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What do you think happened to all the characters after the Epilogue of Fire Emblem and throughout Fire Emblem: Binding Blade?

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What do you think happened to all the characters after the Epilogue of Fire Emblem and throughout Fire Emblem: Binding Blade? Which pairings in Fire Emblem do you think are canon? I always wonder about that stuff when I'm playing one of the GBA Fire Emblem games. I've always wanted them to revisit Elibe to answer some of those questions, too. But I know it'll probably never happen, and I know it's a stupid thing to want and hope for. But anyway, I've come up with my own theories as to what I think happened.

I think that these are the canon pairings in Fire Emblem:

Lyn x Rath

Just makes sense to me. And it is a good pairing if you ask me. And I know it's a very poor reason, but Lyn is the only character Rath can marry. Yeah he could go marry a random unnamed girl, but I really doubt he did.

Eliwood x Ninian

I think the game hints at this one too strongly for it to not be canon. They obviously had feelings for each other.

Hector x Florina

I think this is just perfect. I know that a lot of people would disagree and say that Lyn and Hector get married, but I see those two as buddies more than lovers.

Kent x Fiora

They're perfect for each other. Their supports are just perfect.

Wil x Rebecca

Makes sense to me. A family of archers, and Wil is Rebecca's childhood friend! I don't think Rebecca ended up with Lowen or Sain.

Oswin x Serra

I think the only other possibility for Serra is Erk, but I think Erk and Priscilla are meant to be together. I doubt Serra ends up with Matthew, I think Leila is the only girl for him.

Erk x Priscilla

They're cute together, I think they're meant to be.

Dart x Farina

Another perfect pairing. Both money-loving pirates!

Harken x Isadora

They were engaged at one point, right? And they can be engaged again!

Jaffar x Nino

This is another pairing that's hinted at, and I think it's a strong enough hinting.

And then the pairing of Bartre x Karla is already confirmed canon. At least I'm 99% sure? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!

Given those pairings, I think that Lyn and Rath are alive somewhere. Yeah, I know Sacae was invaded in Binding Blade and all, but Lyn is my favorite Fire Emblem character of all time so I refuse to believe she was killed like that. And since I think her pairing with Rath is canon, that means he'd probably be alive with her as well.

We already know what happens to Eliwood. By the end of Binding Blade, I think he probably serves as sort of a mentor for Roy as Roy takes up the mantle as ruler. And if I'm remembering right, Ninian died shortly after giving birth to Roy in her ending. So she sadly died.

We also know what happened to Hector, he was killed in battle. Yeah, it's sad. And again, if I'm remembering right, Lilina's mother died shortly after giving birth to her. And since I think Florina is Hector's husband and Lilina's mother, it would mean that Florina also died.

I think that Kent and Fiora had probably retired by the time the events of Binding Blade took place, so they either stayed low until it was all over or they helped fight Bern. Either way, I'd bet they survived.

I think that Wil and Rebecca, along with Lowen, stayed in the castle with Eliwood while Roy set out to fight Bern. I think the three of them (Wil, Rebecca, and Lowen) survived.

I think that Oswin went with Hector to that fateful battle, and since I think he and Serra got together she probably went with as well, which means that they both died with Hector in battle.

I think that Erk and Priscilla didn't get involved in the war with Bern. Their ending together says that they lived in happiness, and it wouldn't be very happy if they got involved in all the fighting or were murdered somehow, right? I think they stayed low and survived.

I think that Dart and Farina joined (rejoined in Dart's case) Fargus's group and didn't get involved in the war, so I'd say they survived.

Isadora probably served as sort of a body guard to Eliwood, kinda like she did for Eleanora, so she probably stayed at the castle along with Eliwood, Wil, Rebecca, and Lowen. And Harken probably went off to fight with the rest of Lycia's main forces, and I'd bet he survived. But then again, he may have finally had that terrible luck the rest of his men had during Eliwood's adventure and was killed in battle. But that's a sad thought.

As stated in their ending, Jaffar left to keep his family safe and Nino vanished looking for him. I personally think that Nino found Jaffar and they both stayed low until the bounty on Jaffar's head vanished. I would hope that they reunited with their kids afterword...

As for Canas, Karla, and Athos, we know that they died before Binding Blade. I find it sad, at least in Canas's case. Canas is one of my favorite characters. And we also know what happened to Bartre, Karel, Marcus, and Merlinus, as the first three are playable in Binding Blade and Merlinus went with Roy as an adviser. And we know that Nils went through the Dragon's Gate at the end of Blazing Sword.

As for all the other characters? Well...

