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Alright, so I was stomping around these streetpasses at con like big playground when --shot-.

No, really I found a rather interesting bug involving a Nowi!Morgan, or a rather... ill-sided one.

Alright, so here's this team:

[spoiler=Image, Team: Beta's Gr8 M8's]



Anyways the weirdness begins:

Firstly here's his Nah:

[spoiler=Image, Beta's Nah]


Which as you can see, this guy has some weird choices for rallies, but that's not the issue-- Nah's got Rally Spectrum, which is only possible if he married Nowi.

Now here's the bug, his Morgan.

[spoiler= "Image, His bugged Morgan"]


Notice, she's missing something, namely her weakness Icon. She may not be a Manakete at the current moment, but she still should be retaining her weakness to Dragon.

Now, there is another bug that is highly similar-- the Spotpass!Tiki bug, which if you reclass Spotpass!Tiki she'll occasionally lose access to Manakete and her Dragon Weakness... now if this bug can affect Morgan too, I don't know, but seeing it here makes me think it might be a possibility, a rather... saddening possibility (As Morgan can't be fixed like Tiki can.) but a possibility none-the-less.

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Uh, it appears that he did marry Nowi, because Nah has the same hair color as his Avatar while Morgan has Nowi's hair color. xP

He realizes that.

Notice, she's missing something, namely her weakness Icon. She may not be a Manakete at the current moment, but she still should be retaining her weakness to Dragon.

Remember... Streetpass transmission data has to be practical. For one thing, that may be the reason the US and European versions have the Streetpass bug that the JP one doesn't.

Anyways, it probably only keeps track of the skills and hair colors of each character, not actual restrictions and elements that would be confined to Morgan as a character if their parent was a Taguel or Manakete. It's not like it's that much of a big deal anyway.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Uh, it appears that he did marry Nowi, because Nah has the same hair color as his Avatar while Morgan has Nowi's hair color. xP

I... sorta was trying to get the point across that this "Beta" definitely married Nowi.

The point though, is that, Morgan, in that scenario is weak to Falchions/Wyrmslayers/Book of Naga... and for whatever reason, she's not in this case.

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Rallybot Nah with dragonstone 0/10

Irrelevant (As this is about the bugged Morgan, not this otherwise rather dull dime-a-dozen I autobattle you to death non-Limit Breaker team), but you do know that unarmed units attempt to flee the fight, right (and therefore unarmed streetpass Rallybots are useless)?

Edited by Airship Canon
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and a rallybot with a weapon uses the weapon instead of rallying, yes I know. Rallies are better left to the player to control and are useless with CPU, that's all I'm saying.

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I noticed this bug too (but only after you did) with a randomly generated Morgan--she had Manakete skills, but no dragon weakness.

I think the bug's only limited to Morgan or at least Nah isn't affected by it--she retains her dragon weakness as an Assassin.

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--she retains her dragon weakness as an Assassin.

Well, she might be 2nd gen, but her starting class is a Manakete no matter what you do.

So maybe the game has that set for her character attributes... while Morgan doesn't have it by default... and the game doesn't remember it for Streetpass?

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I... sorta was trying to get the point across that this "Beta" definitely married Nowi.

The point though, is that, Morgan, in that scenario is weak to Falchions/Wyrmslayers/Book of Naga... and for whatever reason, she's not in this case.

OH, sorry! My mistake, I feel really stupid for not realizing. >_<

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