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SF Profile Issue


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I know this probably belongs in another section, but I couldn't find a section appropriate for forum profile issues.

Anyways, regardless of whether I log out or not after signing into SF, when I turn off my computer and start it up again and I go to Serenes Forest Forums, I'm automatically logged in for whatever reason. I want to turn that off since I'm paranoid about being automatically logged into SF every time I start up my computer. How can I stop my computer from doing that? I couldn't find any settings for it.

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Sign out, then go to the log in screen. From there, there should be a square box that says something along the lines of "remember me". Make sure that is unchecked. It should fix your problem. Also, there is likely away to do it through setting though i do not know it. Oh wait nvm you said you log out. I don't know then,

Edited by SlayerX
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Alright, I'll try that, thanks. Hopefully it'll work the next time I shut my computer off and turn it back on.

I really only started having this problem after the forums changed to the new style.

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No. Even if was my Facebook or E-Mail automatically logging in even though I logged off last time I turned of the computer, I'd still want to disable that feature. I'm paranoid about being logged into accounts longer than neccessary for security reasons.

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Why is it a problem

Are you afraid someone will use your computer, end up by chance in sf, and find out you're a nerd

Play nice, there's no need to be rude when someone is just looking for help.


I imagine this would go in a ticket but that's still down. Have you tried clearing your cookies?

Edited by eCut
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