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FE13 Playlog

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Yeah there's like a million of these but i've been wanting to do one for like weeks and there hasn't been a downward trend of them so I guess I'll post it now.

I'm doing this playthrough for the same reasons as most of the others; i'm intrigued by some of the placements in the tierlist, and disagree with a some of the placements, especially Lon'qu, but i'll get to that more down below.

As per the tierlist, i'll be playing HARD MODE at an efficient pace, efficient is a really bad word though and nobody seems to understand it so I'm just going to be using Interceptor's turncounts as a general guideline, although a few chapters will likely be quicker early on due to the absence of Pothead.

I've already played up to chapter 7 (spoilers) and some already know of my experience so far, but whatever. The goals of this playthrough are:

- Use Frederick past earlygame with great success.

- Panne > Sully

- Chrom > Sully ???

- Can Lissa do anything remotely useful (probably not)

- Henry up

- Lon'qu down at least a tier

I'm stretching it in a few cases, namely Chrom > Sully (even though I wholeheartedly believe it, but people seem to be dead set on her contributions, so we'll see) and Lon'qu dropping, but I'm pretty sure the others are easily doable. I also think Anna is way too high but that's for another day. The units I'm planning on using and Pairings and junk are as so:

Chrom x Sully

Panne x Frederick

Sumia x Henry

Lissa x Libra

MU x Lon'qu





Probably not Owain as he'll probably be pretty terrible.

I'll be using some units as filler like Say'ri, but they likely won't see a whole lot of use.

Without further ado...

oh yeah, Renown is A-OK, providing the following

Glass Sword (after Chapter 4)
Second Seal (after Paralogue 3)
Orsin's Hatchet (after Chapter 11)
Seed of Trust (4 maps after Chapter 13)
Levin Sword (6 maps after Seed of Trust)
Energy Drop (6 maps after Levin Sword)
Beast Killer (7 maps after Energy Drop)
It's accessible to everyone, why not use it. It's honestly only for the second seal. Barracks and Items obtained via sparkly spaces are no good though. Forges are cool, but i've never ever seen a need for a forge in hard mode, maybe i'll forge a hammer or something to kill cervantes with more reliably in the tree chapter or something, this game gives you way too much money.
I'm just going to throw down the first few chapters here, they're all largely pointless, but whoop-dee-doo. I encourage feedback whether you agree or disagree, or think I'm flat out retarded, all of it is welcome.
[spoiler=Prolouge - 4 turns]
+hp/-res MU, named Carmen courtesy of a random name generator. I'm aware +spd is better, but I really like +hp avatar, the growth boost and base boost are the second best in my opinion.
Carmen was the dual strike lord so chrom got more exp on turn one than anticipated, but its fine, avatar can catch up faster if a lower level anyway. Frederick killed some random dudes when possible (especially the mages, since i didn't pick a +spd avatar) to ensure the health of all. Carmen got the bosskill to rememdy the lack of exp earlier in the chapter, and Fred doesn't get a whole lot extra from bosskills yet anway.
All in all, there is only so much you can say about this chapter anyway.
CHROM          02.00 LORD           21 07 01 09 09 06 08 01 E SWORD               ????
CARMEN         02.53 TACTICIAN      25 07 05 06 07 04 07 03 E SWORD E TOME        ????
FREDERICK   ??/01.44 GREAT KNIGHT   28 13 03 12 10 06 14 03 B LANCE D AXE D SWORD ????
LISSA          01.60 CLERIC         17 01 05 04 04 08 03 04 E STAFF               ???? 

[spoiler=Chapter 1 4/8 turns]
Took an extra turn go spread out the exp a bit more.
Chrom and Carmen headed down to the fort, the shiny spaces are sometimes inevitable, if i get a wepon or something from it i'm not going to use it. This time it was just superflous bonding from Carmen and Chrom though...
Frederick headed west, and killed the archer on turn two. Carmen paired into virion for something to do, while Chrom went with Sully. Lissa only managed one heal this chapter what with fort healing and bad starting position, and the enemies are pretty condensed as well. Chrom killed the boss this chapter, after Frederick weakened him.
CHROM          02.73 LORD           21 07 01 09 09 06 08 01 E SWORD               C CARMEN C SULLY
CARMEN         04.18 TACTICIAN      27 08 06 07 08 06 08 04 E SWORD E TOME        C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/01.82 GREAT KNIGHT   28 13 03 12 10 06 14 03 B LANCE D AXE D SWORD -
LISSA          01.80 CLERIC         17 01 05 04 04 08 03 04 E STAFF               - 
SULLY          02.60 CAVALIER       20 07 01 08 08 06 07 02 D LANCE E SWORD       C CHROM
Im not going to bother listing characters I'm not using, so sorry Virion.

