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The Best Way to Get a StreetPass Kill

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Bear in mind that you might get fewer dismissals if your team's annoyance factor isn't immediately obvious. A team full of Lethality guys may just lead to people getting rid of you.

I like Mire turrets because people might overlook them, or think they can tank through them. Sometimes they can, but if you get lucky and there's a low-RES unit in range of 2-3 Sorcerers with Mire it can be over very quickly. All it takes is one kill.

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Bear in mind that you might get fewer dismissals if your team's annoyance factor isn't immediately obvious. A team full of Lethality guys may just lead to people getting rid of you.

I consider Dismissing an automatic win for me.

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I have only encountered a handful of teams and only one was a challenge for me. What skill priority would you recommend?

Counter is the most important, easily. After that, it's a tie between Lethality and Vengeance, since the former is probably going to activate at some point during the battle, while the latter is a guaranteed source of damage that increases in proportion to the player's damage output. If you can, put Miracle on everyone, especially those with Counter. If you want Vantage, be sure to have Miracle and Vengeance, since that combo is actually good.

The AI will staffbot only if said bot can't attack. A single Sage with a Goddess Staff, Fortify, Physic, etc can save the day.

Breakers are generally useless. Unless your name is Nah, that is. Bear in mind that the player can change their Skills to fit the challenge, while yours cannot. Some Skills are wonderful for killing StreetPass teams but horrendous for putting on yours for the AI to use.

Also, Mire is a joke, even with Hit +20 and the like. If you rely on siege weapons, your team will pose no threat whatsoever to anyone who actually looks at your team before fighting it. I've fought teams like that and they were some of the easiest I've faced that were Limit Broken, despite Hit +20 and Lucky 7. It's true that siege units are the beat recipients of Lucky 7 but they still suck.

This next part is rather topical. One of the very best skills to take when fighting a StreetPass team is Galeforce. Since the enemies will likely have a brutal skillset (otherwise, just step on them), it's very, very helpful to spam Galeforce. Also, Lucky 7 is tremendously helpful. If you think you might take damage, grab Lifetaker. Finally, something like Luna (just not Astra, whatever you do) will do nicely. If everyone is using times, Tomebreaker wins the match for you. Be sure to use Brave Weapons. Forges aren't needed,. since they necessitate the use of Armsthrift, at least to me.

That covers most of it. I fought a rather powerful team not 8 hours ago and can attest to the efficacy of the aforementioned skillset.

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Honestly, people dismiss for plenty of reasons-- one being the fact they can't win (I never do this myself), the second being they win too easily (I do this all the time), and lastly just clearing out the shop (because I can and don't want to bother with the team). In the end, they'll face your team if they want to face it. YOUR job is to make it as challenging for the other team as possible to come out without losing a unit... at least, that's my goal since I'd rather not have people get my avatar for free. If they want him in the log book, they'll either pay over 70k for him or beat him. xD

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Thanks for the tips, RT.

Next what about weapons? All 1-2 range weapons are obviously great. How about forcing my unit to Counter suicide by giving it a 1-range weapon? A Double Bow would be annoying but not so great at defending. Is Lethality on a Nosferatank effective? It sounds like Mire is out of the question, and now I see why. I like Celica's Gale because it's the only 1-2 range brave weapon.

Also, what do you guys think the optimal classes are?

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I use suicide units with 1-range weapons. Double Bow would work in my opinion that has a unit with a set of Luna/Aegis/Pavise/Counter. Also I think Lethality would be a waste of time on a Nosferatank. Lethality should really only be abused with units that have Rightful King. If you want to see what my streetpass team looks like then take a look at this thread and scroll down to see it:


Would like to see someone fight it to figure out what I need to improve on.

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Also, Mire is a joke, even with Hit +20 and the like.

I wish it was as simple as slapping on Tomebreaker and getting it over with, but when you're faced with 2-4 Mire units (Whose only real purpose is to whittle down your hp) it isn't always as easy as it sounds. All it takes is for those Mire units to get your hp to half. Once that happens, expect the AI of properly suited up units to switch to lowest HP and finish them off for a kill. One death's really all it takes for someone playing on Classic to restart anyway.

In the end, the usefulness of Mire units are highly dependent on what map you get placed in. If it's something like... Mila Tree where it'd be hard to get to the end in two turns to disable them, Mire gets really annoying. But if you were like, in Arena Ferox, they're pretty useless haha.

