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Character ages

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from what my head canon is telling me, the children arrived at different moments in time from what Laurent implied in his supports. Lucina arrived on the onset of the Plegia War 2 years prior to being reunited with her father. Laurent was around 3 years before that.

My guess is when the children got separated and landed in various points in time, of course the gap in time isn't that big between them. That would explain why some children look older than the others/etc.

Morgan on the other hand just arrived, hence why he/she's so young.

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Greetings, totally coming into this after just skimming the thread. (I read all the juicy parts, though)

Magical time travel seems to be inprecise, obviously based on Laurent's support. Judging on what each kid character is doing when the Sheperds show up, my guess is Morgan probably arrived last, like within a few minutes prior to Chrom and company showing up, and Laurent probably arrived first... But I digress.

I'll put my reckoning in perenthesis's but if there are no paren's, that means I'm going mostly from appearance and mannerisms (not quite precise, true, but it's all we've got to go on at this point).

Parent Characters Ages at the onset of the Plegia War

Chrom: 17 (He was very little when his dad died and does remember Emmeryn's early years as Exalt, which to me could be 2 onward)

Lissa: 15 (Was too young to remember her parents, so she's got to be at most 17 and at least 15)

Fredrick: 29

Sully: 17 (was childhood friends with Chrom, yes, I know that's vague)

Virion: 29

Stahl: 18

Vaike: 17

Miriel: 25

Sumia: 17

Kellam: 18

Donnel: 15 (younger than Lissa, born later in the same year :3: )

Lon'qu: 19

Ricken: 13

Maribelle: 16

Panne: 23 (by looks, dunno how long Taguel live)

Gaius: 21

Cordelia: 18

Soviet Gregor: 40

Nowi: 1000-something (as stated in game (Yay! Canonical age!!!)

Libra: 27

Tharja: 19

Anna: Immortal (okay, so she could not be immortal, but you never know)

Olivia: 16

Add 2 years to above for the second bit of the story

Cherche: 23

Henry: 21

Say'ri: 24

Tiki: Roughly 3000 (but who's counting, right?)

Basilio: 40ish (Could be as young as 40 or as old as 60 in my eyes)

Flavia: 35ish (35 is a tentative minimum, really)

Gangrel: 37 (assumed to be King during Chrom's Dad's war with Plegia, so that would have made him 21 based on this figure)

Walhart: 50

Emmeryn: 26 (was most likely 9 at her father's death, add 15 to that and she was 24 during the Plegia War and now two years older... Most concrete age asside from Nowi's)

Yen'fay: 36ish (he's white haired, but that could just be early greying and/or his natural hair color. He does strike me as being the *much* bigger bro to Say'ri, however)

Aversa: 28 (says she's 8 years older than Chrom...)

Priam: 26

The Kid's Ages

Lucina: 18 (I want to say 24, really, dunno why... But she comes from a messed up future of doom, she's more mature than normal)

Owain: 16

Inigo: 19

Brady: 17 (I knew a lot of kids in HS who looked as beat up as he does, lol)

Kjelle: 16

Cynthia: 16

Severa: 17

Gerome: 19

Morgan: 14

Yarne: 17

Laurent: 20 (He's at most 2 years older than Lucina, having arrived 3 years before her and being at least a good year younger in their timeline (you think Miriel would fight heavy with baby??))

Noire: 15

Nah: Around 20 (she says she was about Laurent's age in their supports, though it's probably not likely for her to have arrived as early as he did)

The kids are a confusing bunch... :XD:

Keep in mind I haven't *quite* played the whole game, nook and cranny and all, but I'm supporting my characters as fast as I can, you know. :rolleyes:

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Don't forget that there is a two year timeskip in the middle of the game, so any children character ages you give have to account for the fact that they've been around for 2 years. Indeed, characters like Cynthia appear to be very childish, but I doubt she's been flying around killing stuff since she was 12.

