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What if?

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The only thing to do is sigh heavily and rally up all the non dead members of the old crew back together to go adventuring. Again. But I'd enjoy it, as horrible as that sounds. Probably have someone manage the thrones of each of the main countries so that there's no vacuum of power in any one. Oh, and go find Knoll, who apparently disappeared never to be seen again. ABSOLUTELY NOT OKAY. He would be much needed on this quest, knowledge-wise.

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Oh you don't even need to bring in the last sacred stone to see how potentially screwed the continent could be.

Aside from Frelia and Rausten, all the other countries lost their experienced rulers (or in the case of Carcino, lost many of its council members, as I recall). Renais, Grado and Jehanna are now in he hands of youngsters and there's a lot of potential for things to go really bad. Then there's Grado's earthquake...

Magvel doesn't get a happy ending. At best, it gets a bittersweet ending with recovery in sight but a really long road to it. At worst, we would get total anarchy in the most affected regions.

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The endgame of this game is why I'm really hoping that they make a sequel to Sacred Stones. They really left the story hanging terribly. Honestly I think this game was basically a placeholder while IS was working on Path of Radiance but there is the possibility that FE64 was going to be a prequel to FE8.

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