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I wish it was as simple as slapping on Tomebreaker and getting it over with, but when you're faced with 2-4 Mire units (Whose only real purpose is to whittle down your hp) it isn't always as easy as it sounds. All it takes is for those Mire units to get your hp to half. Once that happens, expect the AI of properly suited up units to switch to lowest HP and finish them off for a kill. One death's really all it takes for someone playing on Classic to restart anyway.

In the end, the usefulness of Mire units are highly dependent on what map you get placed in. If it's something like... Mila Tree where it'd be hard to get to the end in two turns to disable them, Mire gets really annoying. But if you were like, in Arena Ferox, they're pretty useless haha.

I can see a few Mire units aiding some fliers/acrobats with Pass ganging up on someone. High move in general does.The question is, how likely is this to work against someone with LB units?

Also, is your team's unit action order determined by the order they are shown in your Sortie? This could also affect how units gang up on a target.

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let's see-- if your units have LB and their units have LB-- it's the same as though neither team had it.... in which case Mire would still be effective. If you don't have LB and decide to use Mire turrets then expect them to not be as effective. Btw, I played through apotheosis with mire turrets and they worked fairly well considering they only did maybe 9-14 damage a shot. This isn't bad since my other units were able to finish them off-- but against normal units of the same caliber it'll be much more effective. As far as unit order goes-- this is a good question. I haven't figured this out myself. I do know attacking units have precedence over moving units-- but as far as turn priority goes... idk.

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I wasn't paying much attention, but it does seem like the attacking order is generally the same as your team order. So if Avatar (who's always number one) can attack, he/she will always attack first.

But I wouldn't be surprised if there's some variance like in the main game.

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Vantage, vengeance, miracle, wrath, and hit rate+20 on a dark knight with forged celica's gale

It sounds painful, unless you could manage to kill it in one hit of course, you could probably swap hit +20 for lethality as a trolling tactic.

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Vantage, vengeance, miracle, wrath, and hit rate+20 on a dark knight with forged celica's gale

Lucky 7 is much better than Hit+20 because the battle isn't likely to last longer than 7 turns.

Is Sol worth using to have another chance for Miracle at the loss of not attacking with Vengeance?

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Coming back from Phoenix Comicon, where upon I got over 700 Streetpasses and pretty much demolished them all...

Limit Breaker is absolutely required. No Limit Breaker, and you've already lost. You're never getting a kill.

Stats > Skills At least as far as I could tell. Doesn't make much sense on paper, but in practice, it's very true. Turn to the old favorites: Lon'qu!Severa, Vaike!Gerome, Kellam!Nah, and third Gen Morgans. (I was completely able to autobattle teams with the more toted "modern" pairings to death if they didn't LB. The guys running stuff like the afformentioned actually managed to avoid being auto-killed. And this is from the POV of a guy who was being a stick who wasn't going to use Limit Breaker to fight Streetpasses.)
...Res+10 > Aegis It's like the above. Aegis is used to mitigate tome damage- Manakete don't do enough damage as is, and who uses bows. It also mitigates against pair ups, and is enough to completely negate the base MT of a Forged Celica's Gale.

Breakers don't make the player miss, they make your team Hit. You're not really going to get any real Avo chances. But tossing around a breaker will mean you'll likely hit.

Don't bother with Unarmed Rally Bots. Doesn't work. They'll move last and AWAY from the fight, which means it's just a free kill. They will not use Rallies mostly, because they RUN AWAY. The only real way to have a Rally Bot is to use a General or other low MOV unit and give it a Range 1 weapon. Or a Falcon Knight with a Heal, Mend, or Recover (Do not use Physic, Catharsis, Fortify or Goddess, the unit will flee to a safe spot to fire that staff)

Standard Damage Boosting Skills Accomplish More than Lethality (usually) Don't underestimate Astra, Luna, Aether, Vengeance, and Ignis. These skills HURT-- and it's definitely plausible to kill thru sheer damage. Lethality still has a low activation rate.

Sol, Nosferatu, Renewal Healing skills suck. ORKO is the name of the game.

And that's about that.

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What is your opinion on a sorcerer that uses this set with a forged Aversa's Night?


Have you ever faced something like that?

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What is your opinion on a sorcerer that uses this set with a forged Aversa's Night?


Have you ever faced something like that?

Brian (one of the very few teams to impress me out of the 700+ con teams) had something like that (replace Vengeance with Aether and it's that), but made a slight mistake:

If the AI can use anything besides Aversa's Night, they'll use it instead (not sure if bug). (And he had a Forseti on that unit ('twas his Morgan))

It's pretty easy to kill those though-- get the initiate and you'll ORKO if you're rallied and have a pair up partner. The standard DF/Sage set drops it like a fly. Without LB, you'll get stepped on either way.