Lucina was definitely around for two years, but there is nothing in the game that indicates that every other one of the children except for Laurent arrived at the same time. It's entirely possible that some of them, like Nah (randomly lost in a haunted house for no apparent reason) or Gerome (just there to set Minerva free and vanish), had just arrived.

At any rate, I simply cannot imagine Cynthia being older than fourteen unless rhubarb in this universe causes psychosis. She's even more childish than Ricken, who's probably 13-14 himself.

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Considering the ages of Chrom and Lissa are revealed, I edited my personal "age" list thing. 8U Here are my new guesses.

Chrom - 19 (he is 6 years younger than Emmeryn according to this: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40096)
Lissa - 15 (she's 4 years younger than Chrom, and 10 years younger than Emmeryn)
Frederick - 28
Sully - 18
Virion - 25
Stahl -18
Vaike - 17
Miriel - 25
Sumia - 17
Kellam - 18
Donnel - 13
Lon'qu - 26
Ricken - 12
Maribelle - 17
Gaius - 22
Panne - ???
Cordelia - 19
Gregor - 35
Nowi - 1000+
Libra - 24
Tharja - 22
Anna - 26
Olivia - 19
Cherche - 25
Henry - 15
Say'ri - 24
Tiki - 4000+
Basilio - 40
Flavia - 40
Priam - 23
Emmeryn - 25 (she was 9-10 15 years ago)
Grangel - 30
Aversa - 27 (she states she's 8 years older than Chrom)
Yen'fey - 27
Walhart - 45

All ages pre-timeskip. 8U

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Is the ages really canon tho? I'm still not sure.

Anyways, if they do, I'll have to sort some changes.

Chrom - 19

Lissa - 15

Frederick - 25

Sully - 20

Virion - 26

Stahl - 20

Vaike - 20

Miriel - 21

Sumia - 17

Kellam - 21

Donnel - 15

Lon'qu - 21

Ricken - 15

Maribelle - 16

Gaius - 19

Panne - 30

Cordelia - 19

Gregor - 43

Libra - 22

Tharja - 19

Anna - 25

Olivia - 19

Cherche - 27

Henry - 16

Say'ri - 26

Basilio - 40

Flavia - 38

Priam - 35

Emmeryn - 25

Gangrel - 27

Aversa - 30

Yen'fay - 28

Walhart - 50

Note: I assumed Donny was born at the same year as Lissa so he's technically younger than her in months.

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Just in case this hasn't been stated: all the kids are younger than Lucina. She's the first of all the children to be born. Not to mention if all the other kids were born around the same time-- what did all the parents do after the war..? have an orgy? xD

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Just in case this hasn't been stated: all the kids are younger than Lucina. She's the first of all the children to be born. Not to mention if all the other kids were born around the same time-- what did all the parents do after the war..? have an orgy? xD

This. I was gonna post something like that earlier, but I kinda forgot. So I dunno why people are saying Laurent is older than Lucina. I mean, even if he may have entered the current timeline before Lucina or something like that, she was still born first... Laurent doesn't even exist in this current timeline....yet.

And well... who's to say the children were born around the same time though? The only one we know is Lucina, who is definitely the eldest of the children. So I think guessing the ages for the second generation will be more tough.

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This. I was gonna post something like that earlier, but I kinda forgot. So I dunno why people are saying Laurent is older than Lucina. I mean, even if he may have entered the current timeline before Lucina or something like that, she was still born first... Laurent doesn't even exist in this current timeline....yet.

Does it say anywhere explicitly that none of the other characters have children yet in this timeline? Actually, I suppose the general surprise from the parents is proof enough. Didn't think of that for some reason...>.<

I assume that's what everyone goes on when saying that Lucina is the oldest?

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In a linear timelike Lucina is the oldest because she's the only one shown to be born in-game. Obviously no one else has had a baby before Chrom.

