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Series 3 DLC Possibilities

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Gigantic six man conversations between couples, their children, their children's husband/wife and their in laws.

I want to see crazy family shenanigans.

I've always wanted this and I love you for bringing it up. I want tharja to scream at gerome while Morgan is screaming at Noire.

Also custom battle models for legacy characters, plus fix the streetpass bug, I need Amelia on my team!

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Just my own wishful thinking, but maybe they could have the final chapters of previous games, where Chrom and his army takes the place of the army that assisted the main lord of the previous game, and they relive the fight, with unique models for the bosses and old main lord.

For example, the final chapter of Rekka no Ken, Chrom and his army are under Eliwood's command fighting against Nergal and his Morphs. Eliwood has a unique class heavily resembling his Knight Lord class, and Nergal is the same, resembling a Dark Druid. Hector has a Great Lord class and Lyn has a Blade Lord class.

Other DLC chapters would be the final bosses of other games, with their main lords being the commander of Chrom's army.

Rewards could be an item similar to Dread Scroll and Wedding Bouquet, in that it allows specific characters to promote to a new class. Different items would be released for each chapter, granting the DLC/Spotpass Lords of that chapter the chance to promote to their old promoted Lord design, with matching attack animations and such, but all of these items would also work for Chrom and Lucina, because they're both Lords too. Also, the villain of the chapter (In this case, Nergal) can also use the item to promote to their old class as well.

I just think something like this would be nice because it allows players to understand the main trial older generations in the Fire Emblem world had to face.

I also think the reward would be nice because my nostalgia! It was something I felt awkward about when the DLC was first released. I mean, I understand that they wanted to help players feel more comfortable with the old characters/new class design by having special artwork done for some of them, but it still just isn't the same. Some characters didn't even get this treatment... I remember Hector for being a badass swinging axes around single-handedly, not for the extreme amount of armour he had, struggling to run at the enemy. I remember Ike for being a mercenary being made to command the army of Begnion, not for being Mr. Roboto. As for class abilities, they could easily throw existing abilities to those classes. Aether, Aptitude... Knight Lord could even get a redesigned Wyrmsbane that works for that class too, instead of just Manaketes, because of how Eliwood had to fight the Fire Dragon at the end. On top of this, why not give Ike's Hero Lord class the unique Aether animation he once had?

Finally, I understand certain animations, mainly Lyn's Blade Lord animations, might not work so well in the Awakening world, because the disappearing ninjutsu stuff is completely out of place. But I still think small adjustments could be made to resemble what her old animation was like. If we made Lyn's critical animation look like Astra from Path of Radiance for example... Lots of blinding speed, but without the disappearing blurs and stuff.

LOVE IT!i would love to help defeat the final boss from the past games with my team!

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What if we win we get a better version of the legacy character of some units even if it like dual stike + on eliwood or rally strength lyn even just wrath eirika just stupid random skills on main charcters.

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I think a DLC involving going to Chon'sin would be cool. Or a ridiculous Manakete Scroll that you can only get once, even if you repeat the DLC.

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I want the butler class for males and the slayer class for females.

Butlers get support skills, slayers get skills that give them a bonus against risen.

Yes good

and I'm a fan of the Historical Battles idea as well. Also sign me up for anything that has to do with better character development.

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I think a DLC involving going to Chon'sin would be cool.

I like this idea. Explore more of the world map. Maybe they could add some as Spotpass paralogues. Also agree with BS type DLC episodes. How about one where Gregor saves Nowi from her captors?

It's funny because before the series 2 DLC I was on the fence concerning a hypothetical series 3, but the Scrambles and FP were that damn good.

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We need a arc where we go after Banto after nowi told tiki about her friend "banter" the manakete at the end we find a male manakete really called banter instead of the manakete she was looking

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I honestly would like some completely DLC-original content; more than just more Einherjar shenanigans (although one last Eliwood+Hector+Sigurd campaign with them would be nice) or obvious fanservice or even expanding on things that are already present.

What I'd really like is DLC that actually adds more content not just to the game, but to its world and narrative as well. My idea was something like DLC Paralogues, where they add additional chapters to your map from which you can recruit additional fully fleshed-out characters with complete lists of support options of their own. (And custom head/body models) Maybe they'd even have child characters attached to them! Ideally, the DLC Paralogues would form their own sort of sidestory arc; maybe about three to six chapters long, depending on the plot? And, although I'm certainly not holding my breath, recruitable Soldier, Merchant and base!Barbarian characters would be lovely.

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Chrom x Cordelia

Hooray rewriting her entire support set and conditions hell.


The very thought of that repulsive gender-ambiguous female Japanese sentence pattern using piece of filth as a playable DLC character disgusts me.

In all seriousness guys, all the DLC suggestions you guys are throwing out as actual game mechanics sort of... isn't possible.