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What is your opinion on a sorcerer that uses this set with a forged Aversa's Night?


Have you ever faced something like that?

I'm confused when I checked your team. Why your Lucina, Inigo and Morgan has Rightful King? Lucina!Morgan?

Celica, Empharim with Rightful King + Lethality =P

Edit: my BAD (no pun intended), I overlook the part where you put in the pairing.

Edited by SirSalute
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One thing I forgot to mention was that the AI is incredibly stupid in its choice of weapons. If you equip a Brave Sword to your Assassin, he won't change weapons unless he enters combat at range (which he will, even if he has Counter). This means that your enemy can throw on some Swordbreakers and roflstomp your team if you have too many units with a single weapon type equipped.

Thanks for the tips, RT.

Next what about weapons? All 1-2 range weapons are obviously great. How about forcing my unit to Counter suicide by giving it a 1-range weapon? A Double Bow would be annoying but not so great at defending. Is Lethality on a Nosferatank effective? It sounds like Mire is out of the question, and now I see why. I like Celica's Gale because it's the only 1-2 range brave weapon.

Also, what do you guys think the optimal classes are?

No problem, BF.

If you want to abuse Lethality, be sure to use a Brave weapon, since you really need the extra attacks to increase your odds of proccing the Skill. I first tried making a team that consisted mainly of Nosferatanks but soon saw that they couldn't dish out enough damage.

EDIT: I didn't see the question.

Optimal class are, to my mind, those with access to both ranges, high Spd and Skl, and 2 weapon types. Celica's Gale is the best weapon for StreetPass, hands down. However, not everyone should have it equipped, lest Tomebreaker be the end of your team.

I use suicide units with 1-range weapons. Double Bow would work in my opinion that has a unit with a set of Luna/Aegis/Pavise/Counter. Also I think Lethality would be a waste of time on a Nosferatank. Lethality should really only be abused with units that have Rightful King. If you want to see what my streetpass team looks like then take a look at this thread and scroll down to see it:


Would like to see someone fight it to figure out what I need to improve on.

I then tried a team that aimed to abuse Counter to its fullest extent. However, while a bunch of fast, Brave-wielding melee units will probably do very well for you in most cases, especially against less skilled players, there's a fatal flaw that cripples such a team: ranged attacks. I have wiped out entire teams that had Counter and Brave Swords/Axes equipped (no Lances, curiously) by Pairing Up two ranged attackers with Braves and ORKOing each unit and Galeforcing out of harm's way. Depending on the map layout and skillsets of your enemies, either Celica's Gale (preferred, due to Dark Flier access) or Brave Bows will handily defeat any team that has no ranged weapons equipped.

I wish it was as simple as slapping on Tomebreaker and getting it over with, but when you're faced with 2-4 Mire units (Whose only real purpose is to whittle down your hp) it isn't always as easy as it sounds. All it takes is for those Mire units to get your hp to half. Once that happens, expect the AI of properly suited up units to switch to lowest HP and finish them off for a kill. One death's really all it takes for someone playing on Classic to restart anyway.

In the end, the usefulness of Mire units are highly dependent on what map you get placed in. If it's something like... Mila Tree where it'd be hard to get to the end in two turns to disable them, Mire gets really annoying. But if you were like, in Arena Ferox, they're pretty useless haha.

It really is that simple. If you need extra Avo for some reason, throw on Lucky 7 and call it a day. You can Pair Up, which is gamebreaking in itself. Between Pair Up, Tomebreaker, and Lucky 7, no Mire will touch you.

I can see a few Mire units aiding some fliers/acrobats with Pass ganging up on someone. High move in general does.The question is, how likely is this to work against someone with LB units?

Also, is your team's unit action order determined by the order they are shown in your Sortie? This could also affect how units gang up on a target.

LB > no LB. Without LB, your only hope is Counter/Miracle, since you will neither hit nor avoid, meaning Vengeance will, sadly, be useless.

let's see-- if your units have LB and their units have LB-- it's the same as though neither team had it.... in which case Mire would still be effective. If you don't have LB and decide to use Mire turrets then expect them to not be as effective. Btw, I played through apotheosis with mire turrets and they worked fairly well considering they only did maybe 9-14 damage a shot. This isn't bad since my other units were able to finish them off-- but against normal units of the same caliber it'll be much more effective. As far as unit order goes-- this is a good question. I haven't figured this out myself. I do know attacking units have precedence over moving units-- but as far as turn priority goes... idk.

