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Petition to Rename Fire Emblem: Awakening to Galeforce Emblem: Galeforcening

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I've done it in 11 but I thought that it must be a horrible attempt and deleted the file.

I don't regret a thing.

Prove it. Otherwise, stop strawmanning me


One of the best aspects of galeforce

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I approve oh-so-much. XD I haven't laughed all day, thank you Reggie. :)

Of course, Nosferatu needs to be included in that title somewhere...

Edited by Vashiane
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non-storyline characters and/or sometimes resources (that I decide whenver i feel like it) don't exist in my book

Aversa is a storyline character though, the version you get in paralogue 22 is just a fake. The real one come in Chapter 47 after the Ninjas steal all the monkeys.

Before anyone asks I haven't the slightest

Edited by bearclaw13
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Aversa = "When Nosferatu and Galeforce on a Pegasus became possible."

Ridiculously OP Dark Flier, go!

Yeah, no. I'll take a Ruin tome over Nosferatu any day - I only use Nos if I'm grinding.

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Ridiculously OP Dark Flier, go!

Yeah, no. I'll take a Ruin tome over Nosferatu any day - I only use Nos if I'm grinding.

...Ruin is pretty awesome on something with high skill just saying.

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...Ruin is pretty awesome on something with high skill just saying.

Henry + Ruin = Henry Enblem A-ruin-ing.


Oh, who am I kidding, that's not funny. ._.

Edited by Vashiane
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Henry + Ruin = Henry Enblem A-ruin-ing.


Oh, who am I kidding, that's not funny. ._.

You bring shame to your name (rhyme intended) with such terrible jokes.

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non-storyline characters and sometimes resources (that I decide whenver i feel like it) don't exist in my book

Does this include DLC Micaiah?

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lol, this topic is so pointless. I just bought my copy from Gamestop last week and they already updated it with the new title.dbihi0.jpg

Sheesh, what's next? A petition to end slavery? :smug:

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Yeah, I think my photograph accidentally changed the font to comic sans. Gotta get a better camera

Edited by SRC
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At what? This entire topic is comedy gold.

btw heres my proof of my 12 second playthrough


Bow down to my awesomeness bitch

That, lol.

again, nosferatu is only for filthy casuals and not indicative of the only people worth acknowleding that play this game

but its broken and unnecesary!
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btw heres my proof of my 12 second playthrough


Bow down to my awesomeness bitch


"Final Chapter: Fell Dragon Gimle, Lunatic+ Classic, 35 seconds."

Your Galeforce is VASTLY inferior to my SHIPPUJINRAI.


TL's Note: "ShippuJinrai" is "Lightning Speed" which is "Galeforce" localized.

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