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So, is there anybody else here that's going to take AP/SAT/any sort of test here soon...?

I have AP Calc and AP Eng Lang in 8 days.... AP US Hist in 15 days...

And the SAT on June 1...

And, gawd, the suspense is killing me.

All this stress. (I'm actually not really that stressed, really.)

But yeah.

I hope I can do okay...

At least a 4 on each...

Although... given the way I studied... that could be asking for too much...



At least I can look at the bright side of things: I'm going back to America in June...

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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I'm studying for the June 1st SAT, too.

I don't even think I'm ready for it yet but my parents INSIST.

On the bright side, though, I can always try again if I fail.

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I heard its wicked easy though.

See, that's the thing.

I'm being told the exact opposite and it's weird. I hope it's not that difficult. I mean, judging by the practice book it really doesn't seem so bad aside from the Mathematics section, but that's really only because I wasn't taught anything math-related aside from basic algebra and some geometry.

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Thing is though I wouldn't trust. My friends because the ones who have taken it so far are 1,3 and 7 in my class. my high schools one of the best in the country but I think I'm one of the only people who don't have to study. The test will be harder than the practice book or PSAT though

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Actually, the test itself doesn't seem much harder than the PSAT.

Which, critical reading aside, was pretty easy.

I need to work on my vocab and rhetorical analysis.

But since I took an AP Eng Lang class his year... hm... I don't know...

Anyway, I want at least a 2100, but who knows?

I got a 201 on the PSAT... 9 short of 210... and 18 short of Maryland's requirements for the National Merit Scholarship. T_T

Anyway... *sigh*

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I have an AP Computer Science test and an AP English IV test in early may. :x

I'm good for the Comp Sci test because I can study for it, but the English one is basically like... can't train for it at all so I'm just gonna wing it. I already got a lot of scholarships from the college I'm going too so I'm not worrying about it too much. Stress is counter-productive.

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Took the APs back in high school

Calc is piss easy if you know what you're doing with the subject

Like if you're doing well or at least decently in the class itself you probably shouldn't be worried about it

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Ah, the frenzy about SATs and AP...this was me just a year or two ago. SAT won't be too bad, a 2100 is definitely doable! AP Calc BC is a butt, but if you're doing AB I'm sure you'll be okay!

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