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Tiki's chapter

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Enemies on normal mode spawn at the end of turn 1 enemy phase, not start of turn 2 enemy phase. Additionally, the enemies in this map won't attack you unless you're directly blocking Tiki.

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You can use Rescue to move Tiki in range of the enemies to kill on turn 1 EP; this allows for a two-turn clear even on Normal mode. But if you're planning on recruiting Tiki, RFoF is right: Hard and Lunatic P17 can be cleared with lower turncounts than Normal P17.

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What? Just because an enemy flies doesn't mean it can pass through your units, that's bull. This ain't Final Fantasy Tactics A2.

How izzit bull? Why can't they fly pass? FYI, I never play Final Fantasy Tactics before.

Anyway, it's not like they'll get pass if you send out your characters as a bait.

Should take them out before they made it to the next turn. Counter is good for chip damage so you can finish them off and move again with galeforce.

Don't even need to rescue Tiki and put her by the wall.

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How izzit bull? Why can't they fly pass? FYI, I never play Final Fantasy Tactics before.

Anyway, it's not like they'll get pass if you send out your characters as a bait.

Should take them out before they made it to the next turn. Counter is good for chip damage so you can finish them off and move again with galeforce.

Don't even need to rescue Tiki and put her by the wall.

A sliiiight problem with that. They will not attack you unless you're directly blocking Tiki. Which means using your characters as bait is useless. Also, Counter and Galeforce probably wouldn't figure into a strategy for this map unless you're overleveled. As to why they can't just fly past, you need a skill to be able to move past enemy units.

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A sliiiight problem with that. They will not attack you unless you're directly blocking Tiki. Which means using your characters as bait is useless. Also, Counter and Galeforce probably wouldn't figure into a strategy for this map unless you're overleveled. As to why they can't just fly past, you need a skill to be able to move past enemy units.

Directly blocking (with no path available to reach Tiki, I believe) -and- within two tiles, I think. At least that's been my experience with it, and I've seen nothing to contradict that.

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Directly blocking (with no path available to reach Tiki, I believe) -and- within two tiles, I think. At least that's been my experience with it, and I've seen nothing to contradict that.

Yeah, that's how it is.

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Yeah, that's how it is.

Yeah, I'm definitely over-leveled for this chapter, hence I fail to see the difficulty. Unless I'm pairing up with Tiki, I should normally have all my children unlocked and married by then.

Rescue are more important for Brady's and Severa's chapters.

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Do your units need to be close to Tiki or do the enemies need to just be completely blocked from reaching Tiki? What happens if you have four units surround an enemy more than three spaces from Tiki?

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Do your units need to be close to Tiki or do the enemies need to just be completely blocked from reaching Tiki? What happens if you have four units surround an enemy more than three spaces from Tiki?

From what I've seen, the enemies have to be completely blocked off from her such that not even 2 rangers can attack her.

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Does no one else just beat it on the 2nd turn?

I see your turn 2 and raise you to turn 1, because I can. It requires very precise movement, though, and overpowered units.

Turn 2 is almost certainly better.

How izzit bull? Why can't they fly pass? FYI, I never play Final Fantasy Tactics before.

Anyway, it's not like they'll get pass if you send out your characters as a bait.

Should take them out before they made it to the next turn. Counter is good for chip damage so you can finish them off and move again with galeforce.

Don't even need to rescue Tiki and put her by the wall.

Have you even played this chapter? Or any FE13? Fliers pass just like anyone else, they have to go around the unit they're passing. With the skill "Pass" you can go through the unit like you would an ally.

And "bait" simply does not work for this chapter. At all.

And I'm not even gonna touch that thing about Counter.

wrt FFTA2, Ahrimans/Floateyes in FFTA could fly over as well; I've never understood why FE fliers can't do this.

Do your units need to be close to Tiki or do the enemies need to just be completely blocked from reaching Tiki? What happens if you have four units surround an enemy more than three spaces from Tiki?

Not sure about this chapter, but for EXPonential Growth, if you surround an Entombed, it will attack you. I imagine this works similarly.

Edited by Euklyd
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I see your turn 2 and raise you to turn 1, because I can. It requires very precise movement, though, and overpowered units.

Turn 2 is almost certainly better.

I can see how a 1-turn is possible, but I'm pretty sure it's completely unreasonable in a no-grind, no-Logbook run.

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I can see how a 1-turn is possible, but I'm pretty sure it's completely unreasonable in a no-grind, no-Logbook run.

Yes. Yes it is. And the only reason I even considered it was because you said something a while ago about a 2-turn clear.

And I did say it required overpowered units. I suppose I should have said completely overpowered units.

Although it might be feasible to do it this way on Normal if you waited until right before Endgame (still probably not).

When I said "because I can," it was referring to the possibility of being able to do a one-turn at all; I was not saying that pulling it off required any sort of skill. Mostly, it was a joke.

wow I'm rambling; this is what happens when I don't get enough sleep.

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I see your turn 2 and raise you to turn 1, because I can. It requires very precise movement, though, and overpowered units.

Turn 2 is almost certainly better.

Have you even played this chapter? Or any FE13? Fliers pass just like anyone else, they have to go around the unit they're passing. With the skill "Pass" you can go through the unit like you would an ally.

And "bait" simply does not work for this chapter. At all.

And I'm not even gonna touch that thing about Counter.

wrt FFTA2, Ahrimans/Floateyes in FFTA could fly over as well; I've never understood why FE fliers can't do this.

Not sure about this chapter, but for EXPonential Growth, if you surround an Entombed, it will attack you. I imagine this works similarly.

Like I said, this chapter is so trivial that whether they pass or not, doesn't even matter.

