very balanced spread of stats, Gaius gives Vantage and Sol, and Fred... well I guess if you really want a physical Cynthia...

Well, excluding Chrom and Male Avatar, I consider Frederick the best candidate for Sumia (though with the "competition" being Gaius and Henry, that's not saying a whole lot).

Fred gives Aegis+Pavise combo to Cynthia. And Chrom/Sumia is kinda meh to Lucina, I prefer FeMU or Olivia(because I want physical-oriented Lucina).

And although Cynthia is a pretty good Dark Flier but I want to make her Falcon Knight. Sumia will be the only Dark Flier

Sumia's better off as a Falcon Knight.

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Fred gives Aegis+Pavise combo to Cynthia. And Chrom/Sumia is kinda meh to Lucina, I prefer FeMU or Olivia(because I want physical-oriented Lucina).

And although Cynthia is a pretty good Dark Flier but I want to make her Falcon Knight. Sumia will be the only Dark Flier

Chrom also gives Aegis+Pavise to Cynthia. Sumia has Knight, remember, and both Fred and Chrom pass Cavalier. Chrom also passes her Aether, which is the only recovery proc she has access to short of Gaius as a father for Sol. Frederick/Cynthia really shouldn't be tanking though, even with Fred The Beef Machine as her father she only has a +1 DEF modifier and you can do a lot better with something like Kellam!Nah or Frederick!Gerome.

I don't think Sumia!Lucina is as bad as you might think. She is slightly faster, and she has Aegis/Pavise/Renewal as well as Tomefaire and a positive MAG modifier. So not only is Sumia!Lucina a better tank (Aegis + Pavise + Rightful King + Aether/Lancefaire + Limit Breaker is pretty solid), she also has the option to swap over to Dark Flier or Sage and be a competent unit doing so. I know very few people do this with Lucina, but you can.

Where Olivia!Lucina wins is really in gaining Myrmidon access to be an Assassin with the Parallel Falchion + Braves + Swordfaire. But if you wanted my personal opinion, I think Chrom x Sumia is the most solid non-Avatar combination for Lucina. Then again, I don't even think Maribelle!Lucina is that bad, except she screws up Brady.

For Cynthia, I think Henry and even Gaius are better choices than Chrom. But there's really nothing wrong with Chrom as a dad for her.

Well, excluding Chrom and Male Avatar, I consider Frederick the best candidate for Sumia (though with the "competition" being Gaius and Henry, that's not saying a whole lot).

Sumia's better off as a Falcon Knight.

I presume you mean for ingame and not endgame because at capped stats Cynthia is wayyyyyyyy better as a Dark Flier.

Edited by Renall
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Chrom also gives Aegis+Pavise to Cynthia. Sumia has Knight, remember, and both Fred and Chrom pass Cavalier. Chrom also passes her Aether, which is the only recovery proc she has access to short of Gaius as a father for Sol. Frederick/Cynthia really shouldn't be tanking though, even with Fred The Beef Machine as her father she only has a +1 DEF modifier and you can do a lot better with something like Kellam!Nah or Frederick!Gerome.

I don't think Sumia!Lucina is as bad as you might think. She is slightly faster, and she has Aegis/Pavise/Renewal as well as Tomefaire and a positive MAG modifier. So not only is Sumia!Lucina a better tank (Aegis + Pavise + Rightful King + Aether/Lancefaire + Limit Breaker is pretty solid), she also has the option to swap over to Dark Flier or Sage and be a competent unit doing so. I know very few people do this with Lucina, but you can.

Where Olivia!Lucina wins is really in gaining Myrmidon access to be an Assassin with the Parallel Falchion + Braves + Swordfaire. But if you wanted my personal opinion, I think Chrom x Sumia is the most solid non-Avatar combination for Lucina. Then again, I don't even think Maribelle!Lucina is that bad, except she screws up Brady.

For Cynthia, I think Henry and even Gaius are better choices than Chrom. But there's really nothing wrong with Chrom as a dad for her.

I presume you mean for ingame and not endgame because at capped stats Cynthia is wayyyyyyyy better as a Dark Flier.

Maybe, but I just don't have a high opinion of Gaius and Henry, and neither of them pass down anything of any real note for Cynthia. In addition, I wouldn't expect Cynthia to get enough Magic to make tomes viable.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Maybe, but I just don't have a high opinion of Gaius and Henry, and neither of them pass down anything of any real note for Cynthia.

Since when are Astra+Sol+Vantage or High MAG+Thief+Troubador+Dark Mage nothing of real note? Both are much better at giving Cynthia better offensive and supportive punch than Frederick. Heck, if you really wanted a physical Cynthia Gaius is competitive with Frederick: -1 STR -1LCK and -3 DEF to get +1 MAG and +4 SPD, Vantage and two procs vs. Aegis and Deliverator.

Cynthia was practically born to be the ultimate shotgun rider for a male Aggressor Sage. But she's pretty solid all on her own, thanks to the Luna that Sumia ensures she always has access to.

EDIT: "Cynthia won't have enough MAG" is an irrelevant argument because you won't even be able to use her for anything meaningful in-game and I'm clearly talking about min-maxing eugenics here if I'm suggesting either of them has Luna+Tomefaire. Cynthia will have capped MAG, period, because you'd be an idiot not to if she's being ground out to maximum potential, which is all I care about with children because I won't be using children for ingame.

Edited by Renall
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Since when are Astra+Sol+Vantage or High MAG+Thief+Troubador+Dark Mage nothing of real note? Both are much better at giving Cynthia better offensive and supportive punch than Frederick. Heck, if you really wanted a physical Cynthia Gaius is competitive with Frederick: -1 STR -1LCK and -3 DEF to get +1 MAG and +4 SPD, Vantage and two procs vs. Aegis and Deliverator.

