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Duel Masters, anyone?


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Initial Deck:

Light Cards:
Grand Gure, Space Guardian x1 (Guardian Type 6 for 9000 Blocker)
Holy Awe x2 (Shield Trigger, 6 to tap all enemy creatures)
La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian x4 (Guardian Type, 1 for 2000 Blocker)
Senatine Jade Tree x3 (3 for 4000 attacker)
Larba Geer, The Immaculate x1 (Guardian Evolution, 3 for 5000 that taps all enemy blockers)
Magris, Vizier of Magnetism x4 (Initiate Type, 4 for 3000 that draws a card)
Sieg Balicula, The Intense x1 (Initate Evolution, 3 for 5000 that gives my other light creatures the blocker ability)
Kolon, The Oracle x4 (Shield Trigger, 4 for 1000 that taps one enemy creature)
Re Bil, Seeker of Archery x1 (7 for 6000 double breaker, gives all other light creatures 2000 power)
Sarius, Vizier of Suppression x4 (Initiate Type, 2 for 3000 Blocker)

Crystal Memory x2 (Shield Trigger, 4 to search my deck for any card and add it to my hand)
Illusionary Merfolk x1 (5 for 4000, draws 3 cards if I have a Cyber Lord)
Spiral Gate x4 (Shield Trigger, 2 to return any creature to hand)
Unicorn Fish x4 (4 for 1000, return an enemy creature to hand)
Corile x4 (Cyber Lord Type, 5 for 2000, return an enemy creature to the top of opponent's deck)

Mr. Dabba's Shop Tournament 3-0
I take out Re Bil, Seeker of Archery to follow the no double breaker rule. No losses here, but a water deck full of coriles, unicorn fish, and aqua surfers gave me a lot of trouble.

Mall 5-Civilization Tournament 8-1
I put in a token darkness card to reach the 3-color rule. The matches here gave me more trouble than I thought, giving me a loss against a deck with large evolution creatures.

Barbara's Shop 12-2
My deck had no survivors, so I can finish at least one rule here. Unfortunately, another tough break against some water/darkness deck, getting out Astral Warper and slamming down coriles to keep my Grand Gure, Space Guardian from saving me.

1st Tournament 18-4
I actually got a match loss and game over on my first attempt. Corile and Unicorn Fish are kind of jerks. :( (But not big enough anti-jerks, apparently) Everything is good after that.

Around this time, I start buying a bunch of booster packs. I need DM-07 packs to get Kizar Basiku, The Outrageous. He lives up to his name, being an 8500 double breaker/blocker Initiate evolution for a mere 5 mana! After finding 2 copies after around 15 boosters, he gives me a huge boost in destroying other large creatures (Crystal Lancer, especially!) and as an aggressive double breaker.

There is also a certain super rare I try to get from DM-06, but no dice. Rom, Vizier of Tendrils serves as a decent upgrade from Kolon the Oracle though. (No shield trigger, but +1000 power and it's an INITIATE)

Tate's Shop Tournament 21-5
I can only use 2 creature types here, so guardians and iniates have to do the job here. The lack of coriles here hurts, helping a survivor deck with an aggressive draw run over me.

On a positive note, I get a few survivors packs and get Aqua Surfers. Being a creature+returning an opponent's creature to hand, it's one of the best shield triggers in the game.

Barbara and 5-Civilization Tournaments again 27-5

Just qualifying for the 2nd tournament here. ;[ 4 color civilizations and no evolution creatures are pretty managable, so I go with these two.

2nd Arena Tournament 33-5

No problems here, even with a couple of nature and darkness cards I accidently left in after the last tournament. :P

Harbor Shop Tournament 36-5

This is a 3 civilization tournament. Again, I go with the Light mainstays of Initiates and Guardians, except I get to use Coriles this time!

DM-08 is available to buy, so I pick up 4 Sol Galla, Halo Guardians from boosters. It's pretty versatile, being able to both block and attack players for a mere 2 mana, while gaining 3000 power for each spell during each turn. It's also a GUARDIAN, making Larba Geer, The Immaculate much easier to use.

Learning the Kaijudo Code 37-5

This is a silly part of the game where you basically become Mimi's little errand boy. I beat the generic looking MASTER DUELIST and quickly forfeit 2 matches against Kokujo to fulfill the requirements.


At this point in the game, it seems my deck has become much more reliable. The Sol Galla, Halo Guardians prove their worth, preventing small enemy creatures from attacking and providing a nice creature rush after my blockers take over the board.

Getting the Teleporter Keys 47-5

Facing Totem creature is not a big issue, but WHALE creature nearly takes a game from me (though not the match.) Multiple Crystal Lancers obliterate all of my shields, but Kizar Basiku, The Outrageous is able to kill them off. With those dealt with, the match is mine for the taking.

Saving freaking Shobu 49-5

I beat whatshisname in a single game (not even best of 3?) by again barely pulling through without a single shield remaining. Afterwards, Shobu challenges me and I must oblige. He plays a bunch of Fire Birds and zero dragons, so he was a laughable pushover.