[spoiler=Chapter 2 5/13 turns]
could have frederick'd the chapter but decided sully needed exp not to suck ass
and i was right
Sully is pretty atrocious here without Chrom as a support partner, she like 4HKO's enemies and doesn't double. With Chrom support and a speed proc however, she doubled, but Chrom did the same with one swing of Falchion so it really wasn't much of an improvement. Avatar paired with Vaike for the extra strength. I'm doing a physical avatar this time around, a magic class wouldn't really help Lon'qu much, although i could maybe go dark knight. We'll see.
Frederick with Stahl convienently left the boss with 1HP after two bronze sword whacks, so Chrom took the bosskill. Why does he keep getting the kills? I don't really know myself.
CHROM          04.36 LORD           23 07 02 11 09 08 10 02 D SWORD               C CARMEN C SULLY
CARMEN         05.63 TACTICIAN      29 09 06 07 09 06 09 04 E SWORD E TOME        C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/02.34 GREAT KNIGHT   29 14 02 12 10 07 15 04 B LANCE D AXE D SWORD -
LISSA          02.60 CLERIC         17 01 05 04 04 09 03 05 E STAFF               - 
SULLY          04.75 CAVALIER       22 08 01 08 10 08 08 03 C LANCE E SWORD       C CHROM
Lissa's level up was horrid >.<

[spoiler=Chapter 3 5/18 turns]
Held back a turn to get Sumia a lot of exp. She needs to get as much as she can while Fred is free, since Henry comes a long time later.
Sumia and Fred went one way, the rest of my army went the other. Sumia orkos almost everything in the chapter with a Fred Pairup, which is fantabulous.
I deployed Vaike again to be a pairup bot for Carmen. She's got +2 hp twice already now, which is nice too, i guess. Chrom and Carmen and their partners took down the boss.
CHROM          04.81 LORD           23 07 02 11 09 08 10 02 D SWORD               B SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         08.25 TACTICIAN      33 10 06 09 10 08 09 04 D SWORD E TOME        C VAIKE C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/03.02 GREAT KNIGHT   30 15 02 12 10 07 16 05 B LANCE D AXE C SWORD -
LISSA          03.40 CLERIC         18 01 06 05 05 10 03 06 E STAFF               - 
SULLY          05.40 CAVALIER       23 08 01 08 11 09 09 03 C LANCE E SWORD       B CHROM
SUMIA          02.92 PEGASUS KNIGHT 19 06 03 12 12 09 05 07 D LANCE    
I'll get spoiler tags on this stuff in a minute, I really require pizza pops.
Edited by General Horace
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I can't help but notice you're giving Panne a not very good pairing..

Uh, no...Frederick is a great Pair-Up for Panne, aiding her already decent Atk and making her virtually invincible later on as a Wyern Lord/Griffon Rider (+2 Mov when paired and extra Spd is awesome). So yeah, Frederick aids her only real issue at first, which is her mediocre Str/Def.

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I can't help but notice you're giving Panne a not very good pairing..

In my mind, Frederick pairup helps her OHKO magic users later on, (if she doesn't already) and her speed is already good enough to double. A case could be made for a speed pair up to drive her evasion up through the roof, but as much as people harp on flight in this game, its quite trivial to avoid death from bows in most chapters (I admit, its harder than most fe games, but its still not too tough).

It could have just been a jab at Frederick for all I know, I know you're not his biggest fan.

EDIT: what the hell did i do to my spoiler tags

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Uh, no...Frederick is a great Pair-Up for Panne, aiding her already decent Atk and making her virtually invincible later on as a Wyern Lord/Griffon Rider (+2 Mov when paired and extra Spd is awesome). So yeah, Frederick aids her only real issue at first, which is her mediocre Str/Def.

You do realize that wyvern rider fixes those problems quite well, right?

In my mind Frederick is a superior pair up bot and he's kind of wasted on Panne.

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You do realize that wyvern rider fixes those problems quite well, right?

In my mind Frederick is a superior pair up bot and he's kind of wasted on Panne.

You say that like I haven't been doing it from Day 1. It does fix her durability issues, but she still wants to be as durable as possible to half-solo maps, and many of those maps have bow-users in them- Even if it's 2-3, they're actually very threatening.

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I'm aware that shoving Frederick onto Sumia or Cordelia is better than Panne, but i'd really like to see what Henry could have done with the +speed support, and Frederick with the pegasus knights is a well enough know combination. Panne's physical durability still isn't lights out with just a wyvern reclass regardess.

Fred was the only guy left in the group of units I was planning on using regardless, it's just happening because it can really. Panne really doesn't care who her partner is, unless its Ricken or something dumb like that.

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I'm aware that shoving Frederick onto Sumia or Cordelia is better than Panne, but i'd really like to see what Henry could have done with the +speed support, and Frederick with the pegasus knights is a well enough know combination. Panne's physical durability still isn't lights out with just a wyvern reclass regardess.

Fred was the only guy left in the group of units I was planning on using regardless, it's just happening because it can really. Panne really doesn't care who her partner is, unless its Ricken or something dumb like that.

