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Future of Despair Questions


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So... let me get this straight: In the Future of Despair DLC, will the children's stats and skillset pretty much be the same as they were before you recruited them? (As in, 1/2 of the parents' combined stats, if I recall the formula correctly?) Or will they look similar to what the current children's stats look like?

Also, when you're in this DLC, will you be able to use your present children at all, or is it just the parents who are allowed to participate in these chapters?

Thanks if you have answers! :)

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Great, so that means I have to train up the parents more, maybe even Limit Break them >_<;

Also, Miles, I'm just going to assume it'll be the same as it has been for the rest of the DLC, because I have yet to see that glitch not apply to any DLC chapters. I know that usually the glitch doesn't happen unless if I'm playing the same DLC over and over again (like grinding for skill books and promotional items)

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Random question: Do these also have the music glitch where they're treated as a skirmish?

Future of Despair is different, though, as (according to the DLC page) it plays music from the actual game aside from the boss.

Anyway it's not anything important, I've just been curious.

^What they said.

For example, Enemy Phase music from Future of Despair 1:


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