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Thoughts on Galeforce


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So much BS being spouted here...if anything, Galeforce helps the fliers a lot in Lunatic. Being able to Gungnir something in C23 and retreat to safety helped me in that chapter a lot in Loony+ and Loony. Sumia is kinda tough to use in Lunatic because she is OHKO'd in her join i must admit, but Cordelia comes at a point when the enemies are inexplicably getting a bit worse (and she has paralogue 3 to get a few kills) for ferrying in Chapter 8 and 9. I managed to use her all the way to endgame in both Lunatics. Can't say she compared to Lucina and Avatar though which were my mvps in Regular Loony.

EDIT: I've used Falcoknight Sumia too and shes pretty good to have around for Rally Speed.

Edited by Peekayell
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Well, seeing as I refuse to use pegasus knights...no one on my team has Galeforce. But I think, at least for the girls then, it makes the dancer class more or less useless. It seems like a lot of female characters can reclass to pegasus knight just for Galeforce and then switch back.

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Honestly it shouldn't be considered the be-all-end-all skill that a lot make it out to be, people should learn to adapt to situations and maximize the effectiveness of the team. I mean sending a single team out and slaughtering everything is great and all , but sometimes that works against you , I think my biggest fear was always that if I sent them out on their own that I couldn't save them if a string of bad luck hit them and all of a sudden people with 5% hit rate are hitting like it's 100% :p

So while galeforce can be great for leveling up units, or if you are trying to complete a specific map in a hurry (where you only need to defeat their general/etc) but in the end, I'd rather adjust my skill builds to the situation I am playing in, or what I'd consider fun/challenging. :) And when it comes time to go against those difficult dlc maps ;) I'm sure I'll come up with something. :)

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Well, seeing as I refuse to use pegasus knights...no one on my team has Galeforce. But I think, at least for the girls then, it makes the dancer class more or less useless. It seems like a lot of female characters can reclass to pegasus knight just for Galeforce and then switch back.

Why exactly do you refuse to use Pegasus knights? I mean, Sumia and Cordelia are really good units.

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Honestly it shouldn't be considered the be-all-end-all skill that a lot make it out to be, people should learn to adapt to situations and maximize the effectiveness of the team. I mean sending a single team out and slaughtering everything is great and all , but sometimes that works against you , I think my biggest fear was always that if I sent them out on their own that I couldn't save them if a string of bad luck hit them and all of a sudden people with 5% hit rate are hitting like it's 100% :p

So while galeforce can be great for leveling up units, or if you are trying to complete a specific map in a hurry (where you only need to defeat their general/etc) but in the end, I'd rather adjust my skill builds to the situation I am playing in, or what I'd consider fun/challenging. :) And when it comes time to go against those difficult dlc maps ;) I'm sure I'll come up with something. :)

Well Galeforce actually makes it easier to keep them safe, because they can go kill a unit and... you know, use the second turn to retreat.

Also, great for leveling up units? Leveling units is the one place where I never use Galeforce... unless they're going through Sniper, anyway.

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I like to pair Galeforce with Pass and Deliverer on Future Past to skip over all the enemies so I can get the Morgan convo quickly.

I find it convenient and nice if I want to get from one end of the map to the other quickly for whatever purposes and there happen to be enemies in between but it's hardly necessary.

It's mostly a postgame dicking around skill for me though. I'm much bigger on Sol and/or Deliverer during the storyline.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Galeforce's pretty useless for your spotpass team you are sending out there.

The only way for your spotpass team to benefit from Galeforce is when they kill something.

And when a player's character dies, it is the reset for them!

Honestly, I never put galeforce on my spotpass team since the chances for it to do some real damage is slim to none.

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Galeforce's pretty useless for your spotpass team you are sending out there.

The only way for your spotpass team to benefit from Galeforce is when they kill something.

And when a player's character dies, it is the reset for them!

Honestly, I never put galeforce on my spotpass team since the chances for it to do some real damage is slim to none.


I'm guessing Veteran is now worthless too, no spotpass applications!

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I'm guessing Veteran is now worthless too, no spotpass applications!

You're right. Veteran is totally worthless.

I capped most of my characters in expgrowth and lob3 with only avatar having veteran. Even then, i don't pair up units (veteran not activated), so I just put paragon to level.

All with the skillset in the class I want them to have.

I passed +4 luck to Inigo for the 50luck without LB, so no galeforce on him.

Waste of skillslot. I much rather have aptitude.