That being said, due to the imprecise nature of the time travel used by the kids, Laurent entered the timeline before Lucina and aged for 3 more years before she shows up, making him older than Lucina in a way, despite being born after her. So some kids might be older than Lucina but as far as we know, Laurent is the only one.

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Does it say anywhere explicitly that none of the other characters have children yet in this timeline? Actually, I suppose the general surprise from the parents is proof enough. Didn't think of that for some reason...>.<

I assume that's what everyone goes on when saying that Lucina is the oldest?

And the fact that none of the other children have been actually born in the current timeline aside from Lucina. So for those who do say/guess Lucina is the oldest, it makes the most sense.

As for Laurent... I'm not sure if I can wrap my head around that concept... I guess that's why there should be a difference for pre- and post-timeskip, if Laurent did jump in the current timeline before Lucina so he did gained a year more...? Maybe. But maybe he just reached closer to Lucina.

Though do we know each and every child's time they entered the current timeline?

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And the fact that none of the other children have been actually born in the current timeline aside from Lucina. So for those who do say/guess Lucina is the oldest, it makes the most sense.

As for Laurent... I'm not sure if I can wrap my head around that concept... I guess that's why there should be a difference for pre- and post-timeskip, if Laurent did jump in the current timeline before Lucina so he did gained a year more...? Maybe. But maybe he just reached closer to Lucina.

Though do we know each and every child's time they entered the current timeline?

What I was originally getting at was that the game never, as far as I know, explicitly says that nobody had a kid before Chrom. But then I realized that I'm fairly positive none of them knew their kids by name and such.

Like...they wouldn't necessarily need to incorporate the fact that someone else had a kid into the story with a scene like Chrom's leaving Lucina - the only thing we know for certain from that is that Lucina doesn't have a sibling yet. Some of the other first generation characters are or seem to be older than Chrom, and with Lucina being born at the end of the two year timeskip, I see no reason there could not be some other child born before her and simply not mentioned explicitly. Except for what support conversations between parents/children that I've read.

Basically at this point I'm just talking in pointless circles, soo I'm going to stop. >.>;

In any case, the whole time travel thing confuses me terribly with the different ages and such resulting from it?

I'm not sure what to make of that.

But I'm going to go ahead and say that, aside from the general ambiguity of ages for all/most characters, the children were probably left that way because giving them set ages may have conflicted with pairings - can't say, for example, that Laurent is older than Lucina if you don't even marry Miriel off before the timeskip. -shrugs-

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I'd think at least most of the children had been conceived by the end of the game as if I remember correctly you can get the father killed off before doing their paralogue and still recruit the child.

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Kind of? It's fuzzy in that aspect. Alternate realities are weird to work with since they aren't exactly a real thing. However, you're correct in speculating they could possibly have already been conceived before the game ends... if it weren't for Yarne's C-support stating that he hasn't been born yet and his father falling for another woman could possibly off-set the time-space continuum and revoke his very existence on either timeline. This, however, is not the case since you can actually recruit him after a parent has been killed leaving the only explanation to be that being born on the past timeline is not the same as being born on the present timeline.

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Laurent being (sorta) older than Lucina is covered in his supports. Time traveling shenanigans and stuff.

I wouldn't assume any others being older than her though since there's no explicit evidence of them stating as such.

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wouldn't it be trippy if Laurent HAD been the first born on the past timeline but Lucina coming back from the past altered their current timeline to be that she was the first born of the children? Or Laurent could possibly be so insignificant that his birth went unmentioned~

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How old are the characters in this game?

I heard Ricken was 17, but he looks like 14 or something. Donny looks like 15-16.

Also I find it hard to believe Lucy is like 10-12...she said she comes from over 10 years in the future, but she might as well say almost 20 years, because she looks close to that age.

It's stated in-game that Emmeryn is 24-25.

Em is around 24-25

In one pic of the official art it states that em is 6 years older than chrom

So chrom should be 18-19

Lissa should be 14-15

And Frederic that is the older one should be 25+

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