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The Anathema user has to have the target in range.

You can use DSu+, Focus, Gamble, and Wrath to create a Mire Turret though...

Aggressor on a Mire bot is very useful, as well (if you're into DLC).

And maybe Hit+20, and/or being surrounded by support units helps.

Edited by Euklyd
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The Anathema user has to have the target in range.

Would it work if someone who did have Anathema was in range of the target, not necessarily the Mire turret?

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Obviously IS really didn't want people to use long-ranged magic (or ballistae either). Along with all the restrictions stated above, they also restricted it to dark magic users.

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You can dual strike with Mire as a supporting unit. I've had hit happen several times in Infinite Regalia.

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Typical long range weapon. I hate how anything past 2 range in FE is a total harrassment for you if used by an AI, and totally useless if used by yourself. They can't seem to balance it and make it actually cohesive with the rest of the game.

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Rey I think he's saying that Mire's used by the back unit while you have Rey there up front

in which case Mire works as whatever range the front unit is using anyway so it's not exactly gonna hit 3-10 from back there

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Rey I think he's saying that Mire's used by the back unit while you have Rey there up front

in which case Mire works as whatever range the front unit is using anyway so it's not exactly gonna hit 3-10 from back there

My apologies.

Isn't that a given though? Especially since bow users can use their weapons at close range?

It cannot proc dual attacks as the main weapon though.

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Yeah, that's what I meant. If you were leading with Chrom in that situation, Rey would be able to Dual Attack, even if he was wielding Mire.

Doof ninjas. Tis no big deal.

I knew that it couldn't double as a lead weapon. I know that longbows can dual attack as well, but they're all 2-3 range, so even if Mire couldn't proc, I would just assume that longbows functioned as if they were from 2 range in a dual proc. Of course, range doesn't matter, so that's a moot point really.

Edited by Aversa
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It is still strong. Celica, Laurent, Lissa, Libra, Owain, Noire, Micaiah, Katarina, Aversa all with mire.

Add one Rallybot with one more 'bait' with anathema, counter and vantage. You're set with a long range troll team.

For normal game play, add Olivia and replace those without Armsthrift.

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Typical long range weapon. I hate how anything past 2 range in FE is a total harrassment for you if used by an AI, and totally useless if used by yourself. They can't seem to balance it and make it actually cohesive with the rest of the game.

Mire's actually really useful in some of the Paralogues. Basically any Defeat Commander map is trivialized with Mire (but it's also trivialized with Rescue leapfrogs and Galeforce and normal attacking, so it's not like Mire is completely unique).

But it can be quite useful and it makes for a fun/annoying Streetpass team.

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Mire's actually really useful in some of the Paralogues. Basically any Defeat Commander map is trivialized with Mire (but it's also trivialized with Rescue leapfrogs and Galeforce and normal attacking, so it's not like Mire is completely unique).

But it can be quite useful and it makes for a fun/annoying Streetpass team.

on the other hand, Nah's chapter

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Speaking of which, you can pair up two units with Galeforce, have one kill an enemy and then move and have the OTHER one kill the next enemy, and you could get three kills out of one pair in one player phase.

Of course, you could get four kills with two separate Galeforce units, but pairs are more powerful and safer to use in most situations.

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...I wonder if someone's crazy enough to equip Mire during Dual Tag/Double Duel sessions just to "troll". xD

It's pointless. xD

Oh dear, I just tried that out of curiousity and it's horrid.

Mire can double attack, luckily, but you still can't trigger skills like Astra and your partner can't Dual Strike.

So I guess if you're finding Double Duel too easy, you could handicap yourself by giving everybody Mire o__o

Edited by VincentASM
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on the other hand, Nah's chapter

Give me enough Valkyries and Falcon Knights and by God I shall one-turn Paralogue 16 with them.

Having said that, "Rescue-Recruit Nah, one-shot boss from start position using Mire" is in fact vastly easier, so I will give you that Mire is absolutely the fastest clear for that map.

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