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Arguments about Galeforce seem to happen frequently, and I'm curious to see where everyone stands on it. One can argue that it breaks the game, with an OP Female!Avatar, Sumia, Cordelia, Female!Morgan, Cynthia, etc. beating the midgame and endgame chapters in less than five turns without breaking a sweat, but then another side of the argument claims that there's nothing special about the skill and is uneedingly overrated. Personally, here's how I view the controversial skill:

I used to hype the fuck out of Galeforce. But over time (I did some casual playthroughs) I found it to be not that great, and impractical, even. Favoriting the hell out of Cordelia and Sumia made everyone else a bit of a hassle to train, since the fliers were eating all the EXP to get to the skill faster, and other units such as Nowi and even Chrom didn't get much EXP at all after Sumia or Cordelia promoted around Chapter 11-ish. But getting the skill at level 15 as a promoted Dark Flier? Wow. That's my main issue about Galeforce; how you basically have to favor the fuck out of particular units while everyone else tend to get left in the dust.

It makes sense in drafting to ban Galeforce, since Sumia's a first pick unit and it's up to her with Frederick at her side with a rescue-bot aiding them to beat the game ASAP. So I guess that's justified, in a way. Everywhere else except LTC, probably Lunatic, and Lunatic+? Galeforce isn't the best skill in existence. It's pretty overrated.

Do you get what I'm saying? I don't want to sound confusing. >_<

Galeforce does take alot of work and that you usually don't get this skill till your near the end of the main-game. Why bother when Solidary and Avoid+10 come alot earlier and help out alot on the higher difficulties.

I'm pretty sure Galeforce doesn't have much use in lunatic and lunatic+ (not that I'm very knowledgeable there) but you've summed it up pretty well.

Good for retreating only since the enemies hit hard enough on Lunatic for you to falter back and heal.

It is a great skill and may be slightly overrated.

It is not impractical and Galeforce-specific build designs (i.e. striker teams that take advantage of extreme offense and mobility + Galeforce) are incredibly useful on the Player Phase. However, an Enemy Phase tank build requires something completely different from both the tank and their support and neither needs or particularly wants Galeforce.

That doesn't make it a bad skill or even an "impractical" skill, but obviously it has places where it doesn't shine. It's never worth the effort in a non-grind run, for example, but few top-tier skills are except the ones that are just handed to you (hi Veteran).

That only MU, Morgan, and any spotpass/dlc character can ever have.

there's no doubt its an incredible skill, anything that adds more mobility to a pair of units is a good thing. Even if you don't move forward with it, you can heal, or switch to your partner and allow them to get exp. It's pretty much player phase veteran that gives you reign over the whole map that comes later on.

Veteran helps you rule Lunatic fast mid-game!

"By the time you get "galeforce" the game is almost over". This is not true. I trained a balanced team and didnt favor Cordelia at all and she still got the skill by Chapter 18. If I favored Cordeiia, she can get it by C15, which is where it matters. Galeforce by tree is super easy btw. It's not overrated. It's hype is damn well deserved. It is an amazing skill. Be it LTC, Efficiency, casual w/e.

With Galeforce, instead of 2-3 turns, youre 1 turning every map after its existence. Deliverer can replicate SOME galeforce strats but definetely not all, not even close.

Maybe you can get it if you promote at 10 alot by then.

So much BS being spouted here...if anything, Galeforce helps the fliers a lot in Lunatic. Being able to Gungnir something in C23 and retreat to safety helped me in that chapter a lot in Loony+ and Loony. Sumia is kinda tough to use in Lunatic because she is OHKO'd in her join i must admit, but Cordelia comes at a point when the enemies are inexplicably getting a bit worse (and she has paralogue 3 to get a few kills) for ferrying in Chapter 8 and 9. I managed to use her all the way to endgame in both Lunatics. Can't say she compared to Lucina and Avatar though which were my mvps in Regular Loony.

EDIT: I've used Falcoknight Sumia too and shes pretty good to have around for Rally Speed.

Sumia will need that Angelic Robe through renown to be able to stand any chance on Lunatic. Donnel is a little easier for his Aptitude skill.

And when a player's character dies, it is the reset for them!

Through streetpass, they permanently die!?

You're right. Veteran is totally worthless.

I capped most of my characters in expgrowth and lob3 with only avatar having veteran. Even then, i don't pair up units (veteran not activated), so I just put paragon to level.

All with the skillset in the class I want them to have.

I passed +4 luck to Inigo for the 50luck without LB, so no galeforce on him.

Waste of skillslot. I much rather have aptitude.

No way is it ever a useless skill. It is needed for higher difficulties and many people don't like to level their characters through DLC till post-game. Plus pairing it with Paragon does the math by 2.5. Out of all the skills in the game, Veteran is the best. It breaks the game alot more than Galeforce.

Edited by ポーラ
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