Okay. That works.

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aha, I have more!

[spoiler=Chapter 4 - 3/21 turns]
I know the tierlist says paralogues should be done ASAP but I wanted Lon'qu to join in on Paralogue 1.
Frederick paired into Sumia and they went north, finishing Lucina on turn 2. Carmen and Chrom killed the axedudes, then went north to finish off the armours.
Sumia's had some really rotten levels :(
Didn't deploy Lissa last chapter either, limited deployment hurt.
If I had Frederick'd even harder, 2 turns is possible here.
Sully needs some strength.
CHROM          05.59 LORD           24 08 02 11 09 09 10 02 D SWORD               B SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         08.80 TACTICIAN      33 10 06 09 10 08 09 04 D SWORD E TOME        C VAIKE C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/03.72 GREAT KNIGHT   30 15 02 12 10 07 16 05 A LANCE D AXE C SWORD C SUMIA
LISSA          03.40 CLERIC         18 01 06 05 05 10 03 06 E STAFF               - 
SULLY          05.60 CAVALIER       23 08 01 08 11 09 09 03 C LANCE E SWORD       B CHROM
SUMIA          04.05 PEGASUS KNIGHT 21 06 04 14 12 09 06 08 D LANCE               C FREDERICK
LON'QU         04.00 MYRMIDON       20 06 01 12 13 07 07 02 C SWORD
[spoiler=Paralogue 1 - 6/27 turns]
Pothead took a few kills to the north at the start, namely the thief and archer.
Frederick blitzed ahead, switching to Sumia when safe. Lon'qu and Carmen headed for the rescue chest, while Chrom and Sully cleaned up the scraps.
I considered not recruiting Donnel but 100 exp is 100exp.
This map is pretty flier unfriendly, but I sent sumia up through the two north fighters by the chokepoint (I don't know how else to describe it) so she avoided most of the archers.
CHROM          05.90 LORD           24 08 02 11 09 09 10 02 D SWORD               A SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         10.26 TACTICIAN      35 12 07 09 11 10 10 05 D SWORD E TOME        C LON'QU C SULLY C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/04.24 GREAT KNIGHT   32 15 02 12 11 07 16 05 A LANCE D AXE C SWORD C SUMIA
LISSA          04.60 CLERIC         19 01 06 06 06 10 03 07 D STAFF               C CARMEN 
SULLY          07.05 CAVALIER       25 08 01 09 11 10 11 04 C LANCE D SWORD       A CHROM
SUMIA          06.53 PEGASUS KNIGHT 23 08 04 16 14 10 06 08 C LANCE               C FREDERICK
LON'QU         05.35 MYRMIDON       21 07 01 12 13 08 08 02 C SWORD
[spoiler=Chapter 5 - 3/30 turns]
My units are strong. And I'm even using Frederick quite a lot! Imagine that!
Sumia ate a stregnth tonic here so she could orko the axe dudes. She flew north to take out the dark mage on turn one with Frederick support, while Ricken + Chrom combo'd the myrm (for some unknown reason the enemy fighter will target Sumia over Ricken, beats me!). Lon'qu and Carmen took out the bottom dudes.
Sumia flew Fred north, and he attacked a lot of dudes with his javelin, with only a few wyverns and the boss remaining on turn 3 Player Phase. He finished the boss with an Iron axe (no more 1-2 ranged dudes were alive) and Lissa blocked the spawn of the bottomost fort, allowing Carmen to ORKO the handaxe guy for a free Hand Axe!
Chrom and Sully headed northeast in this chapter, with their A support, they're pretty ridiculous, despite them both lacking in some stats, namely Strength. The pairup actually seems to be better for Chrom than Sully, I am surprised.
CHROM          06.80 LORD           25 09 02 11 10 10 11 02 C SWORD               A SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         10.86 TACTICIAN      35 12 07 09 11 10 10 05 D SWORD D TOME        C LON'QU C SULLY C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/05.41 GREAT KNIGHT   33 16 02 13 11 08 17 06 A LANCE D AXE C SWORD B SUMIA
LISSA          05.20 CLERIC         20 01 06 06 06 10 03 07 D STAFF               C CARMEN
SULLY          07.30 CAVALIER       25 08 01 09 11 10 11 04 C LANCE D SWORD       A CHROM
SUMIA          07.88 PEGASUS KNIGHT 23 09 04 17 15 11 06 08 C LANCE               B FREDERICK
LON'QU         06.25 MYRMIDON       22 07 02 13 14 09 08 02 C SWORD               C CARMEN
[spoiler=Paralogue 2 6/36 turns]
This can be done quicker for sure by just sending Fred to the boss, but that's no fun, and there's that annoying fighter that likes to chill in the mountains too.
Chrom and Sully headed for the boss instead, while Lon'qu and Carmen handled the initial wave of enemies with ease. Sully actually needed dual strikes to ORKO here, so Chrom took the lead for a while in the chapter, since he does ~5 damage more and still doubles as well. Sumia and Frederick went north to save the physic staff that will probably just be spammed for lissa exp.
Carmen ended up getting the bosskill since Chrom didn't double him.
CHROM          07.50 LORD           26 10 02 12 10 11 12 02 C SWORD               S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         12.20 TACTICIAN      37 12 08 10 11 11 11 06 D SWORD D TOME        B LON'QU C SULLY C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/05.56 GREAT KNIGHT   33 16 02 13 11 08 17 06 A LANCE D AXE C SWORD B SUMIA
LISSA          06.38 CLERIC         21 01 06 06 07 10 03 08 D STAFF               C CARMEN 
SULLY          08.87 CAVALIER       26 09 01 10 11 10 11 04 C LANCE D SWORD       A CHROM
SUMIA          09.62 PEGASUS KNIGHT 25 09 04 19 17 12 07 08 C LANCE               B FREDERICK
LON'QU         07.32 MYRMIDON       23 07 02 13 15 10 08 03 C SWORD               B CARMEN

