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Most hated character


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I'll go game by game.

In FE4 I hated Levin for leaving his family and his sickly wife, but then someone told me it was because he was cursed by a tome so I sort of toned it down.

In FE6 I disliked Clarine, and Zephiel. Clarine for being incredibly rude and vulgar unlike her mother who was the total opposite, a kind and likable person. The reason I disliked Zephiel was because of his backstory. Zephiel was likable in FE7 but I don't like how he turned out in FE6, although his father is probably the blame.

In FE7 I hated Hector, he seemed unnecessarily rude too many times that first time I played the game, and I didn't like that he was a boring arrogant show off. I also hated Karel for being a bit too bloodthirsty and heartless. There is also Jaffar who I despised for killing Leila, I always wanted Matthew to avenge her. I didn't like Renault's past either so I think he sort of counts too. And also Priscilla for trying to ruin LuciusxRaven OTP.

In FE8 I despised Ephraim for many of the reasons I hated Hector, although Ephraim wasn't rude but I found him incredibly obnoxious, predictable, boring and a spotlight stealer. For a while I disliked Innes too but when he revealed to Tana that he really cared for her a lot I thought it was sweet and began to like him. Caellach was the villain in this game I despised the most.

In FE9 I flat out hated Soren for being heartless and rude. I never used him because of that and because he insulted my favorite character o3o. Poor Soren I was too harsh on him.

In FE10 I hated Shinnon for his racist remark and I also hated Ike for ruining the development of the new characters by turning into spotlight stealer, and a ridiculous gary stu. I also hated the senators, and Lehran.

In FE13 I wasn't very fond of Lon'Qu. He seemed like a sexist the first few lines but after reading his supports I understood him sort of. I'm going to say for this game the character I dislike the most is Henry and I don't like Priam, Excellus, or Walhart either.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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Because going "ohmigawd I'm such a klutz! xD" constantly is an annoying character trait.

She never "goes like that." She doesn't enjoy being a klutz.

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She never "goes like that." She doesn't enjoy being a klutz.

It's still expressed as a "cute" character trait rather than a serious flaw...mainly because it's not a serious flaw in the first place. Granted, silly overblown character traits are Awakening's shtick so she's not alone.

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In the few times Sumia has her klutz moments, she's always embarrassed and sad about it.

She doesn't go "omigawd" like a moron who thinks it's cute. In fact, she wishes she didn't have that trait and expresses her grief about it.

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Pretty sad that you decide to focus on this rather than my actual point.

Your point was that Jar Jar was cute and harmless. I'm saying he's not cute. What am I not focusing on? The analogy doesn't exist.

Edited by Olwen
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In the few times Sumia has her klutz moments, she's always embarrassed and sad about it.

She doesn't go "omigawd" like a moron who thinks it's cute. In fact, she wishes she didn't have that trait and expresses her grief about it.

It's not really a serious flaw, which makes the whole situation silly even if she's 'grieving' about it.

Some people aren't into shallow, "cute" characters.

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It could be done worse, but being physically and socially awkward in real life is heavier subject matter than it's usually presented as in fire emblem. Awkwardness being played for cuteness appeal can come off as kind of patronizing, because real awkwardness (speaking as a socially and physically awkward person) doesn't really look cute, it tends to just look like being an asshole, unsociable, or stupid. Real awkwardness isn't often very endearing on the surface.

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It should be clear as day as to what I'm criticizing. If you can't understand it then it's not worth bothering to explain.

Lol troll. Concession accepted.

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Yep, because you can't understand stupidly obvious hyperbolic analogies and rather focus on irrelevant details, I'm a troll.

Everyone must hate Jar Jar binks because he's ugly, right?

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I... I have no idea what's going on here...?

[/quick trip to the wikia later]

Oh, I've seen much uglier... He actually looks kind of sad. Poor guy.

My main problem with Sumia is that while yes, she is cute and very much dislikes her clumsy nature, I just always wondered why she was in the army if she's so worried about messing up. I applaud her for striving to do good, but... you can do good without having to resort to joining a profession where a mistake can get you killed. Quickly. That's always confused me about her.

That and, how do you not know how to slap someone? That just baffles me.

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Not to mention the implication that such absurd clumsiness has for someone who rides a flying horse.

Such a person wouldn't even need an enemy to get killed.

Edited by BrightBow
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It could be done worse, but being physically and socially awkward in real life is heavier subject matter than it's usually presented as in fire emblem. Awkwardness being played for cuteness appeal can come off as kind of patronizing, because real awkwardness (speaking as a socially and physically awkward person) doesn't really look cute, it tends to just look like being an asshole, unsociable, or stupid. Real awkwardness isn't often very endearing on the surface.

Yup, I agree with this... I'm no big fan of Sumia (too "moe" for my tastes, though she's not even the worst offender in that department), but awkwardness gets treated like it's not really a "flaw" or detrimental to a character way too often, and is even seen as a "desirable" trait. Sure, it's not a "character flaw" in that it's most of the time only harmful to the character him/herself and not to others, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make the character's life that much harder...

Hmm, now I really wish Sumia's clumsiness would have been treated differently, instead of being just a gimmick trait played for laughs, since it would've made her much more interesting... heck, I wish clumsiness would get a more realistic treatment in Japanese media overall. Being clumsy doesn't make others think you're cute, it makes others think you're useless/an idiot. The (Western) fandom's general opinion of Sumia is proof of that...

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I wish clumsiness would get a more realistic treatment in Japanese media overall. Being clumsy doesn't make others think you're cute, it makes others think you're useless/an idiot. The (Western) fandom's general opinion of Sumia is proof of that...

That may be more of a cultural difference than a right/wrong situation. And even then Sumia does constantly bemoan her uselessness, so I'm not really sure what people's issue with her is...

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There are very few characters I don't like. But I would have to say that the characters I dislike the most are:

Heather. She's a pretty useless character, her class really isn't very good and why use her when you're pretty much required to use Sothe who is of the same class but better? And I don't support homosexuality...

Tharja. As a unit I think she's fine, I use her quite a bit. But I do not like her personality at all. Using your child as a guinea pig? Stalking the MU? Creepy, man, creepy...

And then ya know a bunch of the villains are total losers.

Otherwise, I can't really say I dislike the other characters, at least not to the point where I might "hate" them.

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There are plenty of reasons to dislike Heather as a character that don't involve hating somebody for their sexual orientation.

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