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Where do I start?

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So I've been looking into the deeper parts of the game such as the modifiers, skill combos/passing down and so on.

I want to make a team but this overload of all these ups and downs to particular pairings is making me get so confused as to what I should really do. I keep seeing cool possibilities with MMU, but then some of my favourite units can become better if I have a FMU and asfghhjk

I don't know where to start on my team building.

Anyone got any general advice on where to start?

Thanks :)

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Find the class sets you want to pass down, those are the most important factor.

Example: Passing down Donnel's class set to a female child is really good since he can give the child the peg and merc class set.

Peg has Galeforce, Merc has Armsthrift/Sol

Not wasting class sets are the biggest thing, also passing down unobtainable male/female skills.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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But you should also play based on what you'll enjoy. We don't know what your favorite characters are and who you might be more intent on working with. I'm sure even they can have optimal pairings and children. This is your game.

That's the gist. And what the above user said too.

Edited by Cordelia
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And if you don't pair Olivia with Chrom, you're doing it wrong. but other than that, totally have fun! =D

Even as a female mu, it's better to give chrom to olivia and then take inigo-- or walhart or donnel or-- well-- man... I've never realized how few good choices there are for a Fem MU to marry... no wonder they all take Chrom. Yeesh.

Edited by Raine
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And if you don't pair Olivia with Chrom, you're doing it wrong. but other than that, totally have fun! =D

Even as a female mu, it's better to give chrom to olivia and then take inigo-- or walhart or donnel or-- well-- man... I've never realized how few good choices there are for a Fem MU to marry... no wonder they all take Chrom. Yeesh.

O_O Walhart for Conquest!Morgan, Gaius gives a decent speed modifier, Gangrel gives a GREAT speed modifier, Henry for magic tank Morgan (which I personally can attest to and love), and ANY of the children characters practically guarantee a very broken Morgan.

And you don't have to pair Chrom with Olivia... Sully gives Lucina a good bit of strength if that's your preferred playstyle.

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And if you don't pair Olivia with Chrom, you're doing it wrong. but other than that, totally have fun! =D

Even as a female mu, it's better to give chrom to olivia and then take inigo-- or walhart or donnel or-- well-- man... I've never realized how few good choices there are for a Fem MU to marry... no wonder they all take Chrom. Yeesh.

I'd always feel bad to marry a second generation... or Donny... mostly because of how young they're supposed to be.

But now you see the light! lol

Anyway... it's more like... you should take Olivia as male Avatar and marry Chrom to... I guess Sumia, so Lucina has Galeforce.

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I'd always feel bad to marry a second generation... or Donny... mostly because of how young they're supposed to be.

But now you see the light! lol

Anyway... it's more like... you should take Olivia as male Avatar and marry Chrom to... I guess Sumia, so Lucina has Galeforce.

Sully's the only option that doesn't give Galeforce though. Although, I guess Sumia can get it faster if you grind her a bit... Her magic modifier freaking sucks though, I almost hate to put her in that class.

Edited by Vashiane
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eh, but male MU lets you get many of the same perks PLUS you're affecting a second unit if you're gonna go the route of Henry or Gaius with a Femme Avatar. I'll give you a point, using the father's stats to shape Morgan makes sense-- but I don't see how that would be better than playing as a male MU imo.

EDIT: btw, I totally said Walhart for Conquest Morgan! *points to* I also said Donny for Underdog (Aptitude's kinda... pointless late game). Didn't say any of the others simply because they don't actually add anything new to the table. They modify stats, but Morgan gets all the classes anyway-- nothing's locked for him and Femme MU can just pass down galeforce or Dual Support + so there's no tough breaks there.

ALSO: By marrying Olivia to Chrom, she passes pegasus knight to Luci and gives Inigo galeforce upon conception. Really, there's no reason to not marry Olivia to Chrom since she basically does gives the same things to the children-- and gives them Lethality to boot~ <3

25% activation rate for lethality is niiiiiiiice~ having three of them (Chrom!inigo, Olivia!Lucina, Inigo!Morgan) on the field is just messed up xD not to mention Morgan with Rightful King is a sin to not have.

Edited by Raine
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Having both a Female and Male Avatar, I prefer that being fem avatar allows for more of the guys to be useful and married; male avatar also allows you to marry the girls with no child as well. For me, its all about having as many pairs and variety of children as possible, so if you want more of that Female Avatar is better. Although really, both are good and any pairing makes their kid strong. Just do whatever you want, there is no way to fail in pairing people.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Ah! I didn't see Walhart at all, I'm sorry.