Mire is still garbage on a StreetPass team for three reasons:

1) The Sorc will use Mire instead of Celica's Gale
2) The Sorc will miss
3) The Sorc won't proc any Skills

To summarize, Mire will lose you the battle. It's too bad, since I initially wanted to have all of my units Mire snipe a single player unit and cause a reset. Sadly, this only works against weaker units and players who don't fully understand the game. Now, if we had Hawkeye... >:D

I wasn't paying much attention, but it does seem like the attacking order is generally the same as your team order. So if Avatar (who's always number one) can attack, he/she will always attack first.

But I wouldn't be surprised if there's some variance like in the main game.

I haven't tested this fully but it seems to be the case. At least, the Avatar seems to attack first.

Vantage, vengeance, miracle, wrath, and hit rate+20 on a dark knight with forged celica's gale
It sounds painful, unless you could manage to kill it in one hit of course, you could probably swap hit +20 for lethality as a trolling tactic.

Ditch Wrath. You'll never crit without a weapon forged for critting. Let's say you have 50 Skl after LB. That's 25 crit. After Wrath, that's 45 crit. The enemy will have at least 50 Lck...

Lucky 7 is much better than Hit+20 because the battle isn't likely to last longer than 7 turns.

Is Sol worth using to have another chance for Miracle at the loss of not attacking with Vengeance?


Nope. I've tried making tanky teams to outlast the player. They failed. Vengeance is the Skill you want most of all, with Luna, Ignis, Aether, and Astra following. Lethality, of course, is very, very useful, but only if everyone has it and you use Brave weapons. This is because the odds become extremely high that someone on your team will activate Lethality should you meet the two criteria. My team has caused innumerable resets due to Lethality, as it is one of the only ways to "defeat" a skilled player.

Coming back from Phoenix Comicon, where upon I got over 700 Streetpasses and pretty much demolished them all...

Limit Breaker is absolutely required. No Limit Breaker, and you've already lost. You're never getting a kill.

Stats > Skills At least as far as I could tell. Doesn't make much sense on paper, but in practice, it's very true. Turn to the old favorites: Lon'qu!Severa, Vaike!Gerome, Kellam!Nah, and third Gen Morgans. (I was completely able to autobattle teams with the more toted "modern" pairings to death if they didn't LB. The guys running stuff like the afformentioned actually managed to avoid being auto-killed. And this is from the POV of a guy who was being a stick who wasn't going to use Limit Breaker to fight Streetpasses.)
...Res+10 > Aegis It's like the above. Aegis is used to mitigate tome damage- Manakete don't do enough damage as is, and who uses bows. It also mitigates against pair ups, and is enough to completely negate the base MT of a Forged Celica's Gale.

Breakers don't make the player miss, they make your team Hit. You're not really going to get any real Avo chances. But tossing around a breaker will mean you'll likely hit.

Don't bother with Unarmed Rally Bots. Doesn't work. They'll move last and AWAY from the fight, which means it's just a free kill. They will not use Rallies mostly, because they RUN AWAY. The only real way to have a Rally Bot is to use a General or other low MOV unit and give it a Range 1 weapon. Or a Falcon Knight with a Heal, Mend, or Recover (Do not use Physic, Catharsis, Fortify or Goddess, the unit will flee to a safe spot to fire that staff)

Standard Damage Boosting Skills Accomplish More than Lethality (usually) Don't underestimate Astra, Luna, Aether, Vengeance, and Ignis. These skills HURT-- and it's definitely plausible to kill thru sheer damage. Lethality still has a low activation rate.

Sol, Nosferatu, Renewal Healing skills suck. ORKO is the name of the game.

And that's about that.

I agree with most of these. Not so much with the unreliability of Lethality. EVERYONE must have Lethality for it to become reliable.

Also, Skills matter quite a bit. Lucky 7 on your side will often will the battle, barring Counter. Watching Severa with a max hit forged Brave Sword fail to connect a single time is gold. I've also OHKOd entire teams with Miracle/Vantage/Vengeance after a single enemy activated Lethality. Do not neglect Skills, since your stats will be inferior to the player's, anyway.

What is your opinion on a sorcerer that uses this set with a forged Aversa's Night?


Have you ever faced something like that?

Made it, faced it, you name it. Sadly, while Aversa's Night is a very good tome (it is powerful AND accurate), it's no Brave weapon. Causing a reset is the goal, so more attacks = more opportunities to activate Lethality/Vengeance > healing.

