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Supports for Hard Mode


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I... didn't really want to hijack someone else's thread and plus I've been playing on Normal all this time. I just kinda wanted a secondary main file with Hard. Still not ready for Lunatic. I mean, I want a challenge, yes, but I don't wanna kill myself!

Anyway, I have no restrictions on my units or play. Using DLCs whenever I want, bonus box, renown rewards, no class restrictions (I liked abusing Aversa's Night), etc. I just have few pairings that I know I'll be using but it's too few to actually...start the Hard mode. I like planning ahead even just a little bit. As for my Avatar's stats, they will probably be +Magic or Speed and...-Strength, though that might hinder Lucina?

Here are the pairings so far:

Avatar/Chrom - Lucina & Morgan (obviously) - using the entire family.

Donny/Nowi - probably gonna try to level Donny for a bit...until I get Nah? So I can have an infinite use of Dragonstone+.....on Nah.

Cordelia/Frederick - I can't say I'll really use Stahl, Completely benching Frederick but training Cordelia a bit. Unless I toss Stahl back on her...?

Olivia/Lon'qu - I do plan on using Inigo too.

Lissa/Vaike - again, I plan on using Owain. Thinking of passing down Galeforce.


Cherche/??? - for Gerome solely, and for him to support Lucina. A Barbarian for Gerome who is for Lucina? Lucina's marriage slave.

Maribelle/??? -- I guess it's not as important, since I dunno if I'll use Brady.

Lucina/Gerome - ...subject to change.




...Aaaaaaand that's all the pairings I've decided I'll be using. But for ease, I guess I'll list the characters I do want to use (and leaving out those I don't).

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Dunno if it really matters who you pair Cherche with (since Gerome's probably just going to be a backline bruiser for Lucina in a Pair Up), but make sure she passes down Dual Support+

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My Lunatic+ Pairings:
Chrom x Sumia (Pega-pony Princess!!! xD)

Avatar x Lucina (Morgan with Aether is OP and her blue hair. :3)

Gaius x Nowi (Cute pairing imo and get Counter for Nah.)

Frederick x Cordelia (Severa can get every weapon breaker. :3)

Vaike x Lissa (Cute pairing imo)

Virion x Cherche (Hit+20 for Gerome)

Libra x Maribelle (I like the pairing and the ending credits for these two is pretty funny. :3)

Ricken x Miriel (Dunno why but I like Laurent with Ricken's hair color. lol)

don't feel like listing the rest...

Children Pairings:

Morgan (F) x Owain (Because they were partners in a "previous" life.)

Inigo x Noire (It was fun reading their supports. :3)

Cynthia x Gerome (My avatar married Lucina so... yeah... BATMAN!)

don't feel like listing the rest...

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Dunno if it really matters who you pair Cherche with (since Gerome's probably just going to be a backline bruiser for Lucina in a Pair Up), but make sure she passes down Dual Support+

Aw crap... that means I have to reclass Cherche to pass that down?

@Linkmstr: well, I guess I could change Severa's, but I'd still need Sumia... Chrom is taken!!

But at least another parent for Sumia, Olivia, and Lissa. Not sure why I listed Miriel in my first post...

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Aw crap... that means I have to reclass Cherche to pass that down?

@Linkmstr: well, I guess I could change Severa's, but I'd still need Sumia... Chrom is taken!!

But at least another parent for Sumia, Olivia, and Lissa. Not sure why I listed Miriel in my first post...


Hmm... Henry x Sumia?

Olivia x Lon'qu and Lissa x Vaike. :3

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Hmm... Henry x Sumia?

Olivia x Lon'qu and Lissa x Vaike. :3


Is Henry really gonna be a better father for Cynthia than the others? (not that there are much 'others'...)

OH YEAH. Olivia and Lon'qu... what would Inigo be? >_>

I sorta went Lissa and Vaike in my last play, so I thought I might go different... However, if that's really a better option for Owain, I don't mind doing it again. I shall update the first post a bit.

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I personally play +str all the time so I wouldn't know what -str does to Lucina. But while I probably wouldn't recommend it for Lucina's purposes if you do pair her with Gerome he can probably supply her with a lot of strength anyway so she's not /that/ screwed.

Gerome has Wyvern Lord and Warrior in his default set, and both give really high strength boosts in pairup (4 and 5 respective I think) at least it'd mitigate it somewhat?

In the case of +spd you might be able to do something like Great Knight Lucina to slightly offset the strength issues since her own personal speed will make up for it? I don't think she'll have a hard time doubling especially if you grind since I played a GK MU that actually took a slight hit to speed and didn't have trouble doubling and I didn't even grind (though that's with a +8 speed from Chrom). In that case it might be worth passing Barbarian from someone to Gerome since that gives Str/spd bonuses on double.

With +Mag you can probably pull off Levin Sword Lucina or something. I dunno. My Lucina has single-digit mag so someone else more qualified take this one.

On the other hand 46 strength Lucina doing 50-60 damage per hit to endgame enemies with parallel falch is kinda hilarious okay i'll shut up about +str now

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Is Henry really gonna be a better father for Cynthia than the others? (not that there are much 'others'...)

OH YEAH. Olivia and Lon'qu... what would Inigo be? >_>

I sorta went Lissa and Vaike in my last play, so I thought I might go different... However, if that's really a better option for Owain, I don't mind doing it again. I shall update the first post a bit.


