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Few newbie questions


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So I've started this game finally and am a bit overwhelmed with the amount of choices I have, I just need some questions answered so I can decide how to go ahead.

1. When is it best to reclass someone with a Second Seal? If I'm levelling Donnel should I reclass him as soon as he learns Underdog or wait all the way until lvl 30? (I'm arguing the principle of doing this not necessarily Donnel's case, should you reclass as soon as you've learnt a skill you want). I know the internal level will rise more if they are higher level but is it worth it?

2. If I'm not levelling a character should I bother with their child? I understand a child inherits base stats from their parents stats so if a low level character has a child will that child be not very good then?

3. When deciding the father for the children is it best to go for a similar unit or a completely different sort of unit basically? i.e. Miriel's child is a mage, so should Ricken be the father as he will have good growths for a mage or go with something completely different like Vaike? I'm just having a hard time thinking of the best fathers for some characters.

Thanks, I know all this information is probably out there but it's annoying trying to find it all.

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1- Reclass Unpromoted units at 10 and promoted units at 15 or 16. Underdog is a waste of a skill, get Donnel out of villager ASAP.

2- Unless you are doing post-game, don't bother with children of characters you won't use.

3- My recommended fathers are:

Chrom!Inigo as Hero

Henry!Cynthia as Dark Flier

Gaius!Noire as Sniper with Galeforce(Gaius passes pegasus)

Lon'qu!Severa as FalcoKnight

Donnel!Kjelle as Great Knight

Vaike!Gerome as Berserker

Kellam!Nah as Manakete

Libra!Brady as Sage with GF

Stahl! Laurent as Sorcerer

Ricken! Owain as Sage with GF

Gregor!Yarne as Taguel

One of the children!Morgan

Of course these are my opinion.

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Wait till the end.

For your main playthrough don't bother. Base stats don't matter after you're done as you can always grind.

Not necessarily. Someone else might be able to give a better answer on this.

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1. If you recless him at 15 (After getting Underdog) you can change to either Mercenary or Fighter, but if you wait 'till 30 you can change him to the promoted forms of both without the need of a Master Seal, it's up to you really, but personally i'd change him to Mercenary for Armsthrift.

2.The children characters are far more superior to parent characters with no real exceptions, so that depends on if you're going to linger during postgame.

3.Best to have characters with different class sets, skill sets trump growths after all.

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"When deciding the father for the children is it best to go for a similar unit or a completely different sort of unit basically? i.e. Miriel's child is a mage, so should Ricken be the father as he will have good growths for a mage or go with something completely different like Vaike? I'm just having a hard time thinking of the best fathers for some characters."

Go for a completely different father everytime. As a general rule of thumb, a conflicting father and mother combo actually resulted in a really amazing children

The biggest mistake you can do, is pairing a simmilar parents with each other

For example, Miriel best pairing is arguably Gregor, who is physical

Cordelia's best pairing is Stahl or Frederick, maybe Lon'Qu, only one of them are Speedy

As a general rule of thumb, you should NEVER look at stats mods. Always look at what skill you can get from the pairing

Of course this only applies if you are min maxing

Edited by JSND
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Thanks for all the answers. I think my problem is since it's my first playthrough I want to use ALL the units and I just can't.

Also I keep on going for pairing which I think would be cute despite probably not making the best children.

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For your first playthrough, go crazy and then you can figure things out after you've beaten the game. Do what pairings you like first and then, well, you'll learn what will be better. Everyone will have different opinions on who makes a better father for what children.

For Donny, well, it's been answered already.

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What the others said, really. Also, no matter who you marry the Avatar to, you're going to get a great Morgan. Some pairings will still make Morgan better than others, but depending on the difficulty you're playing (normal, I assume, since you're a newbie?), that might not be necessary. I should know, I did a Frederick-fathered Morgan and both of these guys are my most powerful units along with the Avatar herself. I kinda used them all to death though, admittedly. XD

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Just wanna say-- if people are saying underdog is a terrible skill and to simply bypass it... *bangs head against wall*

Seriously, for just keeping him at level 1 *insert tier II class name here* with all his stats capped and skills learnt, you aren't gonna run into many people who think to keep all their streetpass characters at level one to counter underdog. It may seem unassuming, +15 hit/avoid, but that's a 30% difference right there with one skill that activates in ANY situation (unless you're up against a manakete).

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Like they've said above, just play it without optimizing. There are grinding options if somehow you get stuck (not gonna happen on Normal).

On a future playthrough you could plan optimal skills, classes, and pairings in order to make a strong team for Lunatic/TSON/StreetPass. The Serenes main site has a lot of information to help you do that.

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1.Get out of villager as fast as possible. It is very hard to level when in villager class, and the lance weapon experience is useless since basically all the later classes Donnel has can't wield lance.

You might want to get the Underdog skill, no harm getting, just 5 more level only. It is useful when you don't have other skills and is still useful if you decide to make use of 2nd seal to take advantage of it. At least you get the option to use, although in my class, I have armsthift, sol, counter, limit breaker, Axebreaker(maybe replace this for underdog) already.

2.You should always pay attention with the children. Level the parents so that the child can inherit certain skills which they usually cannot attain. The stats modifier for children depends on who their parents are and not their current levels. Children are strong. You only won't need them if you're playing hard or below and wanted to finish the story asap.

3.Decide on the father to complement the children. Like Kellam with Miriel since her defense is weak, or Gregor and Cherche for unique skills. Pairing same attribute parents together will at most have a slightly increase in max stats, in these case Lissa x Henry, which still can be good in a sense. Other than the above, I suggest you to pair them up just to read their support log. =)

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