I think Sain probably helped fight Bern, although he was an independent knight like his ending in Blazing Sword states. I also think he survived.

I think Dorcas stayed out of the fight with Bern and lived with his wife happily. So yeah, he survived.

I think that Matthew went with Hector, Owsin, and Serra to that fateful battle and was killed along with them. I think it makes sense, he was probably one of Hector's most loyal subjects along with Oswin.

I think that Lucius built an orphanage in Araphen just like his ending in Fire Emblem says, and I think that the orphanage in Binding Blade was his orphanage, which would mean he was the "father" that was killed. So yeah, I think he was killed.

I think Wallace remained a farmer in Ilia and didn't get involved in the fight with Bern. So I think he survived, or died of old age.

I think that Guy and Karel really did have a duel just like they said they would in their supports in Fire Emblem, and I think Karel won and killed Guy.

I think Raven vanished just like his ending states. He probably watched from the shadows.

I think Legault stayed out of the fight with Bern. I think he formed a new Black Fang, but I think he kept them out of the fights and probably helped those who suffered because of the war, regaining the Black Fang's honor.

I think Heath fought in Ilia and helped fight Bern. I think he probably survived.

I think Hawkeye lived in peace in Arcadia and stayed out of the fight with Bern, therefore surviving. Or he died of old age sometime after Fire Emblem but before Binding Blade.

I think Geitz still wandered. And wandered and wandered...

I think Pent and Louise stayed out of the fight with Bern. I think they continued magical studies and survived.

I think Vaida helped Zephidel in the shadows just like her ending states. I'd think she either died in battle, or became a prisoner after the war was over.

I think Renault remained unheard of throughout all of Binding Blade, living in solitude and seeing no one.

Well those are my theories. This is what I think happened to all the characters in Fire Emblem after the Epilogue and throughout Fire Emblem: Binding Blade. As you can see, I think the majority of characters survived.

This kind of topic has probably been done before, but I guess it doesn't hurt to make my own? So what about everyone else? What do you think happened to all the characters after the Epilogue of Fire Emblem and throughout Fire Emblem: Binding Blade?

I do have to note that I haven't played Binding Blade myself, but I have researched it heavily so I know how it all plays out. And since Fire Emblem is my favorite GBA game of all time and Elibe is my favorite setting in the FE universe.

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Well, speaking from someone who has played Blazing Sword (first FE ever) and who is almost done playing Binding Blade (stuck in the stupid Sword of Seals chapter), these are the pairings I have as my headcanon; I'm too lazy right now to say what happened to them, but the general rule in Binding Blade is that most of the Blazing Sword characters are either presumed dead or not important enough to be mentioned.

(BTW, be careful on what you say is canon; unless it's 100% confirmed, nothing is canon. That's one of the fastest ways to start flame wars, and we really don't need those. Anything can be your headcanon, but few things outside of the stories themselves are confirmed canon; especially when it comes to pairings. But you are correct in that Bartre/Karla is canon; Bartre appears as a character in Binding Blade and has supports with both Fir, his daughter and Karel, his brother-in-law.)

My (headcanon) pairings:

Eliwood x Lyn

Wonderful supports! I shipped them from the onset of playing this game, so you could say they are my first ever Fire Emblem pairing, and thus has a special place in my heart. And I think it makes it awesome that Roy becomes quarter Sacaen and the last of the Lorca Tribe; he even goes to Sacae, his motherland, to liberate it from Bern. Makes for a cool story! ...Needless to say, in my game, Ninian always returns with Nils through the Dragon's Gate (and she actually gets to live).

Hector x Farina

I really liked them when I played Hector mode; she seems great for him with their clashing wills. She keeps him on his toes, which is something I think he needs. Florina is far too passive; and she looks way too young next to him too. It also completely assures Lilina of getting blue hair from both parents.

Kent x Fiora

Perfect match; they are very similar in personality.

Wil x Rebecca

The two archers from the same village; it also helps that their son Wolt is also an archer too.

Dorcas x Natalie (no duh)

Bartre x Karla (no duh)

Erk x Serra

Funniest pairing in this whole game; shipped them from the moment they first came in. It just seems like it would happen!

Matthew x Leila

Confirmed; I also don't think Matthew would be able to move on to some other woman....that I know of....

Guy x Priscilla

I thought the pairing was cute; their ending was sad, but I like to think that they eventually found each other again in better circumstances.

Harken x Isadora

Again its sorta implied; they WERE engaged.

Heath x Vaida

Vaida is the only person I see Heath having any feelings for; his loyalty to her is unquestioned and he follows her back to Bern in the end. I sadly wonder could have happened to them since neither of them are seen in FE6 under Zephiel's command; perhaps they resisted his changed ways and they were put down because of it...

