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Serge's Pairing Polls Part V: Lyn!



64 members have voted

  1. 1. Please choose your best pairing.

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The reason why I said that was because too many people argue the fact that Lyn is the only one among Rath's supports that's a female opoption as a point in favor on the pair's canonicity. I know that it's really only Bartre X Karla and Pent X Louise that's truly canon, but I really wish the girls among Rath's support options wasn't limited to just Lyn. (I'm wondering if one of the characters that was cut was intended to be another female support option for Rath. He needs it.)

@bolded: It didn't really seem he was all that devoted to her. He even outright says he only helped Lyn out just because he thought she was a Sacaean when he's introduced.

There's more than that to go on, as I've mentioned earlier. Just saying.

Rath really did need more supports, IMO. Serra would make him go insane.

What about the comment he says when he's the one that got the Afa's drops and the player got an A/S rank?

I'm interested to hear what you have to say.

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Rath really did need more supports, IMO. Serra would make him go insane.

Indeed. I'm wondering if Nadine was supposed to be one of his supports though.

What about the comment he says when he's the one that got the Afa's drops and the player got an A/S rank?

I'm interested to hear what you have to say.

It doesn't sound like he's relieved that a lover made it through the journey safely. It's looking more akin to Harken's comment. Still wouldn't be much to go on either way.
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Urgh, not a stupid pairing war rising again.

Little Al, I don't care if you like Hector/Lyn or what have you. But I'd really appreciate it you didn't go around calling the "Lyn/Rath" hype "undeserved". Also, do realize that people look at things differently. You don't think Rath's interactions with Lyn are romantic, others would disagree with you and think they are. I personally think Hector isn't a good match for Lyn considering their personalities, but obviously others don't agree with that.

You can dislike a pairing without having to put down the pairing (as if there's something wrong with it) or the people who ship it.

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Eliwood/Lyn FTW and forever! Like Astra said, they were my first favorite pairing in the first Fire Emblem I ever played, so they'll always have a special place in my heart.

And Roy gets to be quarter Sacaen and the last of the Lorca Tribe! Which makes it cool when Roy goes back to liberate his motherland Sacae in FE6.

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LynxHector, for me, Lyn giving Caelin to Hector made more sense to me. That and their supports were awesome.

But, I don't have anything against Lyn's other options, I'm pretty neutral towards them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lyn/Eliwood/Hector, the best threesome ever. D8

On a serious note, though, I really love Lyn/Eliwood. It was also my first FE7 pairing, so I've become real attached to it.

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Whoa, so many for Rath

and I thought Hector will outvoted them all.

Guess I'm one of a few people who prefer Lyn with Kent then

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wasn't RathxLyn pretty much confirmed to be canon in some artbook or something...?

Anyway, I'll go for EliwoodxLyn, mostly because I can never find a suitable support partner for either of them, so they always end up sticking together.

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Hector and Lyn. Rath and Lyn is kind of bland. Their feelings for each other seemed to come out of no where for me, and their personalities don't have much chemistry. I mean, yeah, they get along okay, but nothing much further than that.

Hector and Lyn inevitably become best friends by the end of the story, their personalities really mesh together (their both achievers and push each other to better themselves. These types of couples do actually work in real life, if the enneagram book I read had anything to it), and it's apparent they both enjoy each other's company. The 2 extra scenes they get in the final chapters implies the developers intended for them to be together, as well.

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I would have voted LynxEliwood, but I kinda can't see NinianxEliwood NOT happening. So.

Plus I like pairing Hector with Florina.

Thus, we arrive at LynxRath.

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Honestly? Of the options given, I think Lyn is best paired with Hector. Still, I do think Lyn and Florina make a great pairing as well. Rath... well, this is just me personally, but I feel he has no personality to him. I always get this robotic feel to him, like he doesn't even know how to have feelings anymore. Hector and Lyn at least feel like a couple to me, and I could see it being realistic from the many conversations they share. I personally wait for the day when we get more LGBT pairings/themes, as Lyn/Florina just begs to be an official option. Just my thoughts, of course.

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Honestly? Of the options given, I think Lyn is best paired with Hector. Still, I do think Lyn and Florina make a great pairing as well. Rath... well, this is just me personally, but I feel he has no personality to him. I always get this robotic feel to him, like he doesn't even know how to have feelings anymore. Hector and Lyn at least feel like a couple to me, and I could see it being realistic from the many conversations they share. I personally wait for the day when we get more LGBT pairings/themes, as Lyn/Florina just begs to be an official option. Just my thoughts, of course.

Really? Idk, that seems kinda odd to me. I like his character lol.

That would just...ruin it for me.

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I was also dishearted by the lack of Lyn/Florina as an option, even if I probably wouldn't have voted for it. Being THE fastest support in the game and having a paired ending should count for something.

And I totally agree with bookworm: I'd love to see more queer material/pairings possible for the series as a whole.

I voted Lyn/Rath, myself, since Eliwood/Nini and I don't see Lyn as the mother of Lilina for a number of reasons. I see Lyn's endings where she leaves for Sacae as more plausible than the ones where she stays in Lycia.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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  • 1 year later...

Well in my play through of FE7, that I finished last night (which was also my first ever play through of the game, which also finally lets me claim that I, at least, own and have and played every American released FE game) the only pairing I got rather Lyn x Rath, so... yeah. :p

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