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Tiki Glitch

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I believe it's because the game still considers her an Avatar, so she only gets the same reclass options as a normal Avatar.

...unless you can reclass her from Lv.30 Manakete to Lv.1 Manakete (I haven't, so I have no idea).

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I'm trying to replicate this glitch but it doesn't look like I'm finding anything. I've tried reclassing to a base unit (Tactician in this case) then seeing if she can reclass back to manakete, reclassing from tactician to another base class (mage), raised it to level 20 before checking that reclass, then promoting (sage) and checking reclass again after level 20.

I realize I did this on my actually-grinded-out Tiki so I tried grabbing a fresh entry from the bonus box, reclassing that one immediately (Since last time I reclassed Tiki at level 30 instead of her default 25), reclassed to tactician, reclassed to dark mage at level 10, promoted to sorceror ASAP, and then checking reclass ASAP.

One last test involved reclassing my grinded-out Tiki to bow knight then straight to cavalier then level 10 reclass check.

Each and every time I've been able to reclass her back to manakete, so I can't seem to find anything conclusive. And I don't have the time to check any more right now.

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I believe it's because the game still considers her an Avatar, so she only gets the same reclass options as a normal Avatar.

...unless you can reclass her from Lv.30 Manakete to Lv.1 Manakete (I haven't, so I have no idea).

It's generally accept that's the base reason for the glitch's occurance, but not Why it happens-- as it's easy enough to point out that it doesn't always happen- a fair amount of time she'll function like Manakete!Morgan, and be able to swtich to and from Manakete freely, other times she won't have access to Manakete at all (but retain Dragon weakness, making her a waste of a character) or she'll lose both Manakete and Dragon weakness making her... any other Spotpass unit.

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