Pent x Louise

Again, no way it isn't confirmed; you can't change it all. I would like to believe they are safe in Etruria before the invasion, but somehow their daughter was captured and their son is forced to fight against Roy...

Jaffar x Nino

Pretty obvious; and it makes sense that Nino would have to leave them in an orphanage to go find and save Jaffar. They were both wanted outlaws.

I also have a whole list of pairings and headcanons from binding blade as well...

Edited by Silver Lightning
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I think I once thought up something similar to this. Though I wasn't very generous since I had like more than three-quarters of the cast killed in there. lol

Anyway, gotta see if I still have that old document somewhere... if not, I can rethink something out of scratch...

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Well, speaking from someone who has played Blazing Sword (first FE ever) and who is almost done playing Binding Blade (stuck in the stupid Sword of Seals chapter), these are the pairings I have as my headcanon; I'm too lazy right now to say what happened to them, but the general rule in Binding Blade is that most of the Blazing Sword characters are either presumed dead or not important enough to be mentioned.

(BTW, be careful on what you say is canon; unless it's 100% confirmed, nothing is canon. That's one of the fastest ways to start flame wars, and we really don't need those. Anything can be your headcanon, but few things outside of the stories themselves are confirmed canon; especially when it comes to pairings. But you are correct in that Bartre/Karla is canon; Bartre appears as a character in Binding Blade and has supports with both Fir, his daughter and Karel, his brother-in-law.)

My (headcanon) pairings:

Eliwood x Lyn

Wonderful supports! I shipped them from the onset of playing this game, so you could say they are my first ever Fire Emblem pairing, and thus has a special place in my heart. And I think it makes it awesome that Roy becomes quarter Sacaen and the last of the Lorca Tribe; he even goes to Sacae, his motherland, to liberate it from Bern. Makes for a cool story! ...Needless to say, in my game, Ninian always returns with Nils through the Dragon's Gate (and she actually gets to live).

Hector x Farina

I really liked them when I played Hector mode; she seems great for him with their clashing wills. She keeps him on his toes, which is something I think he needs. Florina is far too passive; and she looks way too young next to him too. It also completely assures Lilina of getting blue hair from both parents.

Kent x Fiora

Perfect match; they are very similar in personality.

Wil x Rebecca

The two archers from the same village; it also helps that their son Wolt is also an archer too.

Dorcas x Natalie (no duh)

Bartre x Karla (no duh)

Erk x Serra

Funniest pairing in this whole game; shipped them from the moment they first came in. It just seems like it would happen!

Matthew x Leila

Confirmed; I also don't think Matthew would be able to move on to some other woman....that I know of....

Guy x Priscilla

I thought the pairing was cute; their ending was sad, but I like to think that they eventually found each other again in better circumstances.

Harken x Isadora

Again its sorta implied; they WERE engaged.

Heath x Vaida

Vaida is the only person I see Heath having any feelings for; his loyalty to her is unquestioned and he follows her back to Bern in the end. I sadly wonder could have happened to them since neither of them are seen in FE6 under Zephiel's command; perhaps they resisted his changed ways and they were put down because of it...

Pent x Louise

Again, no way it isn't confirmed; you can't change it all. I would like to believe they are safe in Etruria before the invasion, but somehow their daughter was captured and their son is forced to fight against Roy...

Jaffar x Nino

Pretty obvious; and it makes sense that Nino would have to leave them in an orphanage to go find and save Jaffar. They were both wanted outlaws.

I also have a whole list of pairings and headcanons from binding blade as well...

Don't worry, that's why I said those are the ones I personally think are canon. I would never say anything is 100% canon unless it was confirmed. Also, what is "headcanon" I've never heard that before?

I didn't list Dorcas and Natalie or Pent and Louise 'cause they were already couples :P: I think it's plausible for Heath and Vaida to have that shared ending, I just don't like Vaida so decided "Nah, don't like the pairing" lol.

I think I once thought up something similar to this. Though I wasn't very generous since I had like more than three-quarters of the cast killed in there. lol

Anyway, gotta see if I still have that old document somewhere... if not, I can rethink something out of scratch...

Cool! Glad I'm not the only one to think of things like this!

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Headcanon is basically what you are trying to get across in saying that you think the pairings are canon, but they aren't 100% confirmed; it means that whatever you picture to be true in your head is canon, hence the word "headcanon". Of course, its important to recognize that your headcanon is not necessarily someone else's and therefore neither are truly canon unless Intelligent Systems were to come out and announce that "Wil and Rebecca are canon together" or that "Jaffar and Nino are actually alive in Binding Blade", which is something they have never done. So, generally speaking, when people talk about what they think is canon, they are actually talking about their headcanon (unless, you know, they're talking about some thing that is actually confirmed to happen, like Elbert's death or Pent x Louise being a thing).