It's your choice to choose which male unit for Sumia to marry.

Inigo will still be a mercenary.

Hmm... Lissa x Ricken? Miriel can go with Vaike. :3

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Is Henry really gonna be a better father for Cynthia than the others? (not that there are much 'others'...)

OH YEAH. Olivia and Lon'qu... what would Inigo be? >_>

I sorta went Lissa and Vaike in my last play, so I thought I might go different... However, if that's really a better option for Owain, I don't mind doing it again. I shall update the first post a bit.

As for Henry being a better father for Cynthia than Sumia's other candidates, I dunno, although I'm inclined to doubt it.

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Well, I kinda didn't go for Strength because I tend to go with Tomes/magic uses for Avatar so that's why... but you're right, Gerome should balance out -strength on Lucina... I just didn't really feel I should do a defence/resistance for a flaw in hard mode.

I dunno about putting Lucina to a GK though, but again, I...don't know what final class is good on Lucina. I thought of sticking her with Great Lord. I think her stats are better as that than a Grandmaster (lol). Lucina's mag on my normal file was... maxed but I also changed her to a Bride. As for Gerome... well, only Henry and Vaike can pass on Barbarian to him... hmm.

On Sumia: I...don't know anymore. If barbarian will help Gerome... I might toss Henry to Cherche but then Sumia is left with only Gaius (if I toss Fred to Cordelia -- Severa getting all breakers is quite tempting). I really have no idea on Sumia again lol.

For Lissa/Owain, I think I'll have to...recheck Lissa's marriage candidates lol.

Edit: Where did I even read about Stahl being a good candidate for Cordelia... I can't see it in the stuff Stahl passes down... Gah.

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Well, I kinda didn't go for Strength because I tend to go with Tomes/magic uses for Avatar so that's why... but you're right, Gerome should balance out -strength on Lucina... I just didn't really feel I should do a defence/resistance for a flaw in hard mode.
I dunno about putting Lucina to a GK though, but again, I...don't know what final class is good on Lucina. I thought of sticking her with Great Lord. I think her stats are better as that than a Grandmaster (lol). Lucina's mag on my normal file was... maxed but I also changed her to a Bride. As for Gerome... well, only Henry and Vaike can pass on Barbarian to him... hmm.
On Sumia: I...don't know anymore. If barbarian will help Gerome... I might toss Henry to Cherche but then Sumia is left with only Gaius (if I toss Fred to Cordelia -- Severa getting all breakers is quite tempting). I really have no idea on Sumia again lol.
For Lissa/Owain, I think I'll have to...recheck Lissa's marriage candidates lol.

Lissa sort of has low strength, so I thought pairing her up with Vaike can help give Owain more strength in inheritance. Also because Owain's main promoted class is Swordmaster and they don't have high strength because of their high speed and skill. But you could always make Owain be in a stronger class, I guess...

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Well, I kinda didn't go for Strength because I tend to go with Tomes/magic uses for Avatar so that's why... but you're right, Gerome should balance out -strength on Lucina... I just didn't really feel I should do a defence/resistance for a flaw in hard mode.

I did -res and wasn't really bothered. -def probably isn't a good idea since there's a lot more physical enemies, though. With S ranks you aren't even likely to be hit that often by most magic users, especially if you go for +speed and your avatar is probably more likely to dodge than mine even if you don't since +mag gives a bit of speed as well whereas strength doesn't. There's always -luck as well.

I did have Sol, though, so that might've accounted for something. I went with Paladin Lucina with no regrets on mine, since it has access to Great Lord weapons but with more move.

IIRC Great Knight has the second highest strength for female classes. General is higher, but I find the piss-poor movement undesirable, so it might still be worth considering at least temporarily.

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Well, I kinda didn't go for Strength because I tend to go with Tomes/magic uses for Avatar so that's why... but you're right, Gerome should balance out -strength on Lucina... I just didn't really feel I should do a defence/resistance for a flaw in hard mode.

I personally go -Skill since I think having anything else as a flaw might have undesirable effects.

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Edit: Where did I even read about Stahl being a good candidate for Cordelia... I can't see it in the stuff Stahl passes down... Gah.

The allure in that pairing is mostly main-game; the idea is that in addition to the +Str/Def boosts Stahl provides her (and +Spd to Stahl), Cordelia need not worry about bows/Wind since she can simply switch to Stahl.

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Hmm... I never tried Owain in a magic class lol... maybe because he's always fared pretty well as a physical. Maybe I could still pass along Vaike to Owain and Henry onto Gerome... waitwaitwait... might have to toss Henry to Sumia instead.
For -def, yeah, I figured that wasn't gonna be a good idea in modes higher than Normal... and I sorta didn't mention -luck because of the Armsthrift thing. It kinda became a favorite broken skill.
But GK might not be so bad for Lucina. She just won't be able to use the Rapiers, but that shouldn't be be too bad. I actually didn't even think about her Falchion also being effective on Grima...

The allure in that pairing is mostly main-game; the idea is that in addition to the +Str/Def boosts Stahl provides her (and +Spd to Stahl), Cordelia need not worry about bows/Wind since she can simply switch to Stahl.

Ah... so it's for those who will use Cordelia in main game... Not really seeing the idea of doing that in post-game or... even late game. So I might just go toss Frederick at Cordelia (for Severa).

... Then I'm not sure who the rest would be...

Also... that comment about Owain's twitching sword hand made me laugh.


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