I know that the money dlc chapter, the entombed will just pass you because of the skill.

And always know that in the limit breaker dlc, you need to box in your rallybot to prevent those fliers from reaching, and need to kill those with pass first.

Some guys already talking about finishing in 1-2 turns, why on Earth does it matter if they 'could' pass your formation.

If you intentionally just wait out without clearing the enemies, you'll see that THEY WILL REACH Tiki. So doesn't it count as pass?

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Edit: Do enemies have pass on lunatic?


They will not attack you unless you're directly blocking Tiki.

They also will attack you if she dies.

And always know that in the limit breaker dlc, you need to box in your rallybot to prevent those fliers from reaching, and need to kill those with pass first.

Not to mention Lloyd and Linus. Since they both are very dangerous on that map.

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Like I said, this chapter is so trivial that whether they pass or not, doesn't even matter.

Not unless you have an absurdly overpowered team, especially on Lunatic.

Some guys already talking about finishing in 1-2 turns, why on Earth does it matter if they 'could' pass your formation.

If you intentionally just wait out without clearing the enemies, you'll see that THEY WILL REACH Tiki. So doesn't it count as pass?

Because clearing this chapter in merely one or two turns requires absurdly overpowered units. If you can't kill the enemies quickly enough, you will have to take the defensive approach instead, and Lunatic+ enemies randomly having Pass will make any sort of defensive strategy a heck of a lot more difficult.

Edited by Scarlet
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Because clearing this chapter in merely one or two turns requires absurdly overpowered units.

Not really. The only enemies that are legitimately tough to double are the Falcos to the left. A couple S rank pairs can take them out with dual attacks (Bows help). The Wyverns at the right are really easy to double and can be taken out pretty easily with Wind magic or Levin Sword!Anna. Enemies to the south can be handled by everyone else. If you're planning on clearing in two turns, you should be getting the boss killed by someone on turn 1 who can come back and kill another (I always use Avatar for this), and you should have enough slots left for adequate people to take down the remaining enemies Griffins.

I did it like that on a no-grind Lunatic run. So yeah.

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I stand corrected, then, although I still can't really wrap my mind about how that strategy works. I don't suppose someone has a video showcasing it?

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From my thread:

Deployed: ~16/10/20 Dark Flier Avatar, ~16/~10 GM Morgan, 16/~1 Great Lord Lucina, 11 Chrom, Anna, --/17 Frederick, 12/4 Falcon Knight Cordelia, Tharja, Sumia, Libra, Lissa, Maribelle, Olivia

Avatar and Morgan each received an Elwind forge: one was +1, the other was +2. Fred received a +3 Mt Beast Killer.

Turn 1 player phase: Tharja Paired with Avatar, who was Rescued to the left by either Lissa or Maribelle (I forget). Fred Paired with Sumia, who was Rescued to the left by the other of Maribelle or Lissa. Avatar ORKOed the top Falcon Knight, triggered Galeforce, and subsequently ORKOed the bottom Falcon Knight. Fred used a Hand Axe on the remaining FK. Anna Rescued Avatar back towards the center of the map.

Chrom Paired with Morgan, who was Rescued by Libra. Morgan ORKOed the middle Wyvern, triggered Galeforce, and ORKOed the bottom Wyvern. Olivia used Dance on Anna, who Rescued Morgan towards the center-right of the map.

Cordelia used Rescue on somebody to get EXP. Lucina moved right.

Turn 1 enemy phase: who cares

Turn 2 player phase: Fred finishes the lone FK with the Beast Killer forge.

Libra Pairs with Lucina, who ORKOs the lone Wyvern with Parallel Falchion. Cordelia uses Rescue to gain EXP and learns Rally Speed.

Avatar kills two Griffon Riders using Galeforce. Morgan kills two Griffons using Galeforce. Olivia Dances for Morgan, who finishes the boss (I may have used Physic with someone).

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Ahh, I see now, Rescue is used to get closer to the enemies. That makes sense, thanks.

Is this reasonably possible without Galeforce, though? After all, having a male avatar makes early Galeforce access much more difficult, so reliability across different team builds may be a point against the chapter being "trivial" by default if it isn't.

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I see, thanks - doesn't seem to be perfectly reliable, though, as stated by Red Fox herself.

But I guess I've made my point, so I'll leave it at that.

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I'm pretty sure fliers don't get a "pass" affect passively. (no pun intended)

If you turn on enemy range with the original setup or something similar, Tiki will be just out of range in every way, so it isn't the AI attacking those "blocking" her, it's because they can't get through.

I don't see a reason for the 2 turn clear (outside of LTC/speedruns of course) because durability doesn't seem to be an issue, and you get the maximum EXP swatting gryphons, pegasi and dragons out of the sky.

How about teleporting Tiki into the foresty areas? That would give a defense bonus.

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I'm pretty sure fliers don't get a "pass" affect passively. (no pun intended)

If you turn on enemy range with the original setup or something similar, Tiki will be just out of range in every way, so it isn't the AI attacking those "blocking" her, it's because they can't get through.

I don't see a reason for the 2 turn clear (outside of LTC/speedruns of course) because durability doesn't seem to be an issue, and you get the maximum EXP swatting gryphons, pegasi and dragons out of the sky.

How about teleporting Tiki into the foresty areas? That would give a defense bonus.

Durability certainly is an issue on Lunatic, super-certainly on L+, so a 2-turn clear is very helpful there (I'm not even gonna open the can of worms that is LTC); even with somewhat OP units, characters can still die.

And the forest is a bad idea, simply because the slight defense boost maybe means Tiki can survive one additional attack. Probably not. Defense, or a 2-turn clear, are really your only options.

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