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About Aethel

  • Birthday May 16


  • Member Title
    That Nosferatu guy

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Awesome, many thanks guys. It's the first time I'm buying a DLC, but FE is FE, and in this case it feels like a nice add, not that it was cut-off from the game for MONEH. Thanks again :)
  3. Hey, Don't know if this was answered earlier (hope not, because it's a pretty lame question to ask lol), but anyway. I'm planning on getting me some DLC by tomorrow and I'd like to know one stupid question: Does it matter the order you buy them to the order they are shown ingame? I mean, I'm not the wealthiest guy around, so I'm going for the Golden Pack and Future of Despair or whatever is it called here in Europe. If I get those and then I get Champions of Yore 2 & 3 (got 1 for free), will they be shown in order, or just the way I chronologically bought them? Thanks. I'll get dat bikini fanservice too
  4. 2nd Gen Morgan all the way. As said before, marrying 2nd gen characters feels wrong (Even though I'm planning on marrying Lucina and Severa on my next runs). So I tend to marry the Avatar with 1st Gen women. Namely Tharja/Cordelia/Cherche. I've yet to start a Breed Emblem: Engineering playthrough, so I basically don't care about genetics and game-breaking 3rd Gen manakete-morgans. But someday I'll give it a try. Hope the 3DS screen can take it. Edit: Typos
  5. Words of wisdom. Vantage alone is way more useful than Wrath is, plus Vantage+Sol is a pretty nice combo in my book.
  6. Let's just say the only characters that stayed as Dark Fliers in any my files were Sumia, Cynthia or Lissa. I find Cordelia a beast as a Hero, so I just go quick to get her Galeforce'd and then reclass her asap. As for other characters, I've yet to make a Female Avatar run, so she may end up as one. But in other cases I just get Galeforce and move out of the class. I do love Dark Flier, but it would be more dark if you could get Shadowgift (not counting Aversa nor Morgan). Anyway, I always have at least one, flying casters are useful... and pretty cool too.
  7. Got no maths to back me up now, so my post will be mostly based on personal criteria. I've used Sumia in all my runs, and she's never dissapointed me. I don't expect her to be a flying general, so I found her defense flaw quite reasonable. Plus, the pair-up system and those fancy tonics cover up for that lack of defense, I'm no pro, and play mostly for the sake of completing the games on every difficulty (yet to clear Luna+ & DLCs), but I must say Sumia is a great unit in my book. Flying makes the difference in many chapters, plus access to Luna, the dreaded Galeforce... Made a fine Dark Flier in my runs (knight Sumia is OP at first). As said before, got no maths, nor the experience in highest difficulty to talk, but I just wanted to cheer Sumia a little :D I do find the character cute, but does not qualify to rate her, so never mind that.
  8. First of all, thanks for posting this. I like to read these kind of interviews, even though the feet part is not so clear for me. It's true that most of the time your eyes are glued to characters' upper body (no pun intended), but since I'm quite the fussy guy about details... Nah, nevermind. It's nice to read what the creators think about their game (I like IS' works), specially since I read in one of my country's magazines something about that Awakening could be the last FE if the sales were not good enough. Seems that they are more than good, and that answer about a HD FE in progress for WIi U was... ambiguous :)
  9. As always, I've yet to finish the latter DLCs and my Lunatic+ run (and the three runs I've made were basically about enjoying the storyline, making pair-ups, and testing the skill-legacy thing haha, and breeding galeforce squad), but I'd go for Aether. That healing is always pretty handy, plus the Luna effect that was already talked about in this topic. Astra's cool, and stuff, don't get me wrong. I've enjoyed Astra a lot since I got it first in Radiant Dawn, but I think Aether is better (not taking Rightful King into account).
  10. "Pick a god and pray" is a pretty cool one, to be honest. Made me see Frederick in a new light. "I'm gonna kill you!" was cool until "Yeah, blood!" came out. "Line 'em up" and "Special delivery!" are good too (I'm not being biased at all). Lucina's "I challenge my fate" is probably one of the best, if not the best, lines to hear in Awakening. The best 2nd gen character by far, and easily one of the best characters in the game. Tharja's "You're already dead..." it's already cool enough, but it also made me think about ripping my shirt off and... (You WA shock!). Plus, DAT JAPANESE GIGGLE :D "BLOOD AND THUNDER!". Though "TO THE ABYSS WITH YOU!" sounds good too. Love when Noire snaps. "My sword hand twiches" is automatically top-3. Owain cracks me up, and is one of my fave children characters. "Down, sword hand!". There are many others, but the post would be huge... And I'm so lazy. So, I'll pick "I challenge my fate" over "My sword hand twiches" and "Yeah, blood!". It's such a powerful and meaningful line... "Pick a dog and play!" is awesome.
  11. But Galeforce is mah life D: Welcome to SF, ay you use your turn-advantage for the greater good. I enjoy learning and using new languages too, so forgive me if I make some grammar mistakes sometimes. English is not my mother tongue.
  12. Got yet to play the latter DLC content (yay, Europe) and Lunatic+ so maybe I'm not a qualified guy to speak about the matter, but I think Luna takes the cake. Not just because of avaliability and higher activation rate (IIRC, not sure at all), but the fact that it does not depend on having good str/mag stats to boost its damage. Ignis worked smoothly on Avatar, Morgan and even Noire, but I prefer Luna's fixed damage overall...
  13. Well, I do find almost every English voice pretty well, but since I've been a bit of an anime junkie in the past I always play with the Japanese ones on. I expected the English dub to be worse, tbh, but Japanese voice were really great news for me. As said before, this is the most anime-like FE ever, and that includes character archetypes using typical anime characterization devices like hair colour and voices. I can see why people find Olivia's japanese voice slightly annoying, but it really suits her character. I think good dubs give new insight on characters, but that's another story. I'd say I like both dubs. Even if I find english Severa quite irritating sometimes.
  14. Hey, Just welcoming back even if it's one day after lol. Enjoy,
  15. Aethel


    Hey, Just try to enjoy your stay and feel free to purge any Henry avatar you see! Nah, welcome :)
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