For example, the spotpass paralogues that still affect the map as well as it showing up in the records at the end, like the Wellspring of Truth... after they're "downloaded" and you take out your SD card... They are still playable. Which means the content is still ON THE GAME ITSELF.

Everything else of DLC, has been able to function whenever the SD card isn't on there when replaced by things the game can handle. That's not going to happen when the actual game code is modified.

Not to be a killjoy, but honestly, as soon as people throw the world "DLC" out, they throw out the limitations of the game.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Definitely a side episode with Morgan. or maybe some behind-the-scenes stuff. I would like to see some of the things that happens during the story, but not in the eyes of the player. I want something similar to Future of Despair. (I refuse to call it by its lame translated name.) Something that gives me suspense and horror and MOAR character insight.

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As said before...

- More character customization: Like new hair options for your Avatar, Black Knight being an actual Black Night, ingame models having REAL feet...

- Wider supports & marriage options: It's kind of lame that character A can pair up with character B but they do not talk at all.

- Sidestories that are not always based on Outrealm clashes, but on the main storylyne: Be them Plegia, Valm or Morgan-themed.

- Emphasize player's choices: For example, I wanted to be Grima and spread chaos and utter destruction...

To be honest, anything that it's not just Outrealm fighting would be okay. I do love Summer Scramble and game-enhancing stuff too, but I'd like to see things from another perspective. I think the main storyline can be furthermore explained and developed. Just finished the game and I found the post-timeskip part kind of rushed...

Edit because of meh cellphone, writing skills.

Edited by Aethel
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Hm, so new models and stuff would be out of the question. D: Oh well... I hope for at least more story-stuff then. Future of Despair was beautiful.

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Hm, so new models and stuff would be out of the question.

Not really. That's perfectly viable because they default to Tactician when it's not on the SD card.

New gameplay modes, like Online multiplayer, or DLC that are actually spots on the map, or supports related are pretty much "no".

Why do you think Emmeryn's and the rest of the Spotpass character "supports" are on the Hot Spring DLC? I mean her siblings were an obvious support as well as Renha/Yen'fay and Say'ri.

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Not really. That's perfectly viable because they default to Tactician when it's not on the SD card.

New gameplay modes, like Online multiplayer, or DLC that are actually spots on the map, or supports related are pretty much "no".

Why do you think Emmeryn's and the rest of the Spotpass character "supports" are on the Hot Spring DLC? I mean her siblings were an obvious support as well as Renha/Yen'fay and Say'ri.

Ohh. 8U; Right. That's a dang shame, but now I get it.

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Apolocolocyntheosis. A mix of Outrealm DLC, Scramble and Challenge Map, which great you Claud as a reward, with a new portrait.

Anna invites you to the Outrealm Veggie Fair, where all the Einheijar are reunited. They proposed you a fight aginst all the strongest Ancient Heroes, leaded by Claud. Every costumes is remplaced with a fruit/vegetables themed ones. For example, Sorcerer wears Tomatocostume, and General wears Pinapple Armour...

You can have special discussion with the 12 Outrealm Einheijar, while you fight extremely strong Einheijar. Claud wears a Colocynth costume in his battle.

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Apolocolocyntheosis. A mix of Outrealm DLC, Scramble and Challenge Map, which great you Claud as a reward, with a new portrait.

Anna invites you to the Outrealm Veggie Fair, where all the Einheijar are reunited. They proposed you a fight aginst all the strongest Ancient Heroes, leaded by Claud. Every costumes is remplaced with a fruit/vegetables themed ones. For example, Sorcerer wears Tomatocostume, and General wears Pinapple Armour...

You can have special discussion with the 12 Outrealm Einheijar, while you fight extremely strong Einheijar. Claud wears a Colocynth costume in his battle.

So since the Sorcerers are tomatoes... are they now Nosferatomatoes? :XD:

I'm sosososo sorry, I couldn't resist.

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So since the Sorcerers are tomatoes... are they now Nosferatomatoes? :XD:

I'm sosososo sorry, I couldn't resist.

Hey didn't think about that.

Well, Tomato juice is a substitute for blood, so that's what vegan vampires will drink, I suppose.

Pineapple armour was obviously based on Arden

Apolocolocyhntosis was a satirical play about Emperor Claudius, where he was rebornas a Colocynth.

(Don't explain the joke)

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$10 Sigurd DLC.

... Where your entire party dies from Meteor spam in an unwinnable map after the ending event of the regular mission. |D

Then, after you lose all your units, you get ALL of the the second gens from FE4 as your party!

I would keep playing even after that. I'd rather have Seliph's army over Chrom's any day.

I know, it's clear I have a bias for FE4.

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$10 Sigurd DLC.

... Where your entire party dies from Meteor spam in an unwinnable map after the ending event of the regular mission. |D

Alvis, you dastard!

...I had to get that one in

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