Oh, maybe I should have been keeping up to day on gold and stuff, but this game gives you like way more than nescessary, so uh yeah. I bought some handaxes and javelins, and I'm sitting at 1800 with tons of irons and 1-2 range.

[spoiler=Chapter 6 - 4/40 turns]
Could have been three with a dual strike from Sumia on Validar. That's none too reliable with a b support, so she took the bosskill instead!
Chrom and Sully headed over to Gaius, and Sully countered dudes with the Javelin, killing a couple mages (with Chrom's help, although dual strikes are pretty much always a thing now) and recruiting gaius next turn. Frederick and Sumia went down the right side, more or less splitting the exp. Kellam was a Panne pairup bot for this chapter, amusingly he's not too underlevelled, haha. They took the middle with help from Carmen and Lon'qu. Maribelle ferried Gaius to the chest on time.
CHROM          09.69 LORD           28 12 02 12 11 12 14 02 C SWORD               S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         12.71 TACTICIAN      37 12 08 10 11 11 11 06 D SWORD D TOME        B LON'QU C LISSA C SULLY C VAIKE C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/06.30 GREAT KNIGHT   34 16 02 14 12 09 17 06 A LANCE C AXE C SWORD A SUMIA
LISSA          06.95 CLERIC         21 01 06 06 07 10 03 08 D STAFF               - 
SULLY          10.17 CAVALIER       28 10 01 11 12 10 12 05 B LANCE D SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA          11.73 PEGASUS KNIGHT 27 11 05 20 18 14 07 09 C LANCE               A FREDERICK
LON'QU         07.32 MYRMIDON       23 07 02 13 15 10 08 03 C SWORD               B CARMEN
PANNE          07.30 TAGUEL         29 11 01 14 15 12 09 04 BEASTONE

I'm removing some of MU's supports that are superfluous.

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[spoiler=Chapter 7 - 3/43 turns]
Could have two turned if I wanted, but Panne and Lon'qu needed some exp.
This chapter is really pretty straightforward. Run at the enemy and hope they die. Chrom engaged the boss on turn 2, and finished on turn 3. Everyone else tidied up. Fed Panne a str tonic so she'd orko Wyvern Riders.
Sumia was paired with Kellam this chapter, i'm switching over to Cordelia until Henry arrives so she has an actual support, even if it is worse statistically. She has enough levels to be competant now regardless.
CHROM          11.16 LORD           30 14 02 13 12 14 15 03 C SWORD               S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         13.32 TACTICIAN      38 13 08 11 11 12 12 06 C SWORD D TOME        A LON'QU C SULLY C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/06.38 GREAT KNIGHT   34 16 02 14 12 09 17 06 A LANCE C AXE C SWORD C PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA          07.49 CLERIC         22 01 06 07 08 11 04 09 D STAFF               C CARMEN
SULLY          10.47 CAVALIER       28 10 01 11 12 10 12 05 B LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA          13.59 PEGASUS KNIGHT 29 12 06 22 20 14 07 09 B LANCE               A FREDERICK
LON'QU         09.15 MYRMIDON       23 09 03 14 17 12 08 03 C SWORD               B CARMEN
PANNE          08.97 TAGUEL         30 12 01 15 16 12 09 04 BEASTONE              C FREDERICK   
Chrom appears to be ridiculous. Although aside from his defence, it looks pretty normal. I think I'm going to renown seal Panne, and use the chapter 8 seal on Chrom. Sully doesn't really benefit much from a second seal anyway, and she's probably going to end up being in Chrom's pocket due to having some offence issues.

[spoiler=Paralogue 3 - 4/47 turns]

Saved all the villagers securing my ladle and log, and Panne reached level 10. Those were really the only two goals of this chapter. Panne can now promote using the renown second seal, just in time for the desert!

