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I am Dysfunction Junction


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Thank you for specifying which instance of the word "doubt" you were referring to now, after answering a post that featured it three times and not doing so. I now see your point.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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And how about manning up? Who the heck cares if you are gay or not ? You family could really sucks but it could also be your fault. How the hell could your mom find out if you are gay lol?

I'm hetero but never shown any girls to my family. They could think I'm gay and quite frankly I don't give a fuck. When people think you are gay they leave you alone which is awesome.

There are others things in life then relationships and sex. Just stop seeing your boyfriend and wait until you are on your own then do whatever the fuck you want. Is there someone somewhere forcing you to see him? Completely cut your ties with him. You should not get too attached to people when you are young. Anyway wait around 20 years old or so and get out. Usually at 20 your parents won't piss you off as much as when you were younger.

What I'm trying to say here is that whether you are gay or not it should not matter. You should not talk about love with your parents or show them your bf/gf. Your personal life is YOURS and not your parents'.

Maybe dad and bro don't like you because you act like a girl ? I have no idea on how you act in real life but seeing a man acting like a girl pisses off a lot of men. It's a natural guts feeling. It's not because I hate gays. It's because men that act like women are just weird.

Anyway being friend with your dad and bro is weird. I help my dad out as much as I can but he's my pops, not a friend. I don' talk at all with him but I respect him a lot.

Are you friend with your boss ? He's your superior so most likely you aren't, that's why you should not be too friendly with your dad, the same as with your teacher. Your bro is proably hetero so he does not have the same interest as you and he probably get bullied because of his gay bro. Not a cool thing for him.

Edited by BluBlaDe
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I DO NOT ACT LIKE A GIRL. I hate that stereotype. Like you wouldn't understand.

Anyways, my family is very private. They honestly treat me like that elephant in the room that everyone's ignoring.

I'm a nerd first and a homosexual second.

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I DO NOT ACT LIKE A GIRL. I hate that stereotype. Like you wouldn't understand.

Anyways, my family is very private. They honestly treat me like that elephant in the room that everyone's ignoring.

I'm a nerd first and a homosexual second.

I'm not a fan of that stereotype either!

It sounds like you got your priorities straight, but being uncomfortable in one's own home ain't fun. What do you think of the suggestions in this thread so far?

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Well my own situation is rather different, but I see a lot of similarities. I have a bit of a problem, and since my parents learned of it I have had trouble dealing with them (I hope it doesn't need to be stated that I'm not saying homosexuality is a problem, my particular thing is though). Basically they wanted to be supportive but they didn't have any idea how to and they generally made things a lot worse and always turned it around to be about them blah blah etc. So basically I moved out and severely reduced my contact with them. I don't mind my parents and I'm very fond of my siblings (who don't know about it) and it was easier to be more optimistic about my relationship with my family when I didn't spend so much time with them. We are on good terms, we don't really argue much anymore because if they're being difficult or I'm being difficult we can just go our separate ways for as long as we please. We don't talk about my problem anymore and I'm more than happy to keep it that way.

Crap I didn't mean to rush this but it turns out I have to go. I'll probably say some more stuff a bit later.

A few questions so we can better understand: How old are you? (rough answer is fine, are you a minor? in university/high school/middle school/whatever)
Do you have a job? (already asked but not answered)
Is your brother older or younger?

Also, why are people trolling? I really don't understand the thrill in that.

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High school gradurate.

Used to have part time job but it ended.

My brother is younger than me... by thirty seconds.

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