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Features That Could Improve Awakening


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I got this game 1 and a half month ago and have put over 200 hours into it.

I believe that I have the necessary knowledge to criticize this game without sounding like an idiot.

So I am starting a list on features that this AMAZING game lacks and could be added to it.

I'm hoping that you guys can add on to this list to add thing I missed

The two major things that this lacks are the

1. Lack of multiplayer (Double Duel doesn't count :\)

The lack of multiplayer was a feature that could have improved the game drastically.

The devs did add the streetpass mechanic to face off your friend's team.

But this does not directly give me the satisfaction of brutally murdering my friend's team with my highly superior team.

For it is the AI that controls the team and the AI can be easily abused.

I thought maybe the technology was advanced enough to allow a player controlled battle between two teams.

But I was highly disappointed when I saw the lack of multiplayer


Ok, this is really just evil

Every single time I want to start a new game, I had to erase a save

I really wanted to keep my first save to look back on it and amuse myself by look at all the foolish decisions I made

But I quickly ran out of save space and had to erase my first save

Well to be fair, the other handheld FE games I've played also had 3 saves.

But it doesn't stop me from complaining about it >:\

So yeah, these are my list of features I like to see added to the Awakening

But I already know it will never be and I'm just rambling on about things that can not and will not change

EDIT: Oh yeah and the story is apparently really rushed, but I didn't really find anything bad about it o-o

Edited by Kyung
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The lack of multiplayer was a feature that could have improved the game drastically.

But this does not directly give me the satisfaction of brutally murdering my friend's team with my highly superior team.

Dual Guard Dual Guard Dual Guard Dual Guard.

It's fair for your side as a player when you're up against a bunch of badasses on Lunatic/Lunatic+. The AI doesn't rage from getting an unfair advantage, and you as a player feel much happier if that saved your butt. But when you're both players that's just going to get annoying.


Ok, this is really just evil

GBA games did the same thing. That's not evil at all.

If you're not happy with it, backup your save with a save dongle if you have a physical copy, or backup your SD card if you have a digital copy.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I agree with those and I'll add a few more:

- More pairing options for Chrom and Sumia

- Let people like Anna, Tiki, Sayri, Basilio, Flavia, and all of the spotpass people into the general pairing pool

- Give male characters children attached to them so that there can be more sibling pairs that don't include Morgan or Lucina.

- More avatar customization options, like skin tone, accessories, etc.

- Better story pacing, better villains, even more main story chapters not including paralogues (I'm greedy for a long story)

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IF better story and better map design is a feature..... those


Or a less rushed story because I can go on and on about that idiotic character that is Yen'Fay and the last arc villains in general

Bolded part, most definitely.

I agree with those and I'll add a few more:

- More pairing options for Chrom and Sumia

- Let people like Anna, Tiki, Sayri, Basilio, Flavia, and all of the spotpass people into the general pairing pool

- Give male characters children attached to them so that there can be more sibling pairs that don't include Morgan or Lucina.

- More avatar customization options, like skin tone, accessories, etc.

- Better story pacing, better villains, even more main story chapters not including paralogues (I'm greedy for a long story)

ALL this. I most definitely agree.

Another thing: I'd personally love if a certain pair of Khans were available to play as for more than the last two chapters of the game. That would be splendid.

Although I think Chrom's options are limited because he has to marry a noblewoman, which is why Tharja, Cordelia, Panne and Miriel aren't in his support pool.

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All I'd really say is more pairing options for Sumia (Chrom is fine, imo, though it wouldn't have hurt to add Cordelia and Miriel to his list) and children attached to the first gen guys. More main story chapters wouldn't hurt too since I also love a long game. lol

Vashiane: Village girl's not a noble. And neither is Sumia or Sully or Olivia. Maribelle is the only noble he can marry.

Edited by Anacybele
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All I'd really say is more pairing options for Sumia (Chrom is fine, imo, though it wouldn't have hurt to add Cordelia and Miriel to his list) and children attached to the first gen guys. More main story chapters wouldn't hurt too since I also love a long game. lol

Vashiane: Village girl's not a noble. And neither is Sumia or Sully or Olivia. Maribelle is the only noble he can marry.

Oh, right. I totally forget the village girl's an option. But actually, Sully and Sumia are both nobles. They talk about it in their support conversation together.

Sumia X Vaike Master Race!

I KNOW. I want this so bad it's not funny. -_-

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Oh, right. I totally forget the village girl's an option. But actually, Sully and Sumia are both nobles. They talk about it in their support conversation together.