Panne paired with Kellam again as Sumia was needed on Frederick to head to the boss. Chrom and Sully went south, taking out the pegasi and such, while Lon'qu and Carmen killed the dudes near the start and went south, while Panne and Kellam went east and took out hte enemies there.

I've been deploying Gaius as Lissa's pairup in the meantime for the extra movement. It's been pretty handy, actually.
CHROM          12.05 LORD           31 14 02 13 13 15 16 04 C SWORD               S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         13.62 TACTICIAN      38 13 08 11 11 12 12 06 C SWORD D TOME        A LON'QU C SULLY C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/06.97 GREAT KNIGHT   34 16 02 14 12 09 17 06 A LANCE C AXE C SWORD C PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA          08.63 CLERIC         23 01 07 08 08 11 04 10 C STAFF               C CARMEN
SULLY          10.67 CAVALIER       28 10 01 11 12 10 12 05 B LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA          14.67 PEGASUS KNIGHT 30 13 06 23 20 14 07 10 B LANCE               A FREDERICK
LON'QU         10.39 MYRMIDON       24 09 03 15 18 13 08 04 B SWORD               A CARMEN
PANNE       10/01.00 WYVERN RIDER   33 15 02 13 12 09 13 03 E AXES                C FREDERICK     
I've been deploying Gaius as Lissa's pairup in the meantime for the extra movement. It's been pretty handy, actually.
[spoiler=Chapter 8 - 4/51 turns]
Nowi and Gregor got the master seal village with great difficulty, due to an elwind crit on Nowi mostly, but such is life. Panne and Sumia flew ahead and handled most of the enemies with great ease, with Sumia going for the second seal village and Panne for the boss. Everyone else hung out at the start.
Sumia could really promote any time. I'll probably cut back on using her a little now that her partner isn't getting any exp.
CHROM          12.36 LORD           31 14 02 13 13 15 16 04 B SWORD               S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         14.47 TACTICIAN      39 14 09 11 12 13 13 07 C SWORD D TOME        S LON'QU C SULLY C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/07.24 GREAT KNIGHT   35 17 02 14 13 09 18 07 A LANCE B AXE C SWORD B PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA          09.52 CLERIC         24 01 08 08 09 11 04 10 C STAFF               C CARMEN 
SULLY          11.27 CAVALIER       29 11 01 11 13 10 12 05 B LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA          16.07 PEGASUS KNIGHT 32 14 07 25 21 15 07 11 B LANCE               A FREDERICK
LON'QU         10.49 MYRMIDON       24 09 03 15 18 13 08 04 B SWORD               S CARMEN
PANNE       10/02.89 WYVERN RIDER   34 16 03 14 13 10 13 03 E AXES                B FREDERICK     
Debated making Chrom a cavalier, but I think i'll just dump an arms scroll on him later instead, since his partner is a mount anyway.

I actually have no idea what's wrong with the paralogue 3 spoiler tag, im convinced the forum beta'd on me.
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[spoiler=Chapter 9 - 4/55 turns]
Libra running to Chrom instead of attacking is nice.
Panne and Fred killed the archer on turn one, Sumia the mage, and Sully+Chrom killed a wyvern (rather sully did 3 damage javelin tosses and Chrom Falchion'd). Lissa rescued dudes ahead so they could get out of the sand quicker to contribute. A plus for her I guess :/
Panne lured in Tharja on turn 3, and then Frederick Killed the boss on turn 4 with the Hammer.
No stats, I am regret.
wow, i'd almost be finished a draft in this many turns ;/ I don't know how efficient this actually is.

