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Who should i pair up with yarne

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I'm getting all tchild units paired u on my file, and Yarne is the only unpaired male child now, and Noire and Nah are left, who should i pair with yarne and who benefits more with the support bonuses.

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There's no reason not to have one at A and the other at S.

For Pair-up stat bonuses, there's no difference.

For Dual Support bonuses, the difference is 5 hit (+10 hit vs +15 hit).

For Dual Strike, the difference is 10%

So who hits harder? Nah or Noire? Answer: Noire, with a Brave Weapon (or Waste/Celica's Gale), gets two shots off vs. Nah's single (more-powerful) shot.

It shouldn't really matter, though.

But if you pair Yarne with Nah, you get cute little Rabbi-dragons in a few years...

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But if you pair Yarne with Nah, you get cute little Rabbi-dragons in a few years...

I don't personally know enough about the different support bonuses, but if nothing else pair Yarne with Nah for awesome shapeshifter couple and dragon/bunny babies!

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I don't personally know enough about the different support bonuses, but if nothing else pair Yarne with Nah for awesome shapeshifter couple and dragon/bunny babies!

Dual Support


I just looked it up myself.

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