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Texas Explosion


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It makes me so sad that these awful things keep happening for no real reason that can be known. My thoughts and good wishes go out to the poor people whose lives have been drastically changed or ended because of these tragedies. Thanks for putting this up, I don't think I would have found out so soon otherwise.

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It's actually not that far from where I live. Relief efforts are high due to the strange timing, as well as the collapsed neighboring buildings (Senior citizens home, apartment complex, etc).

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An NPR article I heard claimed something along the lines that the plant had no standardized safety protocol (or was it no emergency response? something lacking in that area, anyway), and hadn't been visited for a safety inspection by the relevant government organization since something crazy like the mid-80's. Might be a different kind of tragedy here.

But geez, how close was that thing to the populated part of town, anyway?

Edited by Rehab
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About 20 miles from Waco, where Dr. Pepper is made.

Not even one mile from civilian residents though.

Edited by Elieson
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Are you people really that stupid? Suddenly every little thing is a terrorist attack?

Fertilizer is highly explosive while being processed. In fact, homemade bombs use it. That being said, this was a fertilizer PLANT. No shit the place exploded..., the video showed the place on FIRE.

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Are you people really that stupid? Suddenly every little thing is a terrorist attack?

Fertilizer is highly explosive while being processed. In fact, homemade bombs use it. That being said, this was a fertilizer PLANT. No shit the place exploded..., the video showed the place on FIRE.

Silver Lightning said "It makes me so sad that these awful things keep happening for no real reason that can be known." Elieson mentioned the relief effort. Rehab supported your idea that it could "be a different kind of tragedy here." I said that I wonder if they're related. Nobody here jumped to conclusions that terrorists were bombing across the country. Excuse me for finding two very unlikely events happening within days a little interesting.

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