Cynthia was practically born to be the ultimate shotgun rider for a male Aggressor Sage. But she's pretty solid all on her own, thanks to the Luna that Sumia ensures she always has access to.

EDIT: "Cynthia won't have enough MAG" is an irrelevant argument because you won't even be able to use her for anything meaningful in-game and I'm clearly talking about min-maxing eugenics here if I'm suggesting either of them has Luna+Tomefaire. Cynthia will have capped MAG, period, because you'd be an idiot not to if she's being ground out to maximum potential, which is all I care about with children because I won't be using children for ingame.

Since I think Sumia deserves better than a certain someone who doesn't join until midgame (by which point I coulda married her off to someone who actually deserves her) and a thief who's a serious pain to work with.

Edit: And if you believe in that stuff you posted in your edit, why are you even arguing with me? I don't believe in that stuff, so whatever you have to say in that regard is lost on me.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Since I think Sumia deserves better than a certain someone who doesn't join until midgame (by which point I coulda married her off to someone who actually deserves her) and a thief who's a serious pain to work with.

I agree with you if and only if you're just plowing through the game. Certainly as an actual game consideration Fred x Sumia works perfectly as they can support each other, he covers her weaknesses well, and she grows into something very useful. If you want to then S-rank them and grab Cynthia, that's fine, and she might even be somewhat useful. Same basically applies for Chrom.

If, however, you're just going the eugenics route, Henry's join time is basically irrelevant. Plus you can still team up Fred and Sumia for most of the run, just stop their support at A-rank.

That's not to say there aren't considerations to be made in the larger scheme of things: you might pair Sumia with Chrom to streamline pairings, you might prefer Henry!Brady to Henry!Cynthia (I don't, but it's a competitive argument between the two), you might want to use Gaius to pass Galeforce to Nah/Kjelle/Noire, etc. However, from a pure "what skills does this child already start with" standpoint, Cynthia is fairly balanced, but from a "what role can this child fill" standpoint, she practically screams out "MAKE ME A MALE MAGE'S UBER-WAIFU." And I oblige her.

Edited by Renall
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I agree with you if and only if you're just plowing through the game. Certainly as an actual game consideration Fred x Sumia works perfectly as they can support each other, he covers her weaknesses well, and she grows into something very useful. If you want to then S-rank them and grab Cynthia, that's fine, and she might even be somewhat useful. Same basically applies for Chrom.

If, however, you're just going the eugenics route, Henry's join time is basically irrelevant. Plus you can still team up Fred and Sumia for most of the run, just stop their support at A-rank.

That's not to say there aren't considerations to be made in the larger scheme of things: you might pair Sumia with Chrom to streamline pairings, you might prefer Henry!Brady to Henry!Cynthia (I don't, but it's a competitive argument between the two), you might want to use Gaius to pass Galeforce to Nah/Kjelle/Noire, etc. However, from a pure "what skills does this child already start with" standpoint, Cynthia is fairly balanced, but from a "what role can this child fill" standpoint, she practically screams out "MAKE ME A MALE MAGE'S UBER-WAIFU." And I oblige her.

I say again, min-maxing eugenics is something I don't give a damn about, so whatever you're trying to tell me is essentially you wasting your breath. Also, it's because I think Gaius and Henry are better off fathering someone else.

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Sumia's always been a Falconknight for me and I also tend to go the road less traveled and have Frederick!Cynthia be a Dark Flier. It might be stupid and I don't temd to use her magic as often, but she for some reason seems to both avoid and tank more often than her husband Gerome (I really don't know if that has to do with Fred being her father or not..). I completely forgot that Sumia gives access to tomefaire; I think I'll go see if I can squeeze it in...

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That's fine, but there's not much point in us disagreeing with each other if we're operating under completely different sets of assumptions. I'm discussing Cynthia's maximum potential, so obviously I have to take those factors into consideration and it changes which father options seem most appealing.

I mean if I were just talking about actual pairings in terms of how cute they are, Henry and Fred win handily because Chrom's support is dull and Gaius's is........ slapstick.

Plus Ginger Cynthia is an abomination unto the Lord, even if Sol+Vantage is pretty cool on her.

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That's fine, but there's not much point in us disagreeing with each other if we're operating under completely different sets of assumptions. I'm discussing Cynthia's maximum potential, so obviously I have to take those factors into consideration and it changes which father options seem most appealing.

I mean if I were just talking about actual pairings in terms of how cute they are, Henry and Fred win handily because Chrom's support is dull and Gaius's is........ slapstick.

Plus Ginger Cynthia is an abomination unto the Lord, even if Sol+Vantage is pretty cool on her.



*feels urge to vomit*

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I've seen Henry and Sumia's C support and I did think it was kinda funny and cute. lol

It's just hard for me to really like anything involving Sumia, I guess though. I wish it wasn't, but it is. >_<

Edited by Anacybele
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and this is why I want more marriage choices for Sumia

If she gets more candidates, I think I'll go with Stahl since they're both Shepherds and I was curious on their convos(pie-baking flower fortune girl and ridiculously average glutton, what'll be?)

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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and this is why I want more marriage choices for Sumia

If she gets more candidates, I think I'll go with Stahl since they're both Shepherds and I was curious on their convos(pie-baking flower fortune girl and ridiculously average glutton, what'll be?)

Same here

I'm interested in that too

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I feel like the pie supports she had with Chrom would've been better translated to a support with Stahl. I quite honestly am curious as to why she doesn't have more options; Chrom should've also had his pick of any of the girls that appeared before Chapter 11. Such wasted potential IMO for both....

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