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The Tactician



112 members have voted

  1. 1. Was the Tactician canon?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. What happened to them?

    • Died during/before events of FE6
    • "Disappeared"
    • Aided Roy and Lycia
    • Working for Etruria
    • Working for Bern
    • Married Lyn?

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I've always wondered what happened to the Tactician during the events of FE6. He doesn't appear I suppose because Intelligent Systems hadn't created the character yet... but in Hector's ending, he specifically asks the Tactician to look after his Lycia and his children if Athos' prophecy comes to pass. I don't think the Tactician would abandon them, so I think s/he would've helped if s/he could.

Then there is the theory that he eloped with Lyn. That could explain why neither of them can be found. Honestly, I'm surprised more people don't ship this.

If you get the best rating for your tactics in FE7, it says that Etruria and Bern went to war searching for him. That's a really stupid reason to go to war unless one side had already found him... so maybe one side did find him and he worked for them?

Or maybe the Tactician just did what so many characters do in their epilogue, and disappeared...


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the fact that lyn from FE:A DLC thinks the Awakening avatar are the FE7 tactician, the tactician would best probably are *dissapeared* to another world/universe mysteriously. Sadly, that just an impossible theory with many flaws and paradoxes..

or perhaps just like in new mystery (fe12), which retells the mmystery emblem's story (fe3) with one secret character (the avatar) revealed which are never mentioned in the original story and in the history of akaneia and so he/she are left untold to the public, tales and history...

perhaps the same would goes with FE6. where the tactician *MAY* appear at some points of FE6's story but are left unmentioned due to some reasons.. again, since FE6 are made before FE7 which is when there still no such character like tactician in that time.. many possibilities of untold stories exists.. if only FE6 got a remake too.. (not that i were interested with it, the story and charas are mainstream 0_0)

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It'd be funny if the Tactican was Awakening's Avatar in the timespan between...

him/her defeating Grima and reappearing before Chrom.

Also, personally I think it'd be neat if Morgan was FE7's Tactician, because of the same name and occupation. However I guess the problem with that is he/she is the opposite gender of FE7's Tactician, which causes issues with Lyn's testimony in Awakening assuming you picked the same gender for the Tactician and Avatar.

Edited by VincentASM
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There is no definite answer on what happens tactician, which is why any theories are unconfirmed or simply enter headcanon territory. I think the only thing that we can be sure of is that the Tactician was canon.

As for me, I like to believe that my Tactician disappeared and for whatever reason could not return to Lycia to aid Roy when Bern invaded; instead they sent their child to help Roy, a great tactician in the makings themself.

I never quite understood where the TacticianxLyn theory came from. The Tactician disappears to who knows where, and if Lyn doesn't end up with any of her suitors she simply returns to the plains. I don't see how it equates to her "eloping" with the Tactician; especially since the Tactician has a chance of being a girl, not always a guy canonically...

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Well, having watched the Lyn DLC on Youtube from Awakening, she seems very attached to the Tactician. And this is true of Lyn's Mode, though admittedly once you start Eliwood/Hector's Lyn barely even speaks to you again. It's funny how the Tactician is supposed to have a tendency to wake up in locations with no idea how they got there.

Also a possibility I didn't put on the poll because I couldn't think of any candidates: the Tactician being a playable character in FE6. Since he wasn't known for fighting I'd say this is basically impossible.

If a remake of FE6 ever comes about I'd definitely like to see the Tactician return, and when you recruit a character from FE7 or someone with a connection to them (Bartre, Geese etc.) they could have a short conversation with them.

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Working for Bern is probably the least likely of those choices, since you attack Bern's forces pretty often in FE7 and King Desmond would most likely want you dead for that.

In fact, the tactician may well have fled to Etruria or the Western Isles to avoid being hunted down by Bern.

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I think that yes, the Tactician is canon, and I think he just disappeared after Nergal was defeated. Makes the most sense to me.

The tactician couldn't just disappear.

The game didn't mention anything about the tactician being a rogue or somebody with unnatural powers...