Morgan almost doesn't need Lethality - his Lethality skill is Ignis. Cast it, and everything just kind of explodes in a midst of cherry blossoms. I can see instances where it would be nice to have, but for the most part I don't truly need it on him.

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ALSO: By marrying Olivia to Chrom, she passes pegasus knight to Luci and gives Inigo galeforce upon conception. Really, there's no reason to not marry Olivia to Chrom since she basically does gives the same things to the children-- and gives them Lethality to boot~ <3

25% activation rate for lethality is niiiiiiiice~ having three of them (Chrom!inigo, Olivia!Lucina, Inigo!Morgan) on the field is just messed up xD not to mention Morgan with Rightful King is a sin to not have.

I still prefer female Avatar myself lol... because of the dialogue between her and Chrom, and not because I wanna do a self-insert in the game. If I wanted a self-insert.... the game already did it. it'd be Sumia. And Vashiane already said it, all of Chrom's candidates except Sully give Galeforce AND pegasus knight class.

...I don't wanna pull someone else's card about the skill Lethality though, so I won't comment that.

You can also rape the maps with Avatar(F)/Chrom and Lucina/Morgan alone. But... well, you said about Rightful King on Morgan. But I do agree that if I didn't marry Chrom to female Avatar or Olivia to male Avatar, Olivia is definitely the one for Chrom.... too bad that doesn't play out for me.

Still, the game is for whoever to play.

Edit: I guess playing as male Avatar does pass his ability-to-change-to-any-class-gender-permitting-and-not-lord/dance to more children than the female Avatar.

Edited by Cordelia
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Ah! I didn't see Walhart at all, I'm sorry.

Morgan almost doesn't need Lethality - his Lethality skill is Ignis. Cast it, and everything just kind of explodes in a midst of cherry blossoms. I can see instances where it would be nice to have, but for the most part I don't truly need it on him.

Lol! you're so right about that! I married MU to Nowi and gave Nah and Morgan Ignis to turn all foes into cherry-tasting snacks of crispiness. Little did I know that they'd be doing 300 odd damage on an Ignis crit without so much as a confect, rally, or boost. x.x

hear that Inigo? cheat on Nah and she'll be munchin' on your cherry-flavored head!

Edited by Raine
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ALSO: By marrying Olivia to Chrom, she passes pegasus knight to Luci and gives Inigo galeforce upon conception. Really, there's no reason to not marry Olivia to Chrom since she basically does gives the same things to the children-- and gives them Lethality to boot~ <3

25% activation rate for lethality is niiiiiiiice~ having three of them (Chrom!inigo, Olivia!Lucina, Inigo!Morgan) on the field is just messed up xD not to mention Morgan with Rightful King is a sin to not have.

I don't really see the big deal, thanks to the lack of notable skills from the Myrmidon class tree (Swordfaire is about the only good one there is; Lethality's a waste of a skill slot without Rightful King, and even with RK, I'd rather use some other skill).

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idk, I still kinda like vantage as a sustainability skill... (used it on my wrathful mage xD)

Ehhh, I don't really see Vantage as that big a deal since unless the enemy is themselves nearly dead or you can take them out before they can attack, you're risking death. Same for Wrath, because 20 crit's rather underwhelming for having to have one foot in the grave. Not to mention I generally wouldn't want to be using strategies that require a unit to be nearly dead to work.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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meh, it's no less a chance than relying on Miracle to activate when you get hit with a Lethality (refers to counter/miracle build). Besides, instead of Wrath you could always slap Sol on the guy instead/with. Bam! Potential crisis averted.

Edited by Raine
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meh, it's no less a chance than relying on Miracle to activate when you get hit with a Lethality (refers to counter/miracle build). Besides, instead of Wrath you could always slap Sol on the guy instead/with. Bam! Potential crisis averted.

Good point. However, I'm the type of guy who heals obsessively to get his healers experience, so of course, if someone's HP ever dipped into the Vantage threshold, I'm healing.

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Good point. However, I'm the type of guy who heals obsessively to get his healers experience, so of course, if someone's HP ever dipped into the Vantage threshold, I'm healing.


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I'm the type of guy to send two units out to do the work of the army xD worked for me in hard mode, worked for the most part in lunatic, I'll probably need to find a different play style in Lunatic + xP

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Thanks everyone for the replies :) When I learned a bit more about some sets and good pairings, there was a sudden overload of possibilities and I didn't know what to start on.

A lot easier to get on with what I should focus on now thanks to your advice :D

Thanks everyone!

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