Hope I didn't confuse you more...

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Headcanon is basically what you are trying to get across in saying that you think the pairings are canon, but they aren't 100% confirmed; it means that whatever you picture to be true in your head is canon, hence the word "headcanon". Of course, its important to recognize that your headcanon is not necessarily someone else's and therefore neither are truly canon unless Intelligent Systems were to come out and announce that "Wil and Rebecca are canon together" or that "Jaffar and Nino are actually alive in Binding Blade", which is something they have never done. So, generally speaking, when people talk about what they think is canon, they are actually talking about their headcanon (unless, you know, they're talking about some thing that is actually confirmed to happen, like Elbert's death or Pent x Louise being a thing).

Hope I didn't confuse you more...

Nope, not at all! Made perfect sense, actually. That's pretty much all this is, just my "headcanon." I know none of it is confirmed by Intelligent Systems, I could be totally wrong, it's just what makes the most sense to me. :D:

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Yup, same here! I do love to talk theories on the games even if we never will truly know what happens; I guess that's the fun part, in a way. :)

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Notable pairings:

Eliwood x Ninian: Yes it's very hinted at indeed, and very canon-y.

Hector x Lyn: These two are just so cute together in their support conversations for them not to be a canon pairing.

Jaffar x Nino: Again, fairly obvoius.

Don't really care about other parings. :/:

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Notable pairings:

Eliwood x Ninian: Yes it's very hinted at indeed, and very canon-y.

Hector x Lyn: These two are just so cute together in their support conversations for them not to be a canon pairing.

Jaffar x Nino: Again, fairly obvoius.

Don't really care about other parings. :/:

Not even a little bit lol? I enjoy seeing Serra act annoying to everyone and Fiora freak out over duty :P:

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Yeah, I really care most about the characters with the highest badass level. That's another reason why I think the two characters with the highest BA level in the game, Hector & Lyn, are the perfect pairing. :3:

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Most of this is probably inconsistent with the canon, but WTF, right?

Vaida continued to serve Zephiel, and eventually learned of Desmond's attempts on his life. Her final words before Desmond killed her were that Zephiel was ten times the man Desmond was.

Nino and Jaffar got together and had Chad, Lugh, and Raigh. While Lugh and Raigh closely resembled their mother, Chad bore a fairly strong resemblance to his father.

Eliwood and Ninian got married and had a son. Ninian named the child Roland, after his legendary ancestor, but to Eliwood, he would always be known as Roy.

Serra quit the priesthood and married Matthew; they had a daughter named Cath, who took her father's thieving occupation.

Lyndis married Hector and eventually had a daughter. Continuing what may have been a tradition on her mother's side of the family, she named her daughter Lilina.

I'm also partial to Erk x Priscilla, Kent x Fiora, Raven x Lucius, and Wil x Rebecca, though I can't be bothered to write detailed descriptions of my headcanon for them.

Edited by Paper Jam
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Yeah, I really care most about the characters with the highest badass level. That's another reason why I think the two characters with the highest BA level in the game, Hector & Lyn, are the perfect pairing. :3:

I do have to agree that they do have the highest BA level :lol:

Most of this is probably inconsistent with the canon, but WTF, right?

Vaida continued to serve Zephiel, and eventually learned of Desmond's attempts on his life. Her final words before Desmond killed her were that Zephiel was ten times the man Desmond was.

Nino and Jaffar got together and had Chad, Lugh, and Raigh. While Lugh and Raigh closely resembled their mother, Chad bore a fairly strong resemblance to his father.

Eliwood and Ninian got married and had a son. Ninian named the child Roland, after his legendary ancestor, but to Eliwood, he would always be known as Roy.

Serra quit the priesthood and married Matthew; they had a daughter named Cath, who took her father's thieving occupation.

Lyndis married Hector and eventually had a daughter. Continuing what may have been a tradition on her mother's side of the family, she named her daughter Lilina.

I'm also partial to Erk x Priscilla, Kent x Fiora, Raven x Lucius, and Wil x Rebecca, though I can't be bothered to write detailed descriptions of my headcanon for them.

That part about Vaida actually seems highly plausible to me. Makes a lot of sense, if you ask me!