[spoiler=Paralogue 4 - 4/59 turns]
Got all chests but Mend, and who needs that anyway.
Panne and Frederick lured the boss on turn 2 after recruiting Anna, who opened a door. Gaius got the L buillion, while Anna went north afterwards to get the Killing Edge. I used a Chest Key to grab the Arms scroll.
I would totally promote Sumia if Henry was around, but oh well.
CHROM          13.03 LORD           32 14 02 14 13 16 16 05 B SWORD               S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         16.54 TACTICIAN      41 15 10 13 12 13 13 08 C SWORD D TOME        S LON'QU C LISSA C SULLY C VAIKE C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/08.50 GREAT KNIGHT   36 18 02 15 14 10 18 07 A LANCE B AXE B SWORD A PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA          11.65 CLERIC         25 01 09 09 09 13 04 10 C STAFF               C LIBRA C CARMEN 
SULLY          12.81 CAVALIER       30 12 01 11 14 11 13 05 A LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA          18.08 PEGASUS KNIGHT 34 16 08 27 23 16 08 11 A LANCE               A FREDERICK C CORDELIA
LON'QU         11.47 MYRMIDON       25 10 03 15 19 14 08 05 B SWORD               S CARMEN
PANNE       10/06.90 WYVERN RIDER   38 18 03 18 15 12 16 05 D AXES                A FREDERICK
LIBRA       ??/02.05 WAR MONK       40 14 16 14 15 10 11 16 C AXES C STAVES       C LISSA   
[spoiler=CHAPTER 10 - 3/62 turns]
Lissa rescued FredPanne forward a bit to save a turn, there's no reason to dawdle around, the rout was still a thing.
Carmen and Lon'qu headed north to take out the enemies there, while Sumia went thief hunting. Other units just did what they could to help. Frederick got the boss.
No bows or magic on this map is really nice.
CHROM          14.46 LORD           33 15 02 15 13 17 16 05 B SWORD               S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         17.33 TACTICIAN      42 15 11 13 12 14 13 09 C SWORD D TOME        S LON'QU C LISSA C SULLY C VAIKE C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/09.40 GREAT KNIGHT   37 19 02 16 15 10 19 08 A LANCE B AXE B SWORD A PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA          12.19 CLERIC         25 01 10 09 09 14 04 10 C STAFF               C LIBRA C CARMEN 
SULLY          13.84 CAVALIER       31 12 01 12 15 11 13 05 A LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA          18.81 PEGASUS KNIGHT 34 16 08 27 23 16 08 11 A LANCE               A FREDERICK C CORDELIA
LON'QU         12.92 MYRMIDON       25 10 03 16 20 15 08 05 B SWORD               S CARMEN
PANNE       10/08.68 WYVERN RIDER   40 20 03 18 16 12 17 05 D AXES                A FREDERICK
LIBRA       ??/02.64 WAR MONK       40 14 16 14 15 10 11 16 C AXES C STAVES       C LISSA    
[spoiler=CHAPTER 11 - 3/65 TURNS]
Chest Keyed the right chest with Sumia, and Anna got the right one. Sumia was warded and preceded to kill the mages (except the sage) on turn one, then nabbed the chest in range of Gangrel on turn two (she doubled him with Cordelia support) Panne and Frederick handled the hero's area, while most everyone else charged up the middle. Lissa physic'd people, libra gives her pretty good range (ignoring the fact Libra could just do the same thing himself).
Sumia promotes!
CHROM          16.06 LORD           34 17 02 17 13 19 17 05 B SWORD               S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN         18.37 TACTICIAN      43 16 11 13 13 14 14 09 C SWORD D TOME        S LON'QU C SULLY C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/10.10 GREAT KNIGHT   38 20 02 16 15 10 20 08 A LANCE B AXE B SWORD S PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA          13.31 CLERIC         25 01 11 09 09 15 04 11 C STAFF               B LIBRA C CARMEN 
SULLY          14.98 CAVALIER       32 12 01 12 16 12 14 05 A LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA       20/01.00 DARK FLIER     39 17 12 30 27 16 09 15 A LANCE E TOME        A FREDERICK B CORDELIA
LON'QU         13.22 MYRMIDON       26 11 03 17 21 15 08 06 B SWORD               S CARMEN
PANNE       10/10.04 WYVERN RIDER   42 22 03 19 16 14 18 06 D AXES                S FREDERICK
LIBRA       ??/02.78 WAR MONK       40 14 16 14 15 10 11 16 C AXES C STAVES       B LISSA    
Henry is finally almost here... fashionably late.

In regards to Henry actually, I thought about making him a sorceror, but I think Dark Knight might be the superior choice for more movement. Thoughts?

Edited by General Horace
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I see your discovering Henry's problem. Late joining time.

Yeah, you're actually right in that regard; 5 chapters after Tharja is a bigger deal than I thought.

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[spoiler=Chapter 12 - 3/68 turns']
A very straightforward chapter. Tossed Frederick into the middle of a bunch of knights cavaliers and paladins, he only took damage from the Silver lance Paladin, and it was a mere 4 damage, and he ORKO'd all but the Bow Knight and Paladin without dual attacks. Not exactly the definition of falling off.
Chrom headed to the left to Rapier a few dudes, while Sumia went to the right to take out the knight to build her tome rank. Libra and Carmen and their partners held the middle so olivia wouldn't explode.
CHROM       18/01.00 GREAT LORD     40 21 02 20 17 21 21 08 A SWORD D LANCE       S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN      18/02.40 TACTICIAN      48 20 15 15 16 14 16 12 C SWORD D TOME        S LON'QU C LISSA C SULLY C VAIKE C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/11.86 GREAT KNIGHT   39 21 02 17 16 10 21 10 A LANCE A AXE A SWORD S PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA       14/01.00 SAGE           29 02 16 13 12 16 07 11 C STAFF E TOME        B LIBRA C CARMEN 
SULLY       16/01.00 PALADIN        41 16 02 14 18 13 19 12 A LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA       20/02.41 DARK FLIER     39 17 13 30 27 17 10 15 A LANCE E TOME        A FREDERICK B CORDELIA
LON'QU         13.27 MYRMIDON       2
6 11 03 17 21 15 08 06 B SWORD               S CARMEN
PANNE    10/14/01.00 GRIFFON RIDER  50 26 05 26 25 15 21 09 C AXE                 S FREDERICK
LIBRA       ??/03.24 WAR MONK       41 15 17 15 16 11 11 16 C AXE C STAVES        B LISSA    

edit - pannes stats are actually after another level up. oops!