Brian (one of the very few teams to impress me out of the 700+ con teams) had something like that (replace Vengeance with Aether and it's that), but made a slight mistake:

If the AI can use anything besides Aversa's Night, they'll use it instead (not sure if bug). (And he had a Forseti on that unit ('twas his Morgan))

It's pretty easy to kill those though-- get the initiate and you'll ORKO if you're rallied and have a pair up partner. The standard DF/Sage set drops it like a fly. Without LB, you'll get stepped on either way.

I dunno about the Aversa's Night thing. Yeah, that usually seems to be the case, but I've also seen the AI use Aversa's Night when attacking a flying unit, much to my dismay. In my experience, they usually use what they have equipped, only changing weapons if they think it will give them an advantage. Still not sure about the priority of weapons, due to the dismal AI. Sometimes, they switch to Celica's Gale (usually when their health is low, derp).

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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I'm curious Rhaegar, what does your team consist of?

MaMU and 9 clones with German numbers for names. Also, different colored hair. I've tried a number of combinations of Skills, weapons, classes, and the like. I change it forevery convention I go to. Presently, it's half Sorcerers and half Assassins/Warriors. Everyone has the same Skill combination of Lethality, Vengeance, Miracle, and Counter. I'll probably drop Miracle for something else, though, like Lucky 7, since Miracle, like Aegis and Pavise, isn't activated by Dual Strikes. Miracle is great but has its downfall. Hit/Avo is crucial in StreetPass. Crit/Dodge, not so much.

Miracle can be good on a tanky unit, such as a Sorcerer, since their defenses give them a chance of Miracle actually saving them. Count on taking 12 hits per round, 8 of which will bypass Aegis, Pavise, Miracle, and Counter. Your units will not x2 attack theirs without Braves, nor will they evade without Lucky 7, Breakers, or the like.

I can never decide between equipping Brave Bows or 1-2 range physical weapons to my physical units. Equipping bows forces the enemy to engage at 1 range, thereby taking Counter damage, while 1-2 range ensures that I'll be able to land a hit. Since Hit is so important, I usually go with bows.

Now, there are ways to beat either setup. No StreetPass team is unbeatable. I could defeat my own team but it would take a particular set of honey cakes. Anyone who has beaten Lunatic+ will be able to beat my team, for example, because such a player will have experience dealing with nasty Skill combos and forged Braves. Also, only 10 units? Not such a great challenge. This is why Lethality is a must-have. This skill alone has caused many resets, because my team is virtually guaranteed to activate it at least once in every match, provided enough units can actually attack, as my friends, who are no slouches, can attest.

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MaMU and 9 clones with German numbers for names. Also, different colored hair. I've tried a number of combinations of Skills, weapons, classes, and the like. I change it forevery convention I go to. Presently, it's half Sorcerers and half Assassins/Warriors. Everyone has the same Skill combination of Lethality, Vengeance, Miracle, and Counter. I'll probably drop Miracle for something else, though, like Lucky 7, since Miracle, like Aegis and Pavise, isn't activated by Dual Strikes. Miracle is great but has its downfall. Hit/Avo is crucial in StreetPass. Crit/Dodge, not so much.

Miracle can be good on a tanky unit, such as a Sorcerer, since their defenses give them a chance of Miracle actually saving them. Count on taking 12 hits per round, 8 of which will bypass Aegis, Pavise, Miracle, and Counter. Your units will not x2 attack theirs without Braves, nor will they evade without Lucky 7, Breakers, or the like.

I can never decide between equipping Brave Bows or 1-2 range physical weapons to my physical units. Equipping bows forces the enemy to engage at 1 range, thereby taking Counter damage, while 1-2 range ensures that I'll be able to land a hit. Since Hit is so important, I usually go with bows.

Now, there are ways to beat either setup. No StreetPass team is unbeatable. I could defeat my own team but it would take a particular set of honey cakes. Anyone who has beaten Lunatic+ will be able to beat my team, for example, because such a player will have experience dealing with nasty Skill combos and forged Braves. Also, only 10 units? Not such a great challenge. This is why Lethality is a must-have. This skill alone has caused many resets, because my team is virtually guaranteed to activate it at least once in every match, provided enough units can actually attack, as my friends, who are no slouches, can attest.

Yeah, the reason why Lethality is a must-have is we just need to take out 'one' fellow to force a reset.

Stability and consistency don't work for StreetPass because they're consistent to fail in killing to survive.

The unexpected death is what force the reset.

20 x 8 x 5-40% chance to activate Lethality.

The only way to prevent death from this is either have miracle/dual guarding protecting the hit or kill your team because they have a chance.

Sniper with Longbow and counter/miracle are annoying too.

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