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Hello everyone, my name is Armando and I'm new to Fire Emblem series. I'm also new to tactical role play games. I am here to ask for help as I'm very frustrated. I am playing the game on Hard Casual as I have never played a TRPG.

I noticed that my character (the one you create) keeps dying rather quick. I have completed prologue ,chapter 1, chapter 2 and 3. Along those chapter many of the characters died. I notice Fred is the one I have to always rely on, as the other characters always die. Lissa is also always dying. I know I have to either be really bad (which I know I am) or I must be doing something wrong.

I tend to almost always pair up the characters, one example: Fred and Lissa, My character and Chrom, etc. Another thing is some of my characters are not leveling enough because either they are paired or don't get to fight, or just plain die(this one is the most common).

I would greatly appropriated if you folks can give me some insight as to what to do. I'm enjoying the story line more than I thought I would. I just keep reloading as I'm always defeated.

Edited by xxArmando
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Most obvious advice? Don't play Hard Mode if you're completely new to Fire Emblem. :D

Logistical advice? Since you've completed Chapter 3, go back to some of the previous levels and grind your units levels high enough so that you can advance through some of the next chapters with relative ease. You'll need Reeking Boxes to do so.

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Be more careful with placement of units.

That's it really.

Fred can be a crutch but doesn't really need to be used if you effectively move your units back and forward according to how the chapter is going. Since you're new to "TRPGs" you should know that being a bit more defensive than offensive will help you since you're getting used to what your units can and cannot do.

Hard will kinda kick your ass since it has a thing called "ambush reinforcements" where they appear at the beginning of the enemy's turn, meaning you can't react to it at all.

If you're just charging in with units and hoping they'll live, they won't, especially on hard mode. In normal mode, it works though.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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You can buy the boxes from map shopping. Press A on Chapter 3's spot on the world map and you can buy them there. When they're in your inventory, just use them!

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If you are completely new, you should absolutely switch to Normal mode. Get familiar with the mechanics of the game and play through the game as you'd like. Once you get better, you'll start stomping stuff and you'll feel ready to Hard or maybe even Lunatic Mode.

If you want to stick to Hard Mode, you'll eventually find opportunities to grind your characters and overpower them. However, you'll destroy the challenge of Hard Mode and breeze through everything. Not a worthwhile experience in my opinion.

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I see do you think I should restart on Normal? Or should I try and adapt to hard since I am in casual? Also how do I get those boxes?

Thanks in advance.

It would be a good idea, so you can get a general feel for the game.

Hard mode can be hard for newcomers just because stats get pretty high by lategame if you're spreading exp over a lot of units.

You can buy the boxes from map shopping. Press A on Chapter 3's spot on the world map and you can buy them there. When they're in your inventory, just use them!

Only problem with doing that in hard mode is that they cost 4500.

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Yeah, if you're totally new to sRPGs and FE, you should definitely restart to Normal.... If you wanna stay at Hard, then, well, the other posts will help. But I think starting as Normal is a better choice for you here. Even with Casual, it's fine... especially for newcomers.

And what the above said: reeking boxes are expensive as heck in Hard mode and above.

Edited by Cordelia
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If you want to stay on hard you should at least be reading the tutorials (not sure if you have been). In battle go to an empty spot and press A to access the menu.

Also, if you aren't already doing so make sure you check enemy range with X for all enemy units or pressing A over a single enemy. You should do this before moving Lissa or any weaker characters that are not paired up. Personally, I also like to use healers every turn if I can to heal even minimal injuries so they gain experience faster and can change classes sooner.

As for Frederick, use him but don't overuse him early on so your other units can get experience too. It's a good idea to use Frederick to attack enemies first without killing them and have another character then finish the enemy. Kills get more experience.

Don't give up!

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It would be a good idea, so you can get a general feel for the game.

Hard mode can be hard for newcomers just because stats get pretty high by lategame if you're spreading exp over a lot of units.

Only problem with doing that in hard mode is that they cost 4500.

I thought it was like 2400 or something. Still, it's quite expensive. In normal mode they're ridiculously cheap.

EDIT: It's 4800 G. I was thinking with Silver Card.

Edited by Donatello Hamato
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Thank you Dona and Hero yes I don't see a point in that either. By the way They always one shot most of my characters.

Also should I always pair them or just pair the weakest (as in strongest in lead) I'm lost in that sense.

Lastly how does forging work? Because I only have 5000 g, and I don't really know what to sell or buy. Seeing as I should keep at least two different types of weapons for each character right? Because of weaknesses if I'm not wrong.

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You don't always have to put the stronger unit in front. Putting a weak unit in front with a stronger one supporting them gives the weaker unit bonuses in stats and can make them able to take more hits or deal more damage. So, for example, you could put Frederick with Sully and have Sully attack pretty safely as long as you check she won't be rushed by a bunch of enemies.

