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Critique my team

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Hi folks, occasional lurker finally turned member here. With the release of 'The Strongest Ones Name' just around the corner (please Nintendo, don't make me look foolish), I'm wondering if my team is good enough as is to take it on. I've been able to plow through all the DLC up to this point with relative ease with all the grind that has been put into it, only Death's Embrace gave me any kind of trouble and that was only due to the nonsense with the hazard tiles. Just looking for ways to improve and if I've made any glaring mistakes with the list feel free to point them out. I enjoy grinding for the most part so I don't mind completely reteching characters where need be.


MU - Tactician

S - Magic W - Defense

Ignis - Lifetaker - Armsthrift - Limitbreaker - All Stats + 2

Maxed @372

Severa - Falcon Knight

Father - Donnel

Armsthrift - Sol - Galeforce - Limitbreaker - Wildcard (Axebreaker or Lancefaire?)

Near Max @ 354\

Morgan - Sorceress

Mother - Tharja

Ignis - Armsthrift - Tomefaire - Limitbreaker - Galeforce

Maxed @ 368

Lucina - Great Lord

Mother - Sumia

Limit Breaker - Galeforce - Rightful King - Aether - Aegis

WIP, Currently 307

Noire - Bride

Father - MU

Ignis - Rally Spectrum - Rally Heart - Armsthrift - Galeforce

Maxed @ 300 w/ Boots

Use her to pick off a weaker enemy using forged weapons then retreat and use rally to boost everyone else. I've had mixed results with her and the lack of Limit Break is starting to hurt, especially since she could potentially be my strongest unit with it.

Owain - Dread Fighter

Father - Libra

Vantage - Renewal - Miracle - Counter - Wrath

Nearly maxed @ 295

I'll admit this is a gimmick unit used to annoy street pass opponents who don't pay attention. Probably calls for a full respec when SON comes along.

Nah - Wyvern Lord

Father - Ricken

Deliverer - Lifetaker - Luna - Dual Guard+ - Limitbreaker

WIP, currently 308

Mainly used to get the slower units into the fight faster, and to keep them safe from the background w/ dual guard

Brady - Sage

Father - Henry

Galeforce - Limitbreaker - Lifetaker - Tomefaire - Luna

Maxed @ 363

Gerome - Wyvern Lord

Father - Lon'qu

Limitbreaker - Deliverer - Swordbreaker - Sol - Agressor

WIP @ 311

Pretty much the same as Nah but a little bit more Offensive power, not really sure what to do with him in the long run.

Inigo - Hero

Father - Vaike

Galeforce -Limitbreaker - Sol - Armsthrift - Aggressor

Nearly Maxed @ 347

When I'm building a character I generally try to make them as self sustaining as possible, and try to leave them with one activated ability as I found that when I had two or more I would never get the one I really needed. I also try to get a skill to let the character heal themselves after I played through Death's Embrace and found that even w/ fortify Noire and Brady weren't able to put out enough healing by themselves. I am starting to think this might be overkill however. I don't usually like faires or breakers unless there is a clear advantage to it (IE Tankfaire on Nosferatanks or Swordbreaker on a Manakete) as I usually find better or more interesting skills to fill the slots. I am also starting to wonder if Galeforce is really needed as while it helps for the odd hit and run or dealing with multiple problem units more often then not it just seems to be a win more skill. Armsthrift is on a lot of units as I am really lazy and don't want to bother reforging weapons whenever they break.

Any advice is greatly appreciated and sorry if this is in the wrong forum or anything like that.

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My recommendation:

get rid of Galeforce. While it's a useful skill, it doesn't actually affect combat. Think of it this way-- the skills you have on your units prevent them from being skewered by the strong units that are constantly being sent against you-- right? If you have galeforce on there, you're basically using up a skill slot to be able to kill two units. This is good and all, but against other maxed units of the same caliber, it doesn't help you to survive.

If you do end up using a breaker skill, I'd say go Tomebreaker. magic is extremely strong in this game and most CPU enemies you need to actually watch out for are tome wielders. Armsthrift isn't such a great skill either-- but I can understand why you'd use it if you're gonna be using rare weapons you don't want to refind or reforge. Honestly, I don't so much like Miracle/Counter when going up against the CPU just because there are so many units and rebounding a lethal blow once with miracle isn't gonna save the unit for long-- other sustainability skills would be more worth while.


Know your team, know the strengths, know the ins and outs of the level you're playing. I usually play with the following team:

Grandmaster MU (Jack of all Trades) [aggressor allows it to be able to do decent damage against any opponent while using their weak def/res to his advantage]

Great Lord Chrom [Luna and Aether activation makes chrom amazing-- mainly uses javelins or spears]

Manakete Nowi!Morgan [High Def/Res makes her perfect for enemy phase or protecting a weaker unit-- equipped with Sol for sustainability and Ignis for damage]

Manakete MU!Nah [same as Morgan]

Assassin Chrom!Inigo [rightful king makes activating luna a breeze with an 80% proc rate, switches between forged Innes' bow and forged Erika's blade]

Great Lord Olivia!Lucina [Much the same as Chrom]

Sorceress Donnel!Noire [The first of two Artillery units-- is able to use Mire to weaken units from afar (useful against counter foes), doubles as a nosfutank]

Sorceress Kellum!Severa [The second of two Artillery units-- is able to use Mire to weaken units from afar, doubles as a nosfutank] (one of the better units in the army-- uses Armsthrift, Luna, Tomefaire, Tomebreaker, LB)

General Stahl!Kjell [Pavise, Aegis, Luna, Lethality, LB] Basically, either she kills the unit or dies trying-- more or less highly durable fodder.

Dark Flier Henry!Cynthia [i was actually surprised how well this worked out-- give her a forged Katarina's Bolt (+4 mt, +12 crit) pair her with a unit as the support and watch them go to town-- her skills would be Anathema, Dual Support+, Dual Guard +, Tomefaire, LB] Her crit alone would be over 100 with her attack being 76 with the forged weapon.

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The first thing that caught my eye is that Noire isn't really making use of that +8 magic cap modifier (which should really be +18, like you said. Limit Breaker is nice. Probably Ignis or Armsthrift should be swapped for that, depending on your armaments) I might suggest a Sage if you want someone that can kill but still has access to Fortify.

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