Oh. Well, that still leaves Olivia.

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Oh. Well, that still leaves Olivia.

Yeah, I think you're right about her too... I don't see anything that proves she is one.

Well, then that's just a whole bucket of oddness, IS. I kind of wanted my blue-haired Laurent/Gerome.

Why does Cherche join so late? Why?

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Yeah. I would've never ever guessed that Sully was a noble though. I mean, it's friggin Sully. xP

Oh, yeah. That's a thing I love about this game. Most nobles are presented in a way that makes it difficult to sympathize with them. They're usually aloof, cold, and self-absorbed, and very one-dimensional because of that. Awakening is probably one of the very few games where its noble characters are at the worst likable, and at their very best some of my absolute favorites.

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Oh, yeah. That's a thing I love about this game. Most nobles are presented in a way that makes it difficult to sympathize with them. They're usually aloof, cold, and self-absorbed, and very one-dimensional because of that. Awakening is probably one of the very few games where its noble characters are at the worst likable, and at their very best some of my absolute favorites.

Oh yes! I believe Frederick is a noble (though it's never actually stated, it can easily be inferred) and I totally love him. And I also think Sully's badass. lol

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Since they appear to be sticking with reclassing, I hope the next game has portraits for every class a character can have. I doubt it'll happen but it always bugs me that they're clearly still their original class whatever they are gameplay wise.

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Freds a commoner

Or else his line from Panne's support make a bit less sense

Frederick's family served Ylisse's royal family for generations. I don't see how it DOESN'T make sense for him to be a noble. I also don't see how it's impossible for a noble's child to be attacked by a wolf. Children like playing outside. It's natural. xP

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Sully also has some of the greater supports in the game. Her friendship support with Sumia is too cute for words, and hers with Chrom is a better example of a childhood friend romance - and I'm a complete sucker for those.

Oh, we all know how much you love Freddy-Bear, Ana. :) I'm very tempted to marry him my next playthrough.

And good point Raven. It is a bit odd seeing Stahl in his Cavalier armor when he's been an assassin for as long as I can remember.

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Vashiane, do it do it do it. ^^ The support is ADORABLE and male Morgan looks great with dark brown hair!

Oh, this reminds me, another thing I would've liked is that in the Summer Scramble DLC, the Avatar could have special conversations with ANY of their spouses. Not just Chrom, Gaius, Cordelia, or Tharja.

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Vashiane, do it do it do it. ^^ The support is ADORABLE and male Morgan looks great with dark brown hair!

Oh, this reminds me, another thing I would've liked is that in the Summer Scramble DLC, the Avatar could have special conversations with ANY of their spouses. Not just Chrom, Gaius, Cordelia, or Tharja.

Hehe, I will!

But, gods yes, do I agree. I was a bit miffed that Henry could fangirl over Gaius' candy collection, but not his decked-out-in-a-tiny-black-swimsuit wife.

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This might be only me but I would like to have set skills to characters. I'm all for having the class skills but I would like to see personal skills like in FE4. Personally I think it would incease replay value.

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This might be only me but I would like to have set skills to characters. I'm all for having the class skills but I would like to see personal skills like in FE4. Personally I think it would incease replay value.

Personal skills? So each individual character had their own unique skill? Ah! I like that.

lol good point! And I would've loved to see Frederick's reaction if my Avatar suddenly kissed him...or hers if he kissed her! XD

Oh, I know! I read the conversations on the DLC script thread - fanservice of the highest, most glorious kind. Although I do give the game props for the married couple conversations on the event tiles... even if my particular husband says some pretty odd things. XD

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lol good point! And I would've loved to see Frederick's reaction if my Avatar suddenly kissed him...or hers if he kissed her! XD

I adored the quality of conversation that the DLC gave the 4 (so far) marriage pairs with the avatar so much that I'm actually feeling guilty that I can enjoy it with Chrom but others can't with their spouses that are not the 4 (soon to be 8). I know you would've enjoyed it so much too; if they do the marriage system with this kind of DLC in the next game, I vote they do it for all the couples; or at least have a poll for western fans to vote 8 more characters (4 first gen, 4 second gen) to enjoy spouse convos and CGs with.... :(

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Oh yes, I love those little convos on the event tiles between married couples! Frederick bought Kelli a pendant! It was so sweet of him. I realized that all spouses will give a gift of some sort, but I find pendants to be really pretty! So he just charmed me yet again. <3

And Silver Lightning, I don't blame you. I'd have felt guilty too. But what do you mean by "soon to be 8"?

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