Final Record: 49-5 (-2 losses from the Kokujo "match", +2 losses from my unsaved game over losses)

Final Deck:
Grand Gure, Space Guardian x1 (Guardian Type 6 for 9000 Blocker)
Holy Awe x2 (Shield Trigger, 6 to tap all enemy creatures)
La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian x3 (Guardian Type, 1 for 2000 Blocker)
Larba Geer, The Immaculate x2 (Guardian Evolution, 3 for 5000 that taps all enemy blockers)
Magris, Vizier of Magnetism x4 (Initiate Type, 4 for 3000 that draws a card)
Sarius, Vizier of Suppression x4 (Initiate Type, 2 for 3000 Blocker)
Kizar Basiku, The Outrageous x2 (Initiate Evolution, 5 for 8500 blocker and Double breaker with Fire Stealth)
Rom, Vizier of Tendrils x3 (Initiate Type, 4 for 2000 that taps an enemy creature)
Sol Galla, Halo Guardian x4 (Guardian Type, 2 for 1000 Blocker and attacker that gets +3000 for a turn each time a spell is cast)

Crystal Memory x2 (Shield Trigger, 4 to search my deck for any card and add it to my hand)
Illusionary Merfolk x2 (5 for 4000, draws 3 cards if I have a Cyber Lord)
Spiral Gate x3 (Shield Trigger, 2 to return any creature to hand)
Corile x4 (Cyber Lord Type, 5 for 2000, return an enemy creature to the top of opponent's deck)
Aqua Surfer x4 (Shield Trigger, 6 for 2000 that returns an enemy creature to hand)

Overall, everything went pretty well. My lack of answers against large evolution creatures was a huge problem early on, but after an OUTRAGEOUS solution and general deck improvements, I was able to take the edge in some of the closer games.

Edited by SRC
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Part 2 Go!

- Mr. Dabba tourney

No Multi Breaker

No Spell

Deck Edit: Remove spells from random lulz

Duel 1: Random poop ass Light Deck with Kukay. Worm Control reigns supreme!

Duel 2: Light Guardian Deck. Worm offense

Duel 3: Dark deck with no offense like mine

6 - 0

4 booster, 300 Credits wheee!!!

Spam Stomp a Trons gogogo

Edit Deck into Base Deck

- Big Tourney #1

Sieg Ballicula is a bitch

Ghost spam is no match for Dark Offense!(dat shadow age is annoying

Dark Dude. Just don't use Shadow Moon!

12 - 0

- Mimi Quest

Kokujo – Give up twice for 12 – 2

Da Boy - LOLSURVIVOR 13 – 2

- Barbara Again

Deck: -4 Chaos Worm, + 1 Gigaclaws and 3 Lone Tear

Duel 1 – Chimera Spammer vs Dark Spammer

Duel 2 – God damn Corile. Almost lost

Duel 3 – Fire + Light deck. Lol

Also 2 Bolmeteus!

16 – 2

Set up ZE Default Deck

And thats it for Part 2

Current Stats:


- Big Tourney #2

Deck: Default

Duel 1 – Vashiane - Water deck

Duel 2 – God damn firebird

Duel 3 – Another Corile

Current Score:

22 - 2


Fuck this tourney

- Kaijudo #4:

Go to Mimi and do errants, and Ze Ring

- Kaijudo #5:

Go to Knight and say Imma do mai bestoh

Buy as much Stomp as possible

And thats it for part 2. One for Tourney and the endgame is coming

22 -2

House Rules:

- Dabba:

No Multi Breaker

All Common

No Spell

- 5 Civilization:

3 Civ

4 Civ

5 Civ

- Barbara:

No Blocker

No Evo

No Survivor

- Tatum:

Single Cards

1 Race

2 Race

- Harbor:

Evo Crushinator Deck

3 Race

Stomp a Trons Deck

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Tatum - Do twice because I forgot about the House Rules. 2 Race(Ghost and Worm)

3 Civilization - Default deck with Phantom Dragon Flame and Aqua Surfer Tech

Harbor - Do the 3 Race(Ghost, Hedrian, Worm)

House Rules:

- Dabba:

No Multi Breaker

All Common

No Spell

- 5 Civilization:

3 Civ

4 Civ

5 Civ

- Barbara:

No Blocker

No Evo

No Survivor

- Tatum:

Single Cards

1 Race

2 Race

- Harbor:

Evo Crushinator Deck

3 Race

Stomp a Trons Deck

34 - 2

- Tourney


4 Gregorian Worm

4 Horrid Worm

4 Bloody Squito

4 Terror Pit

4 Chaos Wurm

4 Mongrel Man

2 Marrow Ooze, The Twister

4 Shadow Moon, Cursed Shade

2 Scratchclaw

3 Proclamation of Death

4 Lone Tear, Shadow of Solitude

1 Frost Specter, Shadow of Age

Big Tourney

Lolstomp with default deck

Also Aqua Surfer is a bitch

40 - 2

- Turtles and Totem!

Nature and Darkness deck is lol

The Turtles is, again a bitch

44 - 2

- Gyujiro Indonesia

> 1 battle against a Dark Deck

> Put Shadow Moon in Mana zone


- Shobu

His fire bird deck stinks

46 - 2

Final Result:


Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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- Corile is a bitch

- Dark Duelists is annoying because lolshadowmoon

- Corile is a bitch

- Water is a bitch

- Corile is a bitch

- Mist Rias is a joke enemy


Bloody Squito and THE WORM are gghax card. Mongrel Man is a bro.

Also I barely need to edit my deck because Worm Control is hax like that


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