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We already know what happens to Eliwood. By the end of Binding Blade, I think he probably serves as sort of a mentor for Roy as Roy takes up the mantle as ruler. And if I'm remembering right, Ninian died shortly after giving birth to Roy in her ending. So she sadly died.
Actually, it's implied that her life wouldn't last for any much longer on Elibe. Of course, dying of childbirth does seem like the most logical conclusion.
We also know what happened to Hector, he was killed in battle. Yeah, it's sad. And again, if I'm remembering right, Lilina's mother died shortly after giving birth to her.
Actually, nothing about Lilina is brought up in paired endings in this game, and nothing about Lilina's mother is brought up in FE6. So she could still be alive.

Since I posted.

I agree with what Paper Jam said about Lyndis. (Especially since there's too many hints in this game for Hector X Lyn to not be canon.) I also think that as soon as Ostia got wind of Bern's attack on Sacae, Lyn urged hector to do something. Hector declined, feeling that Sacaean matters were none of Lycia's affair. Lyn rushed off to Sacae afterwards.

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Actually, it's implied that her life wouldn't last for any much longer on Elibe. Of course, dying of childbirth does seem like the most logical conclusion.

Actually, nothing about Lilina is brought up in paired endings in this game, and nothing about Lilina's mother is brought up in FE6. So she could still be alive.

Since I posted.

I agree with what Paper Jam said about Lyndis. (Especially since there's too many hints in this game for Hector X Lyn to not be canon.) I also think that as soon as Ostia got wind of Bern's attack on Sacae, Lyn urged hector to do something. Hector declined, feeling that Sacaean matters were none of Lycia's affair. Lyn rushed off to Sacae afterwards.

Yeah I remembered that, but if she really is Eliwood's canonical wife then she'd be Roy's mom :P:

Ah really? I remember hearing somewhere that she (Lilina's mother) had died, though? Well, mistake on my part, then! Now I gotta think of what may have happened to her mom if she really was alive lol.

But what about Rath? I don't know, I just think that if someone else was supposed to be Sue's mom then there'd be another pairing option for him. Since Lyn is his only option, it just speaks strongly to me. But I can't deny that a lot is shown for Lyn/Hector.

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Eliwood x Ninian

Heavily hinted at, and I really like the supports. and honestly, I'm 99% sure that Lyn only considered Eliwood a friend, and Fiora isn't the type to date the leadership.

Hector x Lyn

This is a tsundere if I've ever seen one. As a highschooler, I've seen enough teen drama to know one when I see one. Also, In the extended epilogue, Eliwood says Lilina takes after her mother, and I think she somewhat resembles Lyn. Coincidence? I Think NOT!!!!

Erk x Serra

Hmm... not sure if tsundere or tsundere.....

Bartre x Karla


Pent x Louise


Pedoffar x Nino

Can't really see Nino leaving Jaffar. And also, Her other paired endings say she had a bounty.....FOR WHAT??!?? In my playthrough at least, she did nothing but help recruit Jaffar. Her running after Jaffar without any concern for the wellbeing of her sons is also very in character for her.

These are the only characters I really care about.

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Hmm, one thing I thought of, but should we take into account Awakening's DLC? I mean, Roy says things like "For Lilina's sake" when he speaks, so would anything like that give any hints...?

That's probably refering to how after Zephiel killed Hector, Roy swore to protect Lilina, and to avenge Hector by killing Zephiel.

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That's probably refering to how after Zephiel killed Hector, Roy swore to protect Lilina, and to avenge Hector by killing Zephiel.

Ah yeah, maybe. What about Lyn and Eliwood now? They say something about each other, can't remember exactly what though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if we go by awakening kids and their hair color is determined by their father wolt's father has to be either lowen or sain.

The fathers may have been part of the lycia alliance that is killed off by the time zephiel kills hector and rebecca may have been part of pherae such as taking care of the sick eliwood while wolt helped his MILK BROTHER stay alive.

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A milk brother is a brother with who you were raised with, typically the son of the wet nurse who raised you if you were raised by said wetnurse (Rebecca), which Roy was. As for canon waifu, no official word on it as far as I know, but I like to think it's Lilina because of in game hints like Hector's dream in FE7 about a red haired dude coming and taking his daughter away with him.

And as for the DLC, I think Eliwood and Lyn were complimenting the other's skill and sounded worried for the other upon defeat. Its by no means official proof of a relationship, but considering that most of the other pairs present had relationships hinted of some sort, I like to think it applies to ElixLyn as well.... :P

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Yeah Hector's dream really hints at Roy and Lilina, but I don't think anything canon has been confirmed.

That makes sense for the DLC, I suppose I look too deep into things lol. I'll have to play it again to see exactly what they see, but I'm lazy...

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