[spoiler=Chapter 13 - 2/70 turns]
easily one turnable, considering Panne orko's the boss without a dual attack. I made her a griffon rider because of her support really, it's better for both her and Frederick, as it gives a little more speed, and he's already supplying the defence wyvern lord provides regardless, and deliverer is a pretty rad skill too. I promoted Lissa because i wanted her to be able to, uh attack. I wish she could second seal to mage.
PanneFred went north, and gave no fucks about bows (well the one longbow that attacked her barely 4hko'd her at 30ish hit). Henry was fed a few kills to the right, while Chrom went left. Lon'qu sat on a fort and faced bad hitrates from everything (which is good, because his 26hp/8defence is godawful).
He even got speed once!
er, i guess he only levelled once.
CHROM       18/01.60 GREAT LORD     40 21 02 20 17 21 21 08 A SWORD D LANCE       S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN      18/02.67 TACTICIAN      48 20 15 15 16 14 16 12 C SWORD D TOME        S LON'QU C LISSA C SULLY C VAIKE C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/12.02 GREAT KNIGHT   40 21 02 18 17 10 22 10 A LANCE A AXE A SWORD S PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA       14/01.42 SAGE           29 02 16 13 12 16 07 11 C STAFF E TOME        B LIBRA C CARMEN 
SULLY       16/01.00 PALADIN        41 16 02 14 18 13 19 12 A LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA       20/02.41 DARK FLIER     39 17 13 30 27 17 10 15 A LANCE E TOME        A FREDERICK B CORDELIA
LON'QU         13.27 MYRMIDON       6 11 03 17 21 15 08 06 B SWORD               S CARMEN
PANNE    10/14/02.40 GRIFFON RIDER  50 26 05 26 25 15 21 09 C AXE                 S FREDERICK
LIBRA       ??/03.24 WAR MONK       41 15 17 15 16 11 11 16 C AXE C STAVES        B LISSA   
HENRY          13.69 DARK MAGE      30 06 14 16 10 10 13 05 C TOME                :(
LUCINA      10/01.00 CAVALIER       33 13 01 14 13 15 14 04 C SWORD E LANCE       C CHROM C SULLY
Lucina is kinda sorta not as good as I had hoped (Chrom's speed hurt a lot, although with Sully's mediocrity) but should still be a valuable unit.

[spoiler='Chapter 14 - 2/72 turns]
Does efficiency include chests and stuff? Are there goals other than reliability and turncount? Regardless, this one is a no brainer 1 turn in LTC. I wanted the Second Seal (and the money I guess, the staff is pretty worthless), and managed to get the other droppable stuff like the talisman on the general and such. Lucina nabbed a couple kills too, and got a couple good levels, although i forgot to get stats for this chapter.

[spoiler=Chapter 15 - 3/75 turns]
managed to get all of the villages and have Henry solo the beach (more or less). I gave him a robe and dragonshield to help his durability, as without a +def pairup he's not as tanky as i'd like, and statboosters have a tendancy of rotting in my convoy until endgame or are just forgotten about. Libra rescued Anna out of danger, allowing for an easier rout of the top half. Panne and Fred went villaging (they got them all minus the second from the right) while killing stuff, and I fed a lot of exp into Lon'qu in this chapter so he'd hit level 5 to pass Lethality onto Morgan. Sully is nearly level 4 as well to pass on defender to Kjelle, so I think its time for a kid paralogue break.
CHROM       18/02.48 GREAT LORD     41 22 02 20 17 22 21 08 A SWORD D LANCE       S SULLY C CARMEN 
CARMEN      18/05.84 TACTICIAN      51 22 15 17 17 17 17 13 C SWORD C TOME        S LON'QU C LISSA C SULLY C VAIKE C CHROM
FREDERICK   ??/13.32 GREAT KNIGHT   41 22 02 19 17 10 23 10 A LANCE A AXE A SWORD S PANNE A SUMIA
LISSA       14/02.27 SAGE           29 02 17 13 13 17 07 12 C STAFF E TOME        A LIBRA C CARMEN 
SULLY       16/04.25 PALADIN        44 19 03 16 21 16 19 13 A LANCE C SWORD       S CHROM
SUMIA       20/02.99 DARK FLIER     39 17 13 30 27 17 10 15 A LANCE E TOME        C HENRY A FREDERICK B CORDELIA
LON'QU      15/05.17 ASSASSIN       36 20 04 25 27 20 11 08 A SWORD E BOW         S CARMEN
PANNE    10/14/04.61 GRIFFON RIDER  52 27 05 28 27 16 22 10 B AXE                 S FREDERICK
LIBRA       ??/04.10 WAR MONK       42 15 17 15 16 12 12 16 B AXE C STAVES        A LISSA   
HENRY       19/01.00 DARK KNIGHT    48 11 19 24 16 12 25 10 C TOME E SWORD        C SUMIA
LUCINA      10/05.89 CAVALIER       36 16 02 18 15 17 15 07 C SWORD E LANCE       C CHROM C SULLY

Midgame unit analysis time!

