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Curse you RNG Gods!


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How's the RNG Gods and Goddesses treating you at the moment? Do they hate you or do they seem to always be on your side?

It seems that on each new playthrough I create the RNG is either exceptionally against me or really favors me. I made one playthrough where on every level up stat growths were abysmal and I'd constantly have to reset because the RNG would constantly fuck me over with enemy criticals and dodges. Then I restart and everything goes fine for the entire playthrough.

Right now the RNG Godesses seem to really love me. It seems like everyone has beyond exceptional growths and Resistance growths are fantastic across the board. It's weird.

Though on Paralogue 1 I did have such abysmal luck that I had to reset like 15 times because Donnel died due to some sliver of a chance like an unfortunate dual strike or miss with a 5% chance.

Edited by Rawr
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Hmm. I've been playing mostly postgame for the past few weeks, so I'm not really sure, cause I've been skipping the Enemy Phase.

The one thing I have noticed is that when I'm grinding playing R&R3, I can pair up Lucina and Cynthia, fly over, kill both Tricksters, then kill Camus with Lucina. With a sword. Three runs in a row. Because I attack twice, and proc Aether both times. And hit with a 70% chance. Then Lucina survives getting mobbed by the other Paladins and Zephiel.

It's gotten to the point where I do this ritualistically, just to see how long I can keep this up before Lucina dies horribly.

As far as RNG deities are concerned, it is my belief that there is a pantheon of RNG Goddesses.

All of them are named Anna.

EDIT: Oh, right - I've been getting pretty good level ups, but I'm pretty sure that I'm just surprised because growths are higher.

Edited by Euklyd
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I actually seem to be having very good luck with the RNG in this game.....oh shit, its coming to bring me down now that I said that....just wait....

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For some reason, Chrom and Sully are consistently getting good level ups for me (Everyone else on the other hand...).

Also, I am getting some pretty good swag courtesy of those sparkling tiles... :B):

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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The crazyest thing the RNG did to me was a Maribelle who gained +1 everything every level and a Fredrick who made it all the way through Great Knight, General, and half of Wyvern Lord without gaining a point of Defense...(curse my prefectionest being able to rule over me due to the lack of limits in this game...)

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