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HM 49 turns


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Nice job with the Chapter 17 strat. Didn't know that was possible with one Galeforce and one rescuer.

Edit: I somehow missed Lissa... at any rate it was still a very interesting strategy.

Edited by pedoclaw13
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I'm not happy with my strategies post 16 so I'll be restarting from Paralogue 12. I should have promoted Morgan to a Wyvern Rider earlier on for more weapon experience.

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I'm not happy with my strategies post 16 so I'll be restarting from Paralogue 12. I should have promoted Morgan to a Wyvern Rider earlier on for more weapon experience.

I was wondering about that. It was Chrom who fathered Morgan right?

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Yes, indeed. I'll be editing my previous posts with the new stats and some extra strategies. I also want Rescue Ricken so I'll level him up to 10 while I'm at it.

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Yes, indeed. I'll be editing my previous posts with the new stats and some extra strategies. I also want Rescue Ricken so I'll level him up to 10 while I'm at it.

Do you have a beastkiller? If you do you might be able to rig Ricken killing the boss (of paralogue 12) with the strongest wind tome he can muster and a beastkiller dual-attack (preferably Mio but Cordelia could probably suffice). That probably wouldn't get him to 10 immediately but it would help.

Edited by pedoclaw13
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Eh, it would work. But Ricken can easily get to 10 in 17, in which I don't need him, so no worries.

I'm more worried about getting Morgan to D in axes before Chapter 23 comes.

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Eh, it would work. But Ricken can easily get to 10 in 17, in which I don't need him, so no worries.

I'm more worried about getting Morgan to D in axes before Chapter 23 comes.

An arms scroll would work but I don't think you have time for getting one... possibly train his weapon rank in a chapter he isn't needed? (Leave the boss kill for EP to let Morgan see some combat)

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How will promoting Morgan earlier let him reach D axes sooner?

edit: Oh nevermind, you meant reclass not promote.

Edited by Hawk King
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He has one extra chapter to use axes. In the 6 chapters before 23, he needs to hit 5 times on average (4 in some, 6 in some), because they're all 1 turns. For comparison, he'd have to hit 6 times in 5 chapters without class changing, which is impossible.

Edited by Olwen
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Yeah I just realized you meant reclass. I thought you were talking about promoting to Wyvern Lord earlier.

Kids should always insta-reclass. They have nothing left to learn in their starting class.
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I'm going to have to use Rescue Ricken and Libra to be able to do some 1 turns without Olivia dancing Mio (Morgan needs Olivia if he wants to get 6 wexp per map).

If only this swordmaster would fuck off, I'd be able to finish this game in a few hours. I have the worst luck in the world.

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Pair him up with his mommy.

He gets 2 swings kills enemy, galeforce activates.
Mommy swings 2x with 2 ~40% chances of Morgan getting an extra swing (Make sure mommy falls just short of 2HKOing) galeforce activates.
Morgan kills boss with 2 swings.
Hell you might even be able to work in a dance on some maps to give Morgan 7 swings on some maps.
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Assuming the stored? internal? LVs are the same, a LV 1 unit will gain more Exp than a LV 2-19 unit. So yes.

Mommy will still be getting 1 kill plus secondary Exp from helping Morgan kill stuff. And Morgan will be getting the most Wexp possible per map (7 maaaaybe 8 with rigging). Or you could adjust it so mommy gets 2 kills and Morgan gets 6 Wexp per map.
Either way, having them pair up seems to be the best option. You have 6 maps to get 28 swings with Morgan. He can use turn 1 of Chp 23 to get his last 2 swings. galeforce activates, switch to hand axe.
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Computing WEXP in terms of swings is technically incorrect; you get 2 WEXP per round of combat whether or not you double.

In any case, getting the requisite WEXP looks doable with or without the one round of combat in C23. 4/6/6/6/4/4 looks just barely manageable for Chapters 17/18/19/20/21/22.

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Are you sure about that? In older games it was per hit.. that's great news, because it means I can simply use Lucina as pair up support.

I believe I need 4 rounds of combat for 20, because my strategy requires Olivia. Though that may no longer be true with Rescue Ricken. If the swordmaster would just get out of the Rescue shop, I'd be able to finish the game in a few hours.

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Are you sure about that? In older games it was per hit.. that's great news, because it means I can simply use Lucina as pair up support.

I believe I need 4 rounds of combat for 20, because my strategy requires Olivia. Though that may no longer be true with Rescue Ricken. If the swordmaster would just get out of the Rescue shop, I'd be able to finish the game in a few hours.

Not in the DS ones I'm pretty sure.

I'm curious to see your other characters' levels btw.

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Not in the DS ones I'm pretty sure.

I'm curious to see your other characters' levels btw.

I'm at chapter 17 (I went back to 16 and restarted):

Chrom, level 4 Lord

Mio, level 15 Dark Flier (will be level 1 once I can get a Second Seal, but there's a Valkyrie in front of that shop)

Olivia, level 2 Dancer

Libra, level 3 War Monk

Sumia, level 7 Dark Flier

Cherche, level 1 Griffon Rider

Morgan, level 1 Wyvern Rider

Lucina, level 1 Great Lord

Ricken, level 9 Mage

Cordelia, level 3 Dark Flier

Frederick, level 4 Great Knight

Miriel, level 2 Mage

Lon'qu, level 7 Myrmidon

Stahl, level 3 Cavalier

Sully, level 3 Cavalier

No one else leveled up.

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