Chrom - Second to only Frederick in earlygame combat, he was just an incredible unit all in all. His speed is kind of worriesome now, that he's missed it in like 5 or 6 levels in a row.

Avatar - too average at life. could have just pumped her up with levels early but that restricts the rest of your team. I'm saying it now, overlevelling avatar is inefficient! Ha!

Frederick - He's still among my most durable units, and among units with the best offence. Still doubles all unpromoted dudes, and some promoted as well. Hasn't come remotely close to falling off yet. Will he keep up at the difficulty spike at chapter 17?

Lissa - D: D: D: D: Healing is pretty useless and her offence upon promotion is worse. Probably worse than shota mage and maybe even Virion.

Sully - Mediocre earlygame has transitioned into a mediocre midgame for Sully. Chrom doesn't give her the strength she needs to ORKO, (but at leasclct gives her the speed to double) and her 1-2 range is more or less Chrom's 1 range + about 4-10 damage. Still a good unit at one range due to weapon ranks though.

Sumia - Strong earlygame unit that's transitioned into the midgame well due to being overlevelled due to having a strong earlygame. See what I did there? Why the FUCK is she below Lon'qu?

Lon'qu - Pretty good offence, but who doesn't have that? (other than libra and lissa...) His durability is terrible, although I'm pretty sure his defence growth is higher than the 20% rate he's getting it at currently. His HP is naturally pegasusknight like, which doesn't help matters either. Not that strong.

Panne - Why's she below Sully again? She's badly outclassing her and Sully has her best support partner. One might say "but she's a way higher level Horace! Of course she's better!" But its only I believe a three level lead, and their stats aren't even comparable. The gap is only bound to get bigger as Panne see's more combat due to being a stronger unit at this point in the game.

Libra - he's been kind of shitty honestly, staves aren't very useful as a whole in efficient play, and his offence or durability isn't very good. Lissa pair isn't helping either of these things, but I don't thing it would make much difference regardless.

Henry - really easy to get up to speed, and he actually was doubling some mages and the dark knight in chapter 15 unpromoted with a Sumia pair. Things are looking up.

Lucina - still too early.

Feel free to post your thoughts too. Especially if you disagree or think i've been favouring units too much.

Edited by General Horace
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Who even thought of Lon'qu > Sumia? She easily trumps him.

Flight, a better earlygame (especially with a Frederick support), and she has an easier time raking in kills (especially with a Frederick support).

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I have no idea, quite frankly. Sure Lon'qu gives speed for a support bot, but so do many other units (like Sumia herself)

His combat is good, but no 1-2 range (unless he goes wyvern and hits d axes), but there are many more units that do that much better than he does.

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Such as Panne, for example, who may appear later than he does, but has better results when she goes wyvern rider. Same with Sully (who I still think is a bit overrated).

I'd imagine Stahl would be pretty awesome (well, even more than usual) if he could reclass to wyvern rider.

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Yeah, in my mind, if stahl could go wyvern rider, he'd be hands down better than Sully, no contest.

Sully only really has a Chrom pairing over him in the first place, his wins are much bigger than her wins against him heads up.

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If Stahl could go wyvern rider, I think he'd even be neck-to-neck with Panne. His SPD is his only problem, but it can mended with Pair Ups (I believe an A-support with Avatar with +SPD gives him +7 SPD, and combined with his great STR, good skill, and awesome DEF, he pretty much became a one-man army). I still don't know why he's not an S tier.

I'll have to pair Chrom and Sully, since I haven't done so before and I'm curious. The one time I tried using Sully, she was one of my best units until Panne showed up, who took her place after reclassing to wyvern rider. Sully's level ups were lacking at that point, anyway.

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Yeah, Stahl is amazing.

just like you said ZM His def is great and spd can be mended.

Horace is Dark flier much better for sumia than Falco knight? I used her in both classes, but is it because of galeforce, pair up bonuses, and tomes that make dark flier better for her?

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I've found that making Sumia a Dark Flier allowed her to transition into the Valm Arc pretty well, due to the high amount of more high defence low resistance units, and Henry helps accomplish this pretty well, giving her some more magic to hit harder, along with some much needed durability. I think if she was still paired with Frederick, her combat would be significantly worse, especially from 2 range. Galeforce is honestly just the icing on the cake. I'd say Dark Flier is the superior choice for her, and her magic growth in the dark flier class seems to be adequete enough.

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