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Which next-gen home console(s) do you plan on owning?



66 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose the one that applies to you: I own/plan on owning:

    • Wii U, PlayStation 4 & Xbox One
    • Wii U & PlayStation 4
    • Wii U & Xbox One
    • PlayStation 4 & Xbox One
    • Wii U only
    • PlayStation 4 only
    • Xbox One only
    • None

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Definitely a Wii U, but I don't have enough info on the other two to actually vote. I've actually heard some pretty bad rumors concerning the Xbox One, but those are just rumors, so.... yeah.

Edited by Big Daddv
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Already got a WiiU.

I plan on getting a PS4 when both FFXV and KH3 come out since they interest me most, not going to get the PS4 sooner because I know Square enough that ever since the PS2 they enjoy announcing big titles without release dates at E3's only for them to actually come out half a decade or more later

Xboxone is just not a console I can get behind, not interested in it's additional features, a lot of them don't even work outside America and I don't agree the requirement for the Kinect to be on for the console to function. You couldn't pay me to own the system and I don't trust Microsoft to completely stick to their DRM, used game and always online reversal, to the point I'm having reservations even replacing my red-ringed 360 because I don't really want to support their consoles in any fashion given their direction.

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I already have a Wii U, and I really don't need any more home consoles because Wii U already has games coming out I care about (Smash Bros., Wind Waker HD, Mario Kart 8)

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Playstation 4 and Wii U, in that order.

I'm mainly a Sony console gamer, and for Nintendo I just usually get their handhelds (along with Sony's own handheld). As with most other longtime Sony/JRPG fans, Final Fantasy XV (once Versus XIII) and Kingdom Hearts III were the two games we had wanted for years, and we're finally getting them with the Playstation 4. Not only will I buy a PS4 for those games, but I will buy any special edition PS4's related to those games, as well as buying them in both their Japanese and English releases (you guys have no idea how big of a freakout I can have over these two games...)

As for the Playstation 4 over the XBox One, Sony's lineup of games just appeals more to me. I'm not interested in Ryse or Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall is a timed exclusive, so it will most likely arrive on the PS4 eventually. Not to mention that Sony Studios' top two studios, Naughty Dog and the bulk of the Japan studio not working on Knack and Puppeteer, have not yet announced anything, which makes them ripe to announce a game soon (SCEJ at TGS, and Naughty Dog most likely at the Spike VGA in November).

As for the Wii U, I do feel that it's similar to my 3DS right now, where I'll buy it for just one game (Fire Emblem), and then it'll collect dust as I go play my Sony consoles. Not that I have anything against SMT4, or Animal Crossing, or PXZ, but there's a fair number of games on other consoles I want to play before spending more money on Nintendo games. I'm suspecting this is most likely the case for the Wii U, so I'll probably buy a Wii U when Monolith Soft's X or FE x SMT crossover comes out, and then I'll probably sell the console once I'm done. Or, you know, maybe raffle it off here at the forums.

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I picked WiiU, and PS4. I have never played an Xbox in my life, and seeing all of the reviews for the XBone. I won't be getting it.

Since I always get Nintendo consoles, i'll be getting the WiiU. (I also have the 3DS)

PS4 too because I always loved Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Sly Cooper, and Jak and Daxter on the PS2.

(WiiU is the most likely though)

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Playstation 4 and Wii U, in that order.

I'm mainly a Sony console gamer, and for Nintendo I just usually get their handhelds (along with Sony's own handheld). As with most other longtime Sony/JRPG fans, Final Fantasy XV (once Versus XIII) and Kingdom Hearts III were the two games we had wanted for years, and we're finally getting them with the Playstation 4. Not only will I buy a PS4 for those games, but I will buy any special edition PS4's related to those games, as well as buying them in both their Japanese and English releases (you guys have no idea how big of a freakout I can have over these two games...)

As for the Playstation 4 over the XBox One, Sony's lineup of games just appeals more to me. I'm not interested in Ryse or Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall is a timed exclusive, so it will most likely arrive on the PS4 eventually. Not to mention that Sony Studios' top two studios, Naughty Dog and the bulk of the Japan studio not working on Knack and Puppeteer, have not yet announced anything, which makes them ripe to announce a game soon (SCEJ at TGS, and Naughty Dog most likely at the Spike VGA in November).

As for the Wii U, I do feel that it's similar to my 3DS right now, where I'll buy it for just one game (Fire Emblem), and then it'll collect dust as I go play my Sony consoles. Not that I have anything against SMT4, or Animal Crossing, or PXZ, but there's a fair number of games on other consoles I want to play before spending more money on Nintendo games. I'm suspecting this is most likely the case for the Wii U, so I'll probably buy a Wii U when Monolith Soft's X or FE x SMT crossover comes out, and then I'll probably sell the console once I'm done. Or, you know, maybe raffle it off here at the forums.

Practically this for me.

I would likely hold myself from buying any next-gen console until a price drop or worse, when the game I want is out. Demon's Souls 2 or Valkyria Chronicles 4 would be totally a no-brainer for me to buy PS4 immidiately regardless of price drop. While Wii U if Nintendo don't have any price drop near the time of SMTxFE release, then I will wait for any further game that pique my interest. $350 just for one game is expensive and I hate dislike Mario.

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