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How are these pairings?

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I want to play the game again, and while I liked my pairings the first time around, I think I could do better.

I'll be playing on Normal Mode and will be min-maxing/grinding characters to max stats.














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  • Chrom/Olivia
    • Lucina: She'll have good caps and access to Galeforce. She doesn't really need more than that to be good. Use her like you would with Chrom but add Galeforce to her skillset.
    • Inigo: He can get Aegis and Luna from his father's classes and inherit Rightful King, which is very useful. I'd have him with Galeforce+Aegis+RK+Armsthrift (with RK it will hit a 100% chance and he'd get a Fake Falchion as a forged Wyrmslayer which wouldn't wear out)+Sol or Luna (depending on a more defensive or offensive character).
  • Avatar/Nowi

    • Morgan and Nah shall be basically the same: overpowered Manaketes with Galeforce.

  • Lissa/Vaike

    • Owain: He gets his highest possible strength and access to Sol and Acrobat. A nice match.

  • Maribelle/Henry

    • Brady: He'll get the Sorcerer class and good modifiers for a magical class. Good match, Counter+Vengeance as a Sorcerer (to use Nosferatu, too risky otherwise) will take out most enemies, just attack at melee distance. Or give him Galeforce (inherited) and Lifetaker to use a full sweeper combination with any magical class (his physical modifiers suck).

  • Sully/Donnel

    • Kjelle: Donnel passes down the classes Kjelle is missing, so she'll get access to Sol, Armsthrift and Galeforce. Good one, but Kjelle as a tank doesn't really need Galeforce, with Aegis+Pavise+Sol she'd have all she really needs.

  • Sumia/Frederick

    • Cynthia: She gets two breaker skills and the Aegis+Pavise+Renewal combo. She may tank just as well as Fred would, but Kjelle can tank better just beacause of Sol. Give her Luna, Galeforce and Aegis and let her strike as a Falcoknight.

  • Cordelia/Lon'qu

    • Severa: She'll be one of the fastest characters you can get. Her best skillset is inherited from her mother (aside from the chance of using any breaker skill).

  • Cherche/Gregor

    • Gerome: He'll be very strong and has access to Sol and Armsthrift.

  • Panne/Stahl

    • Yarne: He has great modifiers and access to Luna and Aegis. THey make a good pairing.

  • Miriel/Ricken

    • Laurent: He'll be great with magic and has access to Luna and Aegis. Bowbreaker doesn't hurt either.

  • Tharja/Gaius

    • Noire: She has access to Galeforce and a good set of skills (Pavise, Pass if you choose to use her as a Sniper, Luna and can inherit Sol). Plus Tharja/Gaius support is very funny.

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I chose the pairings for Sully, Tharja, and Nowi based around giving their children Galeforce.

One thing I'm considering is swapping Gaius to Nowi and putting Avatar with Tharja.

My reasoning is that Noire (Sniper) will benefit from Armsthrift more than Nah (Manakete).

On the other hand, Nowi is better for Morgan, so I'm confused.

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Semi optimal 7/10

Good enough I guess

In general, the biggest problem in this set up is Vaike and Sumia. Sumia is stuck with Henry, who is wanted by Cherche and Maribelle, or Frederick who is wanted by Cherche and Panne, and some other child who can use his genes. Gaius is better off with others for extra GF while Vaike!Owain is rather shaky

So, heres the option to consider

Ricken x Owain

Vaike x Cherche

Gregor x Miriel

Ricken!Owain is pretty damn cool. Acess to DG+ and Mag, while having speed. This is as close as non MU Owain can get to challenge Henry!Brady's position as the best non MU supporter in the game

Vaike!Gerome is not optimal, but doing this gives a cool offensive support Gerome. The real reason to do this is to give room for....

Gregor!Laurent is an extra Armthrift with Vengeance and Vantage

Using this set up did not cost you a Galeforce user. if you don't mind losing a Galeforce, you can go with Vaike x Sully and Donnel x Tharja, giving one more Armthrift, but one less GF

Edited by JSND
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