Remember you can switch between pair up units before attacking, just in case there's a particularly strong enemy or you can't heal the one in front.

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I see Owain thanks for the tip.How come most of the time I try attacking something it only deals like 6 damage and the enemy has 20+, I end up hitting them for something like 6 and they strike back and one shot me.

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Either you're doing some poor exp management or are getting screwed by the RNG severely.

Enemies shouldn't be dealing more than about 15 damage. Most things in early hard mode 2 or 3HKO player units. (I think, I haven't played earlygame Hard mode in ages)

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I might try and do normal since I'm a beginner. The only problem I have with that is if I might not understand the aspect of strategy. I'm scared it might be too "move your unit anywhere it wont matter , you're still going to win" (no skill require)

What do you folks think? Is Normal too easy or does it still require skill in the aspect of strategy. Hopefully you guys and gals think?

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Real quick.

-Use pair up. This mechanic can be used to break everything. Early on I recommend these duos.

Prologue: Chrom and Frederick, MU and Lissa(use your tome).(finish one part of the map then heal up and take the next part then heal up and take on the boss)

Chapter 1: Same pairs for everyone or if you want Chrom with Frederick on a fort can solo the map (MU can as well).

Chapter 2: Vaike and Sully, Chrom and Stahl, MU and Frederick (use your sword) Miriel and Lissa.

Chapter 3: Vaike and Sully, Miriel and Kellam (that defence), MU and Lissa(tome), Chrom and Fred.

If you need any more advice I'm happy to help. (if you play normal be sure to turn off slide guides)

Edited by bearclaw13
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Real quick.

-Use pair up. This mechanic can be used to break everything. Early on I recommend these duos.

Prologue: Chrom and Frederick, MU and Lissa(use your tome).(finish one part of the map then heal up and take the next part then heal up and take on the boss)

Chapter 1: Same pairs for everyone or if you want Chrom with Frederick on a fort can solo the map (MU can as well).

Chapter 2: Vaike and Sully, Chrom and Stahl, MU and Frederick (use your sword) Miriel and Lissa.

Chapter 3: Vaike and Sully, Miriel and Kellam (that defence), MU and Lissa(tome), Chrom and Fred.

If you need any more advice I'm happy to help. (if you play normal be sure to turn off slide guides)

Yeah I completed all those chapters, thanks for the info. I am considering normal, but like I said I'm afraid it might be too easy (I'm afraid I wont learn how to play the game).

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Yeah I completed all those chapters, thanks for the info. I am considering normal, but like I said I'm afraid it might be too easy (I'm afraid I wont learn how to play the game).

Can you explain what is being to hard like I said I'm happy to help.

Edited by bearclaw13
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Like I said before the fact that most of my units get killed before I even have a chance to attack. I have to hit each enemy multiple times in order to kill it, and they just gank me and wipe me in a few hits (usually I get a hit on them , they hit back and on their turn the attack that same unit and it dies)

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Normal, IMO, is the best place to start for someone who is completely new to the series. It is a lot easier than Hard of course, but you have the ability to go at your own pace and learn things from the slide guides at the beginning (if you were playing hard mode, the slide guides are turned off, which was why the game wasn't teaching you how to do things right off the bat; it only gives the auto tutorial mode on Normal, where most beginners would and should start). While its the easiest setting in the game, I will assure you that you cannot beat it without applying at least a rudimentary knowledge of general Fire Emblem tactics, meaning that unless you grind your soldiers into high to max stats you can't just put someone on any square of a map and expect them to come out unscathed. It certainly is the mode that allows you to take the most risks, especially on casual, but its not without a challenge either.

Like most everyone has said, I would highly recommend you start on Normal then work your way into Hard mode once you know how to apply tactics, both general and advanced, in Fire Emblem. As you go on, it'll be easier for you to figure out your brand of strategy and the game will flow with it; that's the best and most fun part of any Fire Emblem game. Whatever you do, good luck and I'm glad you got into this wonderful series! :)

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As I mentioned get the most out of pair up. Chrom gives speed, MU gives attack (be it magic or strength), Frederick and Kellam give strength and defense, Stahl and Sully give strength, speed and defense, Lissa and Miriel give magic, Vaike gives strength and some defense, Virion sucks.

Pair people up to give them stats they need. Not necessarily a bad stat though (giving Vaike magic or Miriel strength would be pointless).

Edited by bearclaw13
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Yeah I am sure I'm not on Lunatic. But I am attempting to do Paralogue: Sickle to Sword. Meaning I have completed about 4 Chapters and my levels are in between 2-3 one level 5 and maybe a 4.

Sounds like your characters have been KO'd too much in the beginning chapters. Only having levels between 1-5 is pretty abyssmal.

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