Considering the fact that you view the battles in FE7 from the tacticians point-of-view, maybe FE6 is just the same.

Just because he isn't mentioned doesn't mean that he didn't exist.

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The tactician couldn't just disappear.

The game didn't mention anything about the tactician being a rogue or somebody with unnatural powers...

Considering the fact that you view the battles in FE7 from the tacticians point-of-view, maybe FE6 is just the same.

Just because he isn't mentioned doesn't mean that he didn't exist.

Maybe *shrugs* I think I and most others automatically assume that he isn't present because he isn't mentioned.

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There are many theories and opinions what happend to the tactician after FE7, i´m the fan of this two:

First of all: S/he just disappear to fled from the war that started because of her/his mastermind (S/A Rank Ending). Maybe s/he fled from Elibe and lands somewhere else (Magvel?). S/He didnt return to Elibe to help her/his friends and thier children during FE6.

My favorite one: He married Lyn and disappear to live happy in Sacea with her until FE6 begins (also Lyn gave her right to rule Cealin to Hector) and he had to help his friends and thier children. During the whole war, Lyn and Mark lost sight of each other or both died, in both cases, they couldn´t come to help Roy, Lilina and the others.

Lyn and the Tactician were very close, so that could be possible because the "default" Tactician was a guy.

I hope they will a remake of FE6 with the tactician, maybe as a playable character like in Awakening but that isn´t really important

for me, s/he should only be present there x"D

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so that could be possible because the "default" Tactician was a guy.

The "default" option in Awakening is also a guy. So that's kinda not gonna fly with the rabid fangirls who married Chrom. |D

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  • 2 months later...

Well since the tactician was introduced in FE7, It couldn't have existed in FE6 simply because they hadn't came up with the idea yet. I think they left it open ended like that so people can wonder and come up with their on theories.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Oh he disappeared alright. As to where? Who knows... he/she is not there to help Roy and Co. is quite simple, its because he was not a concived thought yet like Lyn. And despite what Lyn says in her DLC, I don't think Avatar and the Tactitian are one and the same.

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Oh he disappeared alright. As to where? Who knows... he/she is not there to help Roy and Co. is quite simple, its because he was not a concived thought yet like Lyn. And despite what Lyn says in her DLC, I don't think Avatar and the Tactitian are one and the same.

Then they're not. Beautiful thing about being able to create your own guy; what you say goes for their canon. I like to say yes cause hell, it's a heartwarming moment for me.

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  • 2 months later...

I like for sure 100% headcanon MyUnit being the tactition from FE7, however

Beautiful thing about being able to create your own guy; what you say goes for their canon. I like to say yes cause hell, it's a heartwarming moment for me.

that is a beautiful way of putting it. Therefore, I headcanon that my Robin is the tactition from FE7.

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My headcanon, since tactician doesn't exist in fe6 and we'd have to wait for a proper remake for it, is that the Tactician didn't disappears.

You need to consider what happened in Awakening.

Why did Avatar lose his/her memory?

Grima's intervention caused it.

So, thinking back to FE7. The Tactician lost his/her memories too.

So we can only assume the worst.

He was turned into the 'Avatar' of Grima-equalization in that Elibe universe and is planning on pummeling it into darkness, actually this would make a nice FE6 sequel where Idoun (since it's canon that she survives) would go around and try to convince and summon back all dragons from Dragon's Gate to stop the Grima'd Tactician.

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Realistically, I think Tactician either died during the war of Bern as a bystander or just simply disappeared from the face of the planet, although I like to think Tactician helped Roy in FE6 and lived happily with Lyn on the Sacaen Plains.

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The tactician being a girl won't stop any Lyn x Tactician pairing, because we won't have Lyn x Florina otherwise.

Either s/he helps Roy, but isn't mentioned, or works for Lycia, then Etruria behind the scenes, according to how I sees it.

Contrary to FE13, he doesn't have any personality (This may be for the best). So, your choice depends of how you're imagining him (and how you play, partially).

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