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Who do you think are the cutest children

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Ugly Tier



Fan art makes Lucina look pretty. Her ingame portrait just doesn't do her much justice.

And c'mon! Brady may not be the prettiest guy around, but he has a good heart. :( And Demoiselle


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I said I didn't like her design overall. It's not her portrait. And fanart isn't official art, so I don't count it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah. I think her design is too Marth-like (and I never liked Marth's design much either) and I don't like her layered hair. I was never a fan of flat chests on nearly grown up girls either and I've seen much prettier faces (not that Lucina's face is actually ugly though, But I don't find it cute either).

I realize the resemblance to Marth is due to her disguise, but I would have greatly preferred that "Marth" have been a separate being, perhaps an evil, corrupted Einherjar or entirely different phantom working for Grima and Validar.

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Yeah. I think her design is too Marth-like (and I never liked Marth's design much either) and I don't like her layered hair. I was never a fan of flat chests on nearly grown up girls either and I've seen much prettier faces (not that Lucina's face is actually ugly though, But I don't find it cute either).

I realize the resemblance to Marth is due to her disguise, but I would have greatly preferred that "Marth" have been a separate being, perhaps an evil, corrupted Einherjar or entirely different phantom working for Grima and Validar.

Haha, I guess she is a little too much of a Marth lookalike, but it makes sense in game and it never really bothered me. And coming from someone who would actually prefer to have a flat chest in this day and age, I found it refreshing to have someone with a flatter chest; there are plenty enough more women in the game who don't have flat chests to fill the quota, so its not a huge loss. But yeah, to each their own. I find Lucina beautiful, but then again I don't find any of the characters to be ugly either (except maybe Walhart and Excellus). And she's my daughter; I'm terribly biased. So sue me. :P

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Well, I hate my tiny breasts and wish they were bigger. I'm not a fan of huge breasts at all either though. In fact, I find those even more unattractive than flat chests. Lucina is flatter than even me though, so that makes her lose points.

But yes, each to their own.

I've noticed though, SL, that when it comes to our opinions, we either agree completely, or disagree entirely. It's never kinda or sorta. XD

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Haha, I dunno, maybe. I know there were a few characters or pairings we were both "meh" about or something, wasn't there? But while there are some things I won't budge in, I tend to be passive in my opinions for the most part. The important thing is respecting opinions, which I most certainly do for yours and others. :3

And yeah, I see where your coming from about the chest thing, but I have the opposite problem; I don't have a big chest per se, but build wise I'm tiny, so it looks huge on me. Every year I wish for a smaller chest... T_T

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Maybe. And I see. I tend to be pretty adamant about my own opinions, since they are quite difficult to change. xP

But yes, the important thing is to respect opinions, which I also do.

Edited by Anacybele
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.... But this is about the children. :P

I know that. I just couldn't miss an occasion to remember poor Kella's Adorkableness :wub:

Anyway, how do we define cute here ? Is it the physical aspect, or the personality. Though, Iñigo wins at both without a doubt. Lucina is pretty good at both too.

Cynthia has an awesome personnality, and tswintails = Kawaii.

Brady isn't particulary good looking, but all his discussion makes you go "dawwww". I like him.

yarne generally annoys me, but he can be sweet.

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Bunny tier


Adorable but not always a bunny tier

Morgan (F)

Your face is kinda scary but your personality is just so adorable and I want to hug you tier


Even the cute must pay their dues tier







You look better with your mask on tier


Your face is weird and you're not Brady tier


Morgan (M)

...Next tier, please.




Gerome with no mask

All of the female children are designed to be cute, and they're just that. The male children are hit and miss.

Edited by Pikachu
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Nah, Lucina, and Noire.
They're adorable. ^-^

Inigo and Gerome for the best looking hawt guys.

Edited by ポーラ
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Gerome would be more handsome without his ugly mask. D8 I wish he'd get rid of it completely. I just can't use him.

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And yeah, I see where your coming from about the chest thing, but I have the opposite problem; I don't have a big chest per se, but build wise I'm tiny, so it looks huge on me. Every year I wish for a smaller chest... T_T

Actually, I have a small build too (I'm only about 5' even)...but my breasts are too small still. I've seen women my size with bigger breasts, but not so big that it makes them look dumb. xP At least to me. But you can at least fix your problem with boob reduction. I'd have to go artificial if I want bigger breasts and I hate the idea of doing that.

Edited by Anacybele
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Never thought I'd ask this, but why are we talking about the collective our boobs?

EDIT: By the way, that means personal boobtalk is for either a boobs thread or PMs, girls.

Edited by Integrity
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It was only me and SL, not everyone. xP

And we got into it because of my comment about Lucina being flat and that being unattractive to me.

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Multiple people still warrants a collective pronoun (i never said everyone) and that segued into personal boobtalk, which is totally a derail. I fail to see your complaint?

Take it up with me via PM if you're still confused, ok.

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hey now, Morgan can be a bunny ;):

Oh yeah that's true! That completely slipped my mind. I keep forgetting Morgan (F) can be part taguel or manakete. Thanks for the reminder!

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Well, I really like Lucina's design. It's refreshing to see a flat, adult (or almost adult) woman in a videogame. Most flat-chested girls in videogames are little girls (like mature women can't have flat chests, that's ridiculous!), so I appreciate Lucina's design for that. I'd say the same about Cordelia if the game didn't make such a big deal of it...

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In defense of Lucina's flat chest...she was trying to pass as a man, so you know, flattening her chest on purpose is probably a thing she did, a la Sheik. Her Great Lord design has more boobage since by then everyone already knows she's a girl. :B

I know it's not the only thing people don't like about her design, but just thought I'd bring it up.

In other news, we